Stop removing portals

Why are we getting portals to 2 expansion’s capitol cities but not the rest of them? We get Shattrath and LK Dal, the 2 major cities in those expacs, but we get Jade Forest and Azsuna for the other expacs? What kind of logic is that? Why not just make the BC portal to Hellfire and the LK portal to Borean Tundra (hate to even say that because it will likely be changed to that)? Or ya know, the logical answer, make all the portals to the hubs of the expac??

I don’t remember anyone asking for portals to be removed to capitol cities. I don’t recall anyone begging for a portal to Azsuna. So why must you remove something convenient from the players for no reason at all? And no, we don’t need another blue post telling us “we know change is hard…”. Change isn’t hard if every decision made wasn’t illogical and stupid.


LOL I didn’t make the guild name and only played FFXIV for a little a week or 2, but sounds like a better system than this silliness.

That’s like saying give up that fancy car you payed thousands of dollars for and insurance to just travel by foot across the country to play your sport.You got there only to feel you can’t find the energy to play.


Talk down to “reasonably”? Na it wasn’t even resonable at all based on community manager response. That response sounds like " we don’t care, we just want more money from you guys"


Soon they going sell portal on their blizzard store…


pretty much this.


The fact that Blizz is focused on making pre-BFA content feel “bigger” is a good indicator of how small BFA really is. Maybe instead of designating resources to make this change that literally no one asked from you (Blizz), you could make BFA more worth our time? Make THAT feel bigger.

No one needs or wants old content to feel “bigger”. People do old content to farm rare mounts/xmogs/whatever. No one wants a bigger feel to content that is 8 years old. We want CURRENT content that’s good enough for Blizz to even find it worth their time to work on making better. Not spending their time finding ways to inconvenience us.

PS- flying from Uldum to CoT does not make the world feel BIGGER. It makes it feel more tedious.


World of Warcraft and community deserve better Game Director, who cares more and harms less. After all bad news we are got so far, like gcds, Mekkatorque, ect and unwillingness to change things at any cost.


Those that think the decisions are stupid.

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Call me cynical, but I don’t think making old content inconvenient somehow makes new content (BfA) more appealing. People are running old content in droves because the current content is lacking.

That is the problem. Fix that.


Honestly I only do the old content for tmog, mounts or leveling. I don’t know if lacking content fits in that. I don’t run ICC because I’m bored of the current stuff, and I don’t do Northern Barrens for the millionth time because BfA is boring.

But current content is a problem, for sure.

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where are you planning on flying from/to which takes 20 minutes?
…surely you wouldn’t exaggerate?

Well now that’s going to be the reality for all of us once this goes into affect.

I wonder why your stock has sunk.


For years, CMs have been telling us that how we like to play the game isn’t necessarily true of the majority even when we feel like we are in the majority of people expressing our opinions.

This is true for you too, Bornakk.

Your individual experience isn’t indicative of the experience the majority of the player base desires.

We went along with rep/time gated flying because you wanted us to experience the expansions as intended from the ground. Portals make that easier to accept. This change makes that worse and makes me resent even more not being able to earn and spend gold on flight as in the past.

Not to mention - as a mage (my main) - I don’t want to be pestered for portals all the time. I don’t mind it every now and then, but given you’ve taken away access to all 3 branches of magic and haven’t given that back, class flavor went out the window a LONG time ago. Bad leg to stand on, mate.


Cant wait to “travel the big wide world of azeroth” when I just want my Dragon Soul runs over and done with. Easiest way on the top of my head to get there WITHOUT a CoT portal is fly from darnassu- i mean, take a portal to SW, fly to Booty Bay, take a boat to ratchet, and fly to tanaris.

When I need to do it 10+ times in a day its not an adventure. Its a chore. Take your “The world looks bigger” excuse and stuff it.


I hope they removed the ignore list amount restriction, because Mages going forward are going to need it a lot, I’m afraid.


I saw people out doing things, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Yeah,and 13 minutes time to get there is Zzzz… boring.Even longer from Darnassus by flight.


Agreed. I wouldn’t be shocked if the only reason this portal room even became a thought for them is because they noticed how many people were doing old content. Naturally, they noticed and now want to make it more inconvenient.

Hell, let’s just go ahead and remove flight from all content.

Kalimdor/EK Pathfinder inc? Insane to the Membrane reps will naturally be the first requirement.