Stop removing portals

Mario 2 music I like

Then Blizz needs to stop making stupid decisions, then talking down to it’s players as if they don’t understand. Then the CM’s wouldn’t need patience of saint.
I don’t think that’s asking too much.


I really like the city of Ironforge but no portal to it means i will only be in stormwind. Please delete those cities in the game if you think they are not important and leave only Org and Stromwind.

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I don’t understand that.
So now to get to Iron Forge, you need to go Stormwind, then to Boralus, then you get to Iron Forge. Or go through Ashran, cause that’s the hot spot to be at now?

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`[quote=“Bornakk, post:11, topic:113178, full:true”]
Do you like that?

insert Dane Cook’s DO YOU LIKE THAT? THAT DO YOU LIKE???

Also what a tool.


This is the only MMO which thinks it’s improving the game by removing long existing features.


Maybe that’s the goal? If they don’t view the game as worth it anymore they do things that drives players away.
/puts away the tinfoil hat

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Anyone saying removing portals is ‘fine’ is arguing that “more loading screens to get to the same place as before is ‘fine’”.

Ya’ll are just trolling. If you want more loading screens, just teleport around at random so you can stare at the 2d artwork instead of doing something.


Wish you did more of the decision making at Blizzard.

But the characters in the loading screens are having more fun than we are!
It’s good to know how the game used to be.

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Wait, why are you subbed for the next two years? And what subscription model allows that far out?

This right here is why WoW is losing more and more people. You are tone deaf, and it shows.

I hope some serious changes are made to the dev team of this game, starting with getting people who actually know how to listen to player feedback and react accordingly.

It starts at the top with Ion, you’re all trained in deflection and “My way or the highway” attitudes.


I’m guessing this is all that’s left a Blizzard at this point. They are left with tone deaf CM’s and the source code of Diablo 1.


On a positive note, their forum metrics have probably gone up. That’s good… right?


In that some would rather be here than engaged with the game? Yeah, I guess.

Classic is on it’s way. =P

How is that of any help to our current plight? Already did vanilla content. I am in no rush to return.

I’m starting to wonder if they didn’t lose the source code to diablo 1…wait…what am i talking about, this isn’t square enix, no one else just up and loses source codes and then makes horrible ports because they had to use older builds.

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That’s how they get us to play Classic. By reverting Quality of Life features to Vanilla to remind us that Classic is coming.

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I main a mage for a reason. If I have seen the area seven trillion times. I don’t need to see it for the Seven Trillionth and 1 time. When it takes 20 minutes real time to travel some place in a fantasy game. I am reminded of going to work. That isn’t immersive. That is BORING.

Flight paths have ALWAYS went out of the way to waste time. So much so that there 1001 memes about how bad the flight path routes are.

Blizzard never learns when it tries to change an intrinsic part of the game. Such as Flying in Warlords and removing portals in BFA.

Another thing that REALLY annoys me is the traversable terrain does not match the art work.



No, this is how they get me to take a serious look at my overflowing unplayed games in Steam.