Stop removing portals

It’s no help at all.

But I get a sinking feeling, this change and many more like it will head the way of " back in my day we had to walk up hill both ways the get to Goldshire" & " You lot don’t know what grind is, back in Vanilla…"

With classic coming out and a real enthusiasm for it’s arrival, I’m beginning to wonder if they think that play style should indeed belong in “retail”


Or going to their competitors. I hear good things about FF XIV.

Or, yeah, Steam. I need to work on Warframe more.


Ive been doing a lot of FFXIV and I love it. I hang around here because of the history i have with this game. I perfer the lore and art of WoW but gameplay wise ffxiv has been blowing bfa out of the water for me


Yupp, same here. I can’t give up the memories that were created when I started in Wrath. It was there for me during tough times. But I’d like to try other options too.

Good question. We have no idea except this is probably due to some age old perception that passed on from older games. Kind of like how ‘any’ magic users are innately considered to have mana bars.

Obviously not, but having warlocks able to open gateways to major cities isn’t unreasonable or far fetch. After all, you’ve gone wild by showcasing how Legion are able to open gateways to anywhere, at any time.

The fact that we even must run into the sewer to a fixed location to access our personal class hall is, in lack of a better word, outrageous.

Having 2 functional feet like others doesn’t make one identical to one another. But shooting off one of your own foot to be ‘unique’ from other people? Sorry, that’s not really ‘fun’ in any way.


I have zero sympathy for people who blindly defend anything Blizzard does. Stop making excuses for their pruning of travel options.


You can keep buying game time instead of using the recurring subscription options.

What’s interesting is that Blizz already figured out how to make the old world feel big, alive, and engaging without removing portals. The Legion pre-patch event was freaking awesome. Now I must admit that this was my first experience in WoW, but still the most fun I’ve had, and accomplished the goals these changes are somehow suppose to achieve.

Hundreds of players were flying around, racing to different continents. My favorite memory fron the event was sneaking on the top of a horde zeppelin as an alliance player to get to the next invasion point.

The battle were pure chaos, but still freaking epic. But for some reason they abandoned the idea and have yet to revisit it. Hopefully they do something similar for whayever void themed expac we get next.


Maxing out on tokens, I think.

So for my job, I often have to present and sell people on ideas. Lucky for me, most of my changes are streamlining things, so get backing on this.

This idea, this post, seems the exact opposite of that. This is not convenience, this is not streamlining, this is basically forcing us to be out in the world more. A world most of us have seen too often, too many times with leveling alts. If you want us to spend more time in the world, do something with older content. Cause aside from mount and pet runs, my high level characters only really go back in the old world for world events. Otherwise there’s no reason. SELL ME why we should be going back, give me some incentive.

More so, we already have established routes and portals. It makes no sense why they’d be removed. In the real world (world outside of wow), that’d be like removing a street, because you want to bottle neck traffic to another street. All so I see more of the city were I live. So I spend more time driving, out in the city. Doesn’t really make any sort of sense.

One of my alt’s is a Mage, and yeah she doesn’t get a ton of portal requests. But honestly, the places I’d want to go, don’t have a mage portal.

You’ve got wow classic coming out soon. Those happy few that want a smaller world, they’ll get it. And those who play Wow Classic, will go into it with the understanding it’s going to be a huge world with a large amount of travel time. But the current version, the one where I’m assuming most of your player base is old vets, whom have already been provided these quality time savers, are really going to be burned by this.

My time on wow is limited, I normally have to pick and chose what I’m going to do or what I have time for. Taking away the time saving portals is only going to cause me to spend less time playing, as it will take me more time to get from place to place.

Oh and try not being cute with your responses. You’ve got a number of upset people here. They want a straight forward answer. They could give a toss less if mages are losing some of their uniqueness. Because really they’re not. For all the main cities, it’s a simple teleport for a Mage. One click. Rest of us, its two or three, plus some travel time, plus more than likely some item usage.

As for Cot, DC, Kara, Shatt, WT, VotEB, and HP travel times, shouldn’t this have been something you researched before making that comment, or the team making those changes?

I’ll close with this. Been an active player since BC and up to MoP. I left during WoD, and came back for Legion. It’s look this might be another WoD break. I’ve not been happy with this exp. The storyline is kind of shyt, and the release of content has been thin, few, and far in between. I would have left sooner, but I got locked in with the Dreadwake. I have 2 months left, and so far, really don’t see a reason to stick around unless there are some changes and turn around. Making changes like this are not a good way to keep me.


This is what happens when they don’t respect their subscribers money or time. The literally get paid to play. We don’t. Their dumb decisions have no repercussions on their time or money. They live in a bubble surrounded by acolytes.


This is bs. Why does blizz want to make the game more and more inconvenient. Its like the whole motto of bfa is just more and more inconvenience to make you spend extra time on taxi flight and travel time is not fun but they want you to have to play that extra 10 mins more.


I have zero sympathy for people who have zero sympathy for people who have zero sympathy.
Wait… did I just turn myself into a meme?


You ever get the feeling they don’t want to do this anymore? No passion, no forethought on decisions like this, and not to mention the performance problems that I haven’t seen from Blizz in years.


As the person that is the human interface between the playerbase and the WoW devs, you would be expected to at least understand that people do want the ability to fly to Timeless Isle and enjoy the trip.

Now imagine you do that trip every week, and that trip was taken away. Not replaced, the whole Timeless Isle, the thing you enjoyed to do every week, gone.

That is how people feel about portals.

I take 50 toons from Nalak to Oondasta each week, from wherever they are in the World, for a chance at a mount from each. The removal of portals hasn’t just doubled my time spent. It makes me feel like the devs are wasting my time on stuff that just isn’t as fun as it used to be.


I used to get “requests” all the time. People would want to group up with me that I didn’t even know. I would whisper them and they would be “Make a portal to WhereEver” sometimes I would do it, IF i wasn’t busy. Othertimes I would be in queue and the knucklehead would be “Make me a portal NOW” right then I would put them on ignore. So they log out and log on to a different character and tell me what a worthless human being I was, and that was before CRZ.

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Performance problems? time for Cialis, maybe? I mean, Blizzard has been around for like 30 years, and that’s… what? like 120 in Video Game Years?


People suck. Sorry this happened my friend.

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If there had never been xpac hub portal rooms, or ways to move around old content with ease, this discussion might make sense as a reason why some players might not like them so much. However, we do have them, and I don’t think they’re hurting gameplay by existing.

If there’s an actual technical reason why they need to go, fine, just say that (Are there too many server resources being spent on shards for Dalaran?). If not, why bother putting development time into removing them?

This reads like someone told a CM to go explain to players who aren’t on board with this change that they’re not having fun the right way and they should have fun a different way, the “prescribed” way.

Don’t you all have mages??


You want to be more specific on this train of thought?

I’ll clarify, most of their other games don’t have horrible stuttering or zone lag. (By the way, how do you make a desert zone spike in lag? Vol’dun shouldn’t be having these problems.) Or quests that don’t work.