Stop removing portals

if anything its going to make the world feel smaller to me, because i will be less likely to go out in it.


Portals, in lore, aren’t permanent. They’re opened as needed, then closed. Because they require a lot of energy. That’s why simply opening a portal from Darnassus to evacuate the entire city wasn’t an option. You can bet, even though we didn’t see it, that they were many who evacuated via “bird” or via boat.

In short, they’re in place for “game” reasons. Just like the fact that in lore, with few exceptions, all Forsaken Priests are Shadow Priests. But that can’t be done for gameplay purposes, so Forsaken can be Holy, Discipline or Shadow.

Honestly, this is what happens when a game is designed by those that don’t play games, or at the very least their own damn game. None of this makes sense and seems to be change for changes sake. Like when they mess with CD’s on toys of all things.


With this logic the devs might as well remove all portals full stop, as well as mounts and flight masters. I’m sure that will make the world feel huge.

But alive and engaging? Not even remotely. Especially not for veterans who have already explored those zones countless times.

I have no idea why the devs thought that increasing travel times would make old zones more alive/engaging. That’s not how it works.


And that’s an important part of this. They have never figured out how to make older zones feel more alive and engaging. For example, I only go to Thunderbluff because that’s where the Dark Moon Fair Portal is at.

Edit: and again, they tried this excuse with flying. It’s not how it works, it doesn’t make sense. But they’ve decided that, again, this will be the hill they will die on.


They did actually open portals for the evacuees, and it’s made clear how much strain it puts on the mages. Portals can’t be left open indefinitely.

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We have endless azerite now to power portals :wink:

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Sure, if they get the correct traits that benefits portals…

Allow me to translate this for people…
Players: Blizz can’t possibly screw up as bad as Sony
Blizzard: Warlords of Draenor
Players: Yeah, but they can’t be as bad as EA.
Blizzard: Legion
Players: New Expansion? Couldn’t possibly be worse than WoD and Legion.
Blizzard: Battle for Azeroth
The above comment.
Blizzard: Hold my beer.

For all you who still like this game, you might want to see if you can transfer your mains over to MapleStory 2 or RuneScape.

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I really think that they are actively trying to kill he game for collectors. I do collection runs every now and then and if this change goes through it will be another to check mark added to the list of reasons for me to end my sub and go to there competition


I didn’t have many issues with Legion. I mean outside of yet again bringing back dead villains because I guess Blizz is getting creatively Bankrupt.

And to be fair, Square Enix couldn’t even stay on track to release story DLC for FF XV. Among the other stuff they do, I view them as mismanaged. A lot like Blizz has been as of late.

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I’ve been feeling the same way when logging in recently. Between this portal debacle and knowing that flight is probably 5+ months away it hurts my motivation to play daily.
All these methods to pad “time played” metrics are getting old.
We need a team like the Blizzard of two decades ago. Only looking to make a great game that people love, deadlines be damned.


Not everyone enjoys end game. Some enjoy collecting mounts/pets, some enjoy playing the AH and some are just out to have fun.


Weird, since FF14 is arguably the second most successful MMO on the market, behind what WoW used to be. Their patches come out on schedule like clockwork with fun, engaging content.


That’s cool and anyone should have that option to play like that if they choose. But many of us who have been playing the game for 10+ years, have moved on in life, we have careers and families. Yes, we do still make time to play WoW, but pulling those all-nighters immersed in the game like we used to years ago when we had practically zero responsibility are few and far between, if non-existent.

Time these days for many of us is a precious commodity.

Having access to an extensive network of many different portals like we had in Legion and early BfA, presented many of us the option to make time spent on the game more productive.

Removal of portals, in Shattrath, Northrend Dalaran, The shrines in Pandaria and now the amazing network that was in Broken Isles Dalaran, limits our options.

Sure the new SWC/ORG portal room is cool, but why can’t we have all of them? If you choose to take the stairs, why cant I take the elevator?

This is one reason why I could never work your job. I wouldn’t be able to tolerate people who get their feelings hurt easily. You CM’s have the patience of a saint.


I’ve said it before, the Blizzard that Made WOTLK, Brood War, WC3 and D2 isn’t the same that made this. It’s that same surreal feeling with BioWare right now…


I agree so much with you. The game is meant to be played to how you like it, not how others like it, right? Taking away the ability for people to do that, or I guess in this case, making it just more difficult is annoying. Some players who don’t care for pets, mounts, and achieves will never see it this way, though. All the people who think getting rid of portals is good need to think about how others play the game as well.


Once again Blizzard makes a problem where there was none. How many self inflicted injuries do you think Blizzard can survive?

Just like flying portals were never an issue until Blizzard made them one.


It’s really interesting to see how many mistakes blizzard can make at once, in the same way looking at an accident on the road is.


The phrase that fits is Blizz likes to make a rod for their own back.

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