Stop removing portals

well we could always ya know get together and say enough and ya know stop paying the bills


The more stupid decisions they make, the more people do just that. Why do you think WoW has lost millions of subs? One reason was they got fed up with stupid decisions and moved onto other games.

I’m borderline at that point now. Except I’m a stubborn old goat (literally, I’m a Capricorn)


and a space goat to boot… the problem is they need a mass walk out like a player strike an actual organized thing were we all just stop playing at one time not one person here one person there

If they want to make the world feel bigger, why have hearthstones then? Wouldn’t making the player have to travel their way back from a location to another one instead of just hearthing back to say the current hub and taking a portal from there to somewhere else make fit with that ideal then?

They don’t care about a bigger word. That same excuse was used for time-gating flying several times now. It didn’t work then as an excuse and it doesn’t work now.


ROFL. Ok, you got my goat there. Pun intended.

This toon is my oldest surviving toon. I started late Vanilla. Human Paladin was my first ever created toon. Sadly, those toons all got the axe over the years for various reasons. So, Verdre is my oldest surviving toon.

u may find this hard to believe but I have a sister with the same name as mine thats a goat

Dont ask how a troll and goat can be sisters it just is

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Yup. “Flying makes the world smaller!”

And then what did they do? They started making SMALLER zones to justify their excuse!

I mean, look at Tiragarde Sound. The zone is SMALL. A quarter of the map is taken up by Boralus with another quarter taken up by Drustvar.


Yupp, couldn’t agree more, the continents are getting smaller and smaller every expansion. I remember thinking Northrend was large, same with Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms.

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To be fair, the zones in bfa actually feel bigger than most of the zones in Legion. Though Tirigarde Sound would be the smallest of the Kul’tiran ones due to the bay eating up a portion as well. Not sure they could even give us much bigger zones at this point unless they pull a random new large landmass out of no where.

half of boralus is just useless sprawl space and waterways its really lazy tbh


It is very nice to see that blizzard understands all the portals and other things that are convenient make the world feel small and dead. I love the idea of removing portals. Please stand firm with this idea blizzard. Thank you!

Small is large. No flight is freedom. No portals is good for travel. Sharding is good for community. Classes are fun.

I’m sensing a theme.


No. It makes the world feel smaller.

Not one bit.

Difficult enough with regards to some locations that I will not even bother trying. I would dearly love to be able to have all of my characters set their hearthstones in a level appropriate location and still have access to all of the portals they need… this includes (at a minimum) the portals to all of the capital cities. I went to a great deal of trouble getting all of my alts to the Shrines, so they would have access to the portals there. When those were removed, I started working on getting them all to Broken Isles Dalaran. Now where should I set my hearthstones? Every place is just as worthless as every other place.


Feeling bigger and being bigger are two different things. And they’ve been pulling random landmasses for awhile now. Plus they have that excuse setup by saying we haven’t seen the other side of Azeroth yet. Despite disregarding with how globes work.


Missing staff members

Am I close?

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You want to talk about sprawl. Check out the giant pyramid horde capital. It’s so massive. It’s nutty how they let the horde come in and take over and yet, for some inexplicable reason don’t let us play as their kind.

This Mole Machine is located at foot of the Fire Plume Ridge mountain, in [Un’Goro Crater]
This Mole Machine is located at foot of the Fire Plume Ridge mountain, in [Un’Goro Crater]
This Mole Machine is located at foot of the Fire Plume Ridge mountain, in [Un’Goro Crater]

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Here’s something funny. It’s not about size but wasted space.

I’ve finally gotten around to levelling my Hordie.

Doing Vol’dun right now (finished Akunda’s Temple recently). It feels so alive compared to hitting the zone as an Alliance toon. It just feels desolate as Alliance. But as Horde, there is life scattered all around.

Just kind of wasteful that the zone feels so dead as Alliance.