Stop removing portals

So it takes about as much time just to get there as it does to finish the content that I’m there to do.


Basically,looks like it and given a good day for the boat to northrend if it shows up at all.


You really do not seem to get it.

I use the boats and portals all the time (I have Allie and Horde mains) when I am not racing through to get things done and just want to relax and enjoy the amazing aesthetics of WOW.
I am also an altoholic, so I travel around Azeroth all the time and, again, when I am in a laid back mode I love to use the simply transport means.

When I am in a hurry, or my time is limited, I want to be able to take advantage of the quicker transport means that were made available in the game.

I DO NOT want them to eliminate the boats, zeps or flight path modes of transportation. When I want to relax and enjoy them… I want them to be there.

BUT, I want to have a choice. Maybe you don’t. Maybe you don’t want to be able to choose how you play the game. Maybe you are happy to let Blizzard tell you that you can’t do that any more. Maybe it is ok with you if Blizzard can give you things, in the game, then take them away anytime they decide that it does not fit the “new vision” that the current iteration of devs have chosen for us.

They did not ask us. They rarely even communicate with us. They easily ignore feedback in the PRs…but they know, better than we do, what we want.

I don’t think they do.

Sadly, as time wears on, I am questioning if they even care what we think any more.

Does that answer your question?


I agree,sometime people just want to chill and maybe get a bite to eat from the kitchen.

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How convenient should they be? As convenient as they are now is a good place to start. Don’t remove ANY existing portals.

The world is already so large that with the portals we have, we still need to use flight paths and use flying mounts to get to some places in older content.

It’s that simple. If you want to consolidate portals to make them easier to get to for newer players - GREAT! But don’t remove old portals. This isn’t complicated.


You have a great game, but you don’t trust it or your players to find their fun.

Incredibly well said (as was the rest), and for me really sums up the overarching feel of so many of the changes. I wish I had more likes to give you.


Portals and portal hubs are prefect just the way they are. Please don’t change them.
Please don’t waste any of your time breaking something that works. Perhaps use that time to fix things that are actually broken.
Thank you.


The biggest thing about the portal room changes that I am sure most agree with: While it is nice to have, don’t remove portals that have been around for YEARS in the process.

Specifically, first, Caverns of Time. This is a zone that MANY people still go to, be it transmog, or more commonly, collectable farming. There is presently the following collectables in the Caverns of Time, as a whole:

Battle for Mount Hyjal - 3 Pets (also attached to a 4th pet from Raiding with Leashes III)
Dragon Soul - 3 Pets, 3 Mounts (pets also attached to a 4th from Raiding with Leashes V, and the Blazing Drake mount is specifically attached to another mount from Awake the Drakes)

So, Caverns of Time, accounts for directly or partially 8 pets and 4 mounts. And that is on top of all of the Transmog stuff (much of which is unique, especially the stuff from the End Times/Well of Eternity/Hour of Twilight dungeons). And it’s a portal access we’ve had since TBC, and then WotLK. Sure, if it is removed from Legion Dalaran, annoying (only cause we all got a free HS to that Dalaran) but manageable. Wanna do us the favour? Put the Caverns of Time in the Portal Hubs. It’s clearly been valued enough to be in 3 previous capital hubs (even if the first was rep gated).

Secondly, I have to agree with the criticism of not keeping portals to the Shrine of Two Moons/whatever-the-Alliance-one-is for Pandaria. Giving us access to the portals to Jade Forest is moot outside someone starting the zone. I have a trinket that can teleport me to the Timeless Isle, right off the coast of the Jade Forest. Not helping anyone with that. The Shrines are centralized to the continent, which is a big deal with the size of it, even with 310% Flight (and an extra 20% for Paladin). ESPECIALLY since 8.1.5 is adding Raiding with Leashes VI, which is all focused on Pandarian raids… and you will make the continent less inviting by shifting the portal location. Dalaran (Northrend) and Shattrath City don’t have these problems: They are already central to their continents. Draenor does, but doesn’t have this issue cause there is both a couple universal portals within the continent as well as zone ones a player can connect in their Garrison (ie: Horde can put a portal to Shadowmoon Valley, which is handy). It is specifically Pandaria that will be hurt by this.

I get the whole wanting to reduce the idea of portal hubs in multiple places, but when you do it, make sure you aren’t taking the FUNCTIONALITY away that already exists. Additionally, you need to re-instate the Wyrmrest Temple portal in Legion-Dalaran for one reason: Chromie’s content you added specifically in Legion. Talk about having to go the LONG way to do something without that portal there, considering it would be what… Legion Dalaran > Capital > Northrend Dalaran > Fly to Wyrmrest? For Legion-content? Awkward much?


Put the Caverns of Time portal spat in the middle of the new portal room. It is obvious you guys are too lazy to expand the room by a few feet. So just put the portal in the middle. Done.


Frighteningly, I think there is something to this.

I cannot imagine, otherwise, how anyone could think shrinking the players base, with really a long list of bad decision making (flying, ports, rpg, huge increase in rep requirements for too many things, etc), is a good thing.

When the players repeatedly cry out that “you are doing it wrong” and this is backed up by more players leaving the game, it gives a certain credence to “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.

How many last straws does it take before someone decides to save this game from it’s makers?


Does this mean you are returning boat/zeppelin for nelf and forsaken cities for those below 110? Or are those portals staying in?

That’s one real test for if this is about real immersion or if that’s just lip service for some other reason for the change.

If it’s really about creating immersion do the things that create immersion - don’t just remove things for no good reason and try to sell it to us with some shade.


So my question is how does the game benefit from removing portals? If making the world feel bigger is the goal, then how does this accomplish that. Outside of farming transmog and old reps, what reason do I have to go to these places? It really seems like you’re inconveniencing your player base for no reason in particular.

Now if you’re planning on making the old world relevant again, like not just a few scattered quests, then I’ll shut up and you can take my money. But anything less than that and it seems like a pretty silly reason to remove them.


Well, if the PTR has anything to say about it there are still portals over there. This is lip service as far as I’m concerned.


I’m an adult and if you put chocolate in front of me I’m going to eat it. LOL.

But seriously sometimes I take the boat to Borean Tundra because I want to go to Coldarra. I’m not going to take the portal to Northrend Dalaran.

I used to take the air boat to Brill for the Headless Horseman fire thing because I didn’t want to be ported to the underbelly of Undercity. I wanted to be in Brill / outer world. (This was also used for the Greench, though it can be argued depending on if I start in Org or in Legion-Dalaran or on a baby toon the Dalaran Crater is a better start point).

Travel choices are there if you (1) want to use them and (2) when you know when to use them.

Choices are good.


I’ll probably put it in the fridge to eat later. Because I’m an adult and don’t want to ruin my appetite.

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

its fine we have options we can not turn in quests to keep the portals that appear for the quests. We can afk on flight paths/ alt tab and watch youtube or complain on forums. We can fly up high and set auto move in the direction of were we want to go and afk / watch youtube ect. We can adapt to blizz stupidity Some of us like myself can even play other games while we wait to get places. Put that in your pipe and smoke it blizz other games!

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Are you trying to say that removing portals is ok?

I don’t think it is, as it is “fixing” things that players don’t think is “broken”.

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if you are talking to me nah its not ok. I am saying we will be ok as players we can find ways around blizzs stupid

But we shouldn’t have to. We pay their bills.


We shouldn’t have to find ways around Blizzard’s stupid. This is more things that need to change for the sake of change. There is no reason for this change.

How does this company still exist? I thought Sqaure Enix was mismanaged and a disaster. Blizz seems to try and take that prize again and again.