Stop removing portals

Hold onto that feeling and reason for sticking around. Cause Blizz is trying very hard to chuck players out the window.

I’ve about run out of reasons (on Horde) to stick around, my server is already dead so I’m not the only one.

And to quote just highlight the text you want to quote and small “quote” box will popup. :slight_smile:

I think I’ve reached the point where I believe Blizzard don’t want this game to survive. How can you take this many dumps on your player-base and still claim to give a damn? If this is all a ploy to arbitrarily increase the play-time metrics to appease faceless suits, then consider my 5 accounts cancelled if this inanity continues.

I’ll add that my money could just as easily be going towards a developer that, while not holding any special place in their heart for me as a consumer, at least don’t continue to make a mockery of the commitment my subscription shows to wanting to enjoy the product.


It’s not unheard of to do this. I’m sure others can give examples but I know I’ve seen studios that do whatever they can to kill the game.

Maybe it’s financial reasons, staffing reasons, greedy CEO reasons but something is going on in Anaheim.

SimCity (2013) is most recent example I can think of. I know who owned Maxis at the time but that entire thing was basically how to kill a game.

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it’s based on character level… the link above your post shows the restoration restrictions.
(but this is totally unrelated to the topic… )

It’s a pretty funny way to “protest” though.

Oh, thanks! …That’s so unintuitive. >_<

Not really a protest. They’ll go ahead with the change whether I delete some extraneous toons I had little attachment to or not.

It was just a push to get it done. I feel a lot freer now.

So Blizzard is implementing the Green New Deal into the game right away?


I love that a blue said why would you go to caverns of time. They dont play this damn game anymore or care about people that do.


I’ve been thinking about doing the same, with this change it makes that decision easier. Though I like having the names reserved on the server, in case I decide to play them one day. Though it seems less likely that I will. I’m locked in with that damn Dreadwake mount subscription, otherwise some decisions would have been made.

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This has got to be the dumbest change made to the game yet. I cannot believe that this is freaking intentional lol.


It’s Schrodinger’s MMO. Is the game alive or dead inside the box? Or is it both?


#Flying in Warlords


They created (time-gating) achievements to allow flying in Warlords. They stayed firm on that decision, which carried into Legion and now BfA. It wasn’t a problem until they made it one. That decision wasn’t reverted after the reaction to it.

Flying is a totally different issue, and I’m fine with it being held back for a bit. The portals thing is just ridiculous. The reason I have a problem with this and not the flying is that the portals are being permanently removed. It’s not something you can get back like flying. It’s also something that I’ve come to rely on. I have the portal network committed to memory, and use certain portals to get to all of my farming spots faster. If the portals were being given to mages, that would be slightly annoying. To have to chase down a mage whenever I wanted to port somewhere would be rather irritating, but I’d still be okay with that. I’d also be fine with them moving to the new portal rooms. But just removing them and using the “it makes the world feel bigger” line is frankly just condescending and insulting. Kind of like the “don’t you guys have phones” response to the Diablo mobile game. Is that going to be your go-to response to everything now, Blizzard? Do things that nobody wants, and then have some arrogant comeback when people express their displeasure? I mean, it’s your games to design as you see fit. It’s also my prerogative as a consumer to not use your products or services if I find it not worth my time. To each their own, I suppose.


Well, the Jade Forest portal goes to the MoP starting zone, so presumably the Aszuna one goes to the Legion starting zone - which Aszuna was before they jammed scaling into the expansion. Presumably nobody told the portal team that things have changed a little since then, and Dalaran itself is now the Legion “starting zone”.


At some point it will end up feeling less alive because fewer people bother going to these places at all.

The longer the trip, the less likely I am go do old content. Not going to be heading to Kz through Stormwind any time soon.


But this has always been the case. There’s literally no way they thought Azsuna was the starting zone of Legion, because the scaling/choice of zone wasn’t something that came later to the expac, it was from launch.
Even then, New Dalaran is only accessible by flight. Pathfinder flight vs. instantly granted flight for Pandaria if we’re talking about the Honeydew portal.

Imagine you’re someone who comes in at 8.2, you’ve had to go back to Orgrimmar to auction some things after already using your New Dalaran Hearthstone because you’re questing at 102.
You’re now SoL because the portal back is to a spot that makes the actual expansion’s hub inaccessible until you “finish” Legion.

And sure, you can take the nearest Flight Master in Azsuna up to NewDal.
What happens if said 102 picked Val’sharah? Do you even get automatic Flight Master path unlocks without touching the zone (no seriously, never thought to look into that)?

I play on a laptop that struggles in busy places. So I plan my travel to avoid them. With a frame rate that is often in single figures it’s going to be impossible for me to move. Always in the current content full of people places I can hardly move. With even more people forced into these places I won’t be able to do anything. Saying that the old portals aren’t needed anymore is just plain stupid. I still use them all the time. And what about people who are still working on older content, how do they get anywhere? Blizzard need to listen to what people are saying. Leave our portals alone. The availability and choice of different portals, to my mind, makes the game experience more real and immersive. In the real world you can choose to travel on a motorway or explore country roads, not everyone goes the same way. It’s the same in game, I don’t want to get caught up in the great lag traffic jam that is going to be my experience when this happens, I want to choose to travel differently. Why do Blizzard keep removing and reducing our choices. I don’t want to play a linear game where there is only one way to go. I love to explore the world and I make full use of portals to do that. My many alts are always busy, if I’m stuck in lag all the time I’ll never be able to do current content which defeats the whole object of the game. By the time I can get anywhere I won’t be able to because the short-sighted devs will have removed my options to do so. The portals aren’t broken or inconveniencing anyone so LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!


I still can’t get over the notion that all of a sudden we are all supposed to enjoy spending 20 minutes flying on a taxi. Since when were taxis content?


I’m aware of the difference between these two things. However, I see a pattern now with Blizzard’s decisions over the last few years. Plus that was in response to someone else bringing up flying in a Portals Discussion.

Time-gate established features/content
Remove Quality of Life features because the designers are bored
Talk down to those that think it’s a stupid thing to do
And find the next thing to hack off at the knees.

I would love to be a fly on the wall in whatever room these decisions are made in.


If you want us to travel the world while going from place to place, then make the world worth caring about/worth travelling.

Removing portals just to add some /played time is p!ssing people off.