Stop removing portals

Yeah, I’ve accepted they are going to die on this hill. I still don’t know who this game is for anymore.


I just dont know why they have to hurt the legacy farmers i mean raiding with leases 6 is about to come out and they pull this stuff.
It seems they just sit around thinking about ways to just make the game more un fun


testing isn’t the same thing as “playing”.

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I’ve yet to be convinced that Blizz plays or tests their own game at this point.


Doing a test, from “the field” to Dragon Soul, see how long it takes with CoT portal and without.

With portal, through Dalaran, is 2:12 minutes.

With portal, through Dal to get to Org to get to Uldum, 4:44 minutes.

So over twice as long.

If I wanna run a CoT raid on 12 characters once a week, that’s a 30 minute increase. By no means a dealbreaker, but that’s half an hour of just travel time. Just busywork clicking other portals, then flying across Tanaris on a flight too short to really AFK but too long to enjoy.

I have closer to 24 characters, of course, and if I wanted to run it on all of them that’s a full hour of increased travel time for no actual gain other than feeling "ugh, this takes so much longer now.

And that’s CoT. I’d hate to think about getting to Throne of Thunder… the portal takes you clear across the continent, then you have to fly to Townlong, portal to the Isle then run without flying to the instance portal? That’s got to be at least a 10 minute trip per character of doing nothing but travel - the current portal to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms realistically only saves you a minute or two, but at least it’s centrally located.


It’s essentially a 2-minute loading screen.

Imagine the outcry if Blizzard just added 2 minutes to all loading screens in the game, just because they felt like it.


I think that nobody has asked nor wants less portals. Come on, why is this even a thing beyond making travel more time consuming for the ever precious meta? If this is not the intent then by all mean please explain this in such details as to assuage any doubts. Otherwise, everyone is justified in their concerns.


Arguably worse; it’s like a loading screen where you have to click a button every few minutes so the game knows you’re still paying attention.

Hell, you know what? Unironically? If they kept the portals in-game but made taking direct portals to non-city locations include a two minute loading screen or unskippable cutscene, I’d prefer that over having no portals at all. At least then I’d be able to do something else while I waited.


We both know they will never come up with justifications for this.
Other than “We know what’s better for our metrics (happy players)”


Just got done deleting a good 40% of the toons I was sitting on to run old content in preparation for this change.

That’s a good 20-30 hours worth of weekly playtime gone. I mean, I haven’t been logging much recently anyway, because current content is so boring and dead (it’s shocking how I can run into maybe two people running through a BofA zone even with CRZ right now!), but now I have far less incentive to come back and farm mounts I don’t have.

Which means less time spent in-game being frustrated with this expac’s lacklustre class design and less incentive to spend money on the game.

RIP to the days I’d spend 8-12 hours a day playing in MoP/WoD/Leg.


I’m not sure deleting toons is a good idea or a valid response to this. I understand why you did it, but deleting characters? Unless the characters you do have couldn’t do the old content for some reason.

You know that nice Japanese lady who asks people who want to clean up their houses, “does this spark joy?”

I realised, in the face of the tedious changes, that having ~35 toons did not, in fact, spark joy. In fact, it inspired depression.

Besides, it’s not like I can’t restore them later. My “mains” are fine, and I haven’t been playing them much lately either.


That’s fair. 120 day grace period to restore a character is plenty of time.
Though I’d argue the source of the depression is this game.

You know that feeling you get when it’s the day before school or work? Where you absolute dread going back after the weekend? That’s what most of the current expansion leaves me feeling anymore.

And no, I don’t know what Japanese lady you are talking about.

I’ll resub if I get one of the following this week before portals are removed…garrosh shoulders, invincible, or sha mount. Increase drop rate blizzard and we will accept the removal.

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IIRC as long as the toon is above level 60 or something you can restore a character at any time, no time limit.

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Probably, it’s the only info I found on their sites, so who knows.

I just went to my character list and I can undelete a worgen priest I deleted to make room for my demon hunter back in Legion, so I’m pretty sure there’s no time limit.

…I should keep that character deleted. Horde on one realm, Alliance on another.

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The world seems larger when we walk, so we should all stop driving.
I think Blizzard is following the same logic.


And to quote 3rd graders everywhere:
“Why are you hitting yourself? Quit hitting yourself!”


@ Tâssadar (I have no idea how to quote now)

Marie Kondo. I’ve never actually watched her show, but the phrase “does this spark joy” really resonated with me. I find myself making far more decisions in favour of my physical and emotional health when I think about it.

I definitely agree with your assessment of BfA, though. It is a chore. Which is such a shame, because it’s so beautiful and (with the exception of the war campaign) well-written.

I was going to stick around for Kul Tirans, because I think they’re lovely, but all the completed reps and quest chains will still be there if/when I come back.