Stop removing portals

I have a Goat Shaman on Lightbringer if that makes you feel better :stuck_out_tongue:

omg between tarc and tassadar I just laughed so hard I spit water all over my desk and scared my poor kitty

My Shaman looks almost like Verdre (minus the eye patch and tmog) if that makes you feel even better :stuck_out_tongue:

No! Don’t scare the kitty!

I can envision how this idea came about.

Lead: Okay guys, we can’t create content faster than players can use it up, what ideas do you have

Dev 1: Well, we can make them repeat existing content more, but we already have that.

Dev 2: We just have to make the content we have take longer to do.

Lead: That’s an idea… what ways can we do that?

Dev 3: Well, you just make it take more time to get around. Like removing portals.


That does not even make sense.

Do you not logic out that with the portals everyone has a choice, including you, yet without portals only YOU have a choice.

Your “fallacy” is a fallacy.


I’m afraid to ask. 8Chan? I know what 4chan is. Never heard of 8chan. Do I really want to know?

she is old and scares easy 19 is crazy old for a kitty

From my understanding, 4Chan created posting rules all of sudden. So guess where all the crap posts went…

This really drives me crazy. Why does Blizz struggle with portal networks every single expansion? This really isn’t that hard.

Does she know the feral druid dance? :smiley:

Nope. It’s stupid. You have to take a FP from the boat (war table) to the scrapper. Yes, you read that right. It is NOT sane. To top it all off, they added that board to the Alliance steps so people won’t miss the jump from the landing to the platform by the boat.

Boralus is way way way way way way way nicer than the pyramid.

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Well, that’s kinda your problem to puzzle out, not mine.

I have (extremely, tepidly mild) sympathy for the hearthed-to-MoP-Shrine crowd that something that they’ve been used to for awhile is going away.

I have zero sympathy for the people whining about the Legion Dalaran basement. That portal room to non-cites was a lazy crutch.

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Mine is much the same. She’s 17-18 (got her from a shelter, some paperwork was missing so they weren’t sure of exact age, they listed her as 10-11, I’m thinking they may have been off by a few years).

Someone knocks at the door and she bolts for hiding. I flush the toilet. Zoom, off she goes.

At least she knows how to listen(mostly) when she’s laying on my stomach and I need to get up for a variety of reasons.

the same reason they struggle with everything they do. The dev team is clueless about the playerbase and what really goes on in the game.

sadly no she dosnt know the dance all she knows is eat sleep and how to wake me up so she can eat

Which is also why realms (as we knew them) are gone, and why they have to use sharding/phasing in classic. Everything is hosted on their cloud gig and it’s too fragile to handle their game in a “fun for players” state. Ever seen a zone melt when an invasion fires up?

Plus you need that FP to access the damn pyramid portal room to begin with. And again, it’s a quick walk in Boralus.

And while we are on the subject, Kul’Tiras has a different type of Flight point with those boat rides, Horde needs different/interesting transportation methods. Like Trains or something.

I found amber when she was a we little baby vet said she probly only had her eyes open a few days. I had to feed her milk they gave me with a dropper. They said she was probably a runt and was taken away from the litter by the mother. I found her on the side of the road when I was 16

I like that portals are being condensed: what i do not like is that certain portals are being made WAY less convenient than is what already exists. Outlands, Legion, and Pandaria portals in particular. could we get the same portals as we already have in game, simply consolidated, instead of intentionally modified to be more troublesome? why would having portals to the EDGE of a continent make the world feel larger than placed in the center?

from an in-game perspective: why would the mages responsible for the portal network place and maintain permanent energy-hungry installations into tiny remote settlements, instead of into their strongholds?


My little fur monster came from the shelter. I needed a companion for my apartment (bachelor). So I hit up the local shelter and asked for an older cat as I knew the young ones would be adopted easily. Shelly (her name) was one of three cats they had. One decided he didn’t want to leave his cage (sure sign he didn’t like me) and the other was rather ahem, chunky.

I really lucked out with such a well mannered cat, though I think her previous owners neglected her. I’ve never seen a cat so people focused as she is. She HAS to know where I am at all times. She also loves to curl up on my stomach and go to sleep. And I grew up with cats so I’m used to feline behavior.

As to Horde needing extra travel options, especially around the Pyramid, I’d agree. It’s just a mess getting around.

On topic. I don’t mind the idea of them merging the portals to one location. Like many, its the LOSS of specific portals I’m annoyed over. Even if I don’t personally use most of them, its a loss of choice and impacts a large group of players in a negative manner.

I’d speak just as strongly against something that negatively impacted PvP players with no potential for positive change. And I don’t PvP.

See, your first problem is applying in-game logic to Blizz. They don’t follow their own established rules for this world.