Stop removing portals

A light skim, a “We are having internal discussions” and then nada. Everything goes live as is.


Probably, and that could also be because at this point they’ve got plenty of feedback on why people aren’t happy. I dunno, I’m on the fence about it. Seeing a CM in here so much more than usual has me hopeful but I also won’t be surprised in the slightest if we’re ignored.


The world is already impossibly large. There are four planets (Azeroth, Outland, Dreanor, Argus) Azeroth has 6 continents (Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Northrend, Broken Isles, Kul Tiras/Zanadlar, Deepholm/Vashjir).

STOP TRYING TO WASTE OUR TIME. This is a common thread that Blizzard does. Instead of thinking up ways to increase the amount time to travel some place. Make content that is more engaging. You have literally maintained the same model since Wrath of doing dailies ad nauseum. You time gate stuff so that you can stretch the content. I play a mage SIMPLY because of these shenanigans. by increasing the time it takes to get any where. You increase the amount of time that I am alt tabbed out waiting to get to the place where I am going. If I get bored of that. I may just go take a nap.

You always go halfway on certain things like the Hivemind. COOL IDEA. Poorly executed. I could deal with it being linked to the same accounts but to have it linked to the same characters? Literally means that I won’t use it.

I will say it again.


Speaking of wastes of time, imagine getting the Waist of Time now…


I forgot that they also murdered the GCD and combat feel for no reason.


The classic – You think you want (xyz), but you don’t


Um…they don’t charge by the minute, you know. It makes no difference if I log in 5 minutes a month or 5 hours a day, they get the same money from me either way.

But…the more annoyed I get trying to travel around in the game, the less I’ll play. And the less I play, the less likely I’ll log in the next day. And so it snowballs into me not logging in at all and just cancelling my subscription because I’ve found better things to do with my time.


removing some portals isnt that big of deal with the rest of the issues to bfa imo.

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Let me try to explain why people could be bothered by this.

First, the old world is basically dead, there is nothing threatening there, it is frozen in time in a way that makes 0 sense. You can surely enjoy the view while you fly over it, but it is not like a car game where you have to concentrate on driving or even dodge obstacles while mounted, it is just a long, boring holding of one key on the keyboard, or even using a flight path and alt tabbing.

Maybe consider making the path more interesting? make zones scale to 120. Make flying enemies or enemies that dismount you. Maybe updating the old zones so they don’t look like the old lich king is still alive and ruling. Maybe adding a world quest or 2 to each zone. Maybe charging money to use the portals, but have portals to basically everywhere. Idk.

I hadn’t initially felt compelled to throw in my feedback on this thread, until I was working on a couple of alts this afternoon. With the addition of faction incursions, I’ve been trying to rotate leveling my alts to maximize uptime on the buff, as well as rested XP. The Darkmoon Faire arrived today, so, of course, I’ve been getting THAT buff, as well. However, all of these buffs have a limited duration, so minimizing travel time is valuable to me. When I came to the realization that, even with the portals, it took me five whole minutes to make the trip down to DMF and then get back to what I was doing.

Travel time feels like WASTED time to me. I’m the kind of person who was VERY fond of Have Group, Will Travel and makes a point to chart out the most efficient path when doing WQs and leveling. Fed-Ex quests that bounce back and forth to a quest hub before it fully opens were pretty much the bane of my existence and I was grateful when quest design moved away from that. I feel like travel should be quick and efficient, not drawn out. I’ll see the world when I go out farming or doing my WQs. When I’m required to take a long flight path, I generally tab out or step away from my computer.

I feel like I’m just repeating myself a lot here, but when I play, I want to be able to get things done, not spend that time going from place to place. I’m not saying everyone should be able to port from anywhere to anywhere else, but at least if the portals were deemed valuable enough to exist in the first place, leave them there. I could accept having to go back to Shrine, or Legion Dalaran, to have that access, because that compromises between the convenience I crave and the ideal of keeping places relevant that Blizzard has expressed an appreciation of.


Are you going to spend the time to find a mage or several mages to port you, wait until you farm X content and then have them be around again to go elsewhere. Are you going to hire them to port you and all of your alts for hours in a day or evening. Not to mention many others that would need the same and/or similar ports. I love the idea of tipping a mage for helping out, but this would seem a little unreasonable to ask of them.

Apologies for messing up the blue post color

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No and no.

The portals make it easier to access old, dated parts of the world that are no longer relevant to my interests except for collection purposes (mount farming or transmog collecting). I would argue that the portals actually makes the world feel bigger, as I’m more likely to travel to older areas of the game that are conveniently accessible and that I might otherwise avoid.

Having to spend time on drawn-out scenic routes to those locations won’t make me enjoy that content more, it’ll make me debate whether it’s even worth the time when it takes that much longer to do (and on multiple toons, the travel time adds up and my motivation to play drops as a result).

I would prefer portals remain as they are, so that players can choose when to use them and how. Giving players more options always feels better than taking options away.


You mean like the so-called Pathfinder “compromise” where no player input was ever allowed, and they only allowed flying to continue because the whole gaming community was up in arms and they had to do something to stop the bleeding and rapid spread of bad PR?

Pathfinder was not a compromise. It was Blizzard saving face, when they knew that had made a REALLY bad call and had to change their plans.

When they KNEW they could not erase flying without severe cost, they created Pathfinder to make it more time consuming and difficult for players to obtain flying so they could at least get some “time played” metrics out of the situation that they had created.

A compromise requires that two parties come to the table and actually discuss terms and come to a “compromise”.
In this case, only Blizzard dictated the terms with no input from the players. It was a “take it, or take it” situation.

This, in spite of the fact that they got hard hit by having made a bad decision in the first place and had to dig themselves out and save face at the same time.

They have since added dungeon requirements, in Legion, to be able to fly and turned Pathfinder into the best bait they have ever found to force players to do content that they do not want to do, if they want to fly.

They added layers of rep grinding and completion of content in order to be able to complete Pathfinder and fly.

I am unaware of what they are going to require for Pathfinder Part 2, but if it includes dungeons and/or raids again…this may be the final straw for me.

The portal issue is, once again, around the issue of travel in the world. You would think that the amount of unhappiness that has resulted in these two issues might be a hint to the devs that players take their freedom to travel around the world THEIR WAY very seriously.

On top of this, is my amazement at how much of this world, that they say they want us to “feel” is so large, they are erasing (Darnassas and Undercity) and making more difficult
to traverse. Once again, they have determined how we MUST play the game and pushing their version of “fun” on players.

Is this all part of the “new vision” they have spoken of for Warcraft?

I can’t say I am too happy with how they view the future of WOW when they keep making the same mistakes of thinking they know what we really want and don’t need to actually communicate with the people who actually pay to play this game.

But…we all have phones and we only think we know what we want, but we really don’t.

Now there is a “vision” for WOW that should cause most people to pause and think about.



In the scheme of things, no it’s not a huge deal. The problem for many is that this is the final straw. Like I said, it’s just another meaningless decision among many others. There’s no reason to remove these portals except to make traveling take longer. Everything in this game now exists just to make things take more time.


See, in my opinion, they need to stop taking things out of the game like this. They let the cat out of the bag with flying back when they dropped it in TBC. Full stop.

If they want to create an Azeroth with no flying whatsoever, then they should make a new MMO more to their liking, in that flavor. Additionally, they could also fork the dev with the launch of classic. They could re-launch TBC without the flying aspect. Make some tweaks so that the “new” TBC doesn’t need or ever release it.

Heck, I’ll just be glad to have MM back as well as the original Barrens and 1K.


I don’t pretend to speak for anyone else but me. Let me sum up for you MY feelings on how this will impact my gameplay. You will notice that this character is 110; do you know why that is? Because everything I’ve seen, read, and heard about BfA … how it was on release, the patch notes, the problems identified in Beta and on the PTR going live even after the test group pointed them out … tells me you DON’T CARE about anything except your glorified, back-slapping, fist-bumping self-congratulatory “hooray for us!” parties, players be damned. And I’m not inclined to fork over hard-earned money to a company that cares so little about its customers.

I’ve been watching that attitude since mid-Cataclysm, and I’ve watched you guys gut this game like a poached deer from the King’s forest. You’ve INVENTED problems where there were none, and then came up with a way to fix what isn’t broken. Personal flight, talents and abilities, diversity of classes and specs, roles of the different classes … you’ve taken a butcher’s cleaver to virtually every aspect of the game that drew players to you in the first place.

If this half-baked idea which you go out of your way to justify goes through, here is the impact it will have on my game play. My game play will STAY at zero, as will the amount of funds moving from my bank account to Blizzard’s. And from the looks of the responses in this thread, I won’t be the only one.

Why did I say half-baked idea. The most GLARING piece of evidence is in your own post (the one previous to the one I’m replying to) … you’re “sure” removing the IF portal was not intentional. Really? You expect that piece of bull to be accepted? THERE’S NO ALCOVE FOR THAT PORTAL. If it was unintentional, there would be an empty alcove where the portal was supposed to be. Unintentional my butt. Either you didn’t think before you typed that out, or you think we’re too stupid to pick up on that FACT. THERE’S NO ALCOVE FOR THE IF PORTAL. THAT is intentional.

You (Blizzard) want to cut your player base even more, keep fixing things that aren’t broke, insulting the player base’s intelligence when you’re called out on it, and keep moving the game into oblivion.


I can appreciate this, I often say that the reward of farming something tedious isn’t getting what you were farming but not having to farm anymore lol.


Bornakk must of had a strong connection to Xe’ra in game. They both seem to know what others should do and what is best for everyone. They both excel in asking questions in a pretentious manner and expect the questioned to see the light and follow like sheep.

But to answer the pretentious questions that seem designed more to convince those who disagree that they are wrong, rather than to gain any real insight.

The size of the world is largely irrelevant, an empty large world is not very exciting so increasing travel time to places just means I will do less mog/mount/pet runs or I will alt-tab and spend more time on youtube.

Getting anywhere in old content is not difficult, I fly from x to y and thanks to auto run its generally a hands off process. The world has nothing of real interest that I need to pay attention to: characters I might see are likely not from my server, wpvp in old content is 9 out of 10 times max levels ganking people leveling, rare mobs (if they even exist anymore) are unlikely to be seen because of sharding or don’t drop anything worth stopping to kill, and last I’ve spent so much time in the zones there is nothing new to see.

In regards to mages, they have far more convenience than any other class. If they want to go anywhere they almost assuredly have a teleport to get them close by, and it has no cd in addition to having a hearthstone. Most other classes are forced to keep hearthstones set to some hub type area for any equivalences of convenience, with far less choices than mages have and with infinitely more restriction of usage. So the argument that mages teleport is somehow diminished by portal networks is absurd. From a lore perspective, if mages were so plentiful for the nightborne, why did they construct portal networks… My guess is because mages generally don’t want to be pestered for a portal to x,y, or z.

Many things were done for the reasons of convenience. Reagents like portal stones and symbol of kings or needing ammunition for weapons were removed for convenience. Sure these things make the world less realistic, but most players aren’t interested in playing world of InventoryCraft just like the players who are frustrated with the removal of quick transportation are likely not interested in playing a running simulator. It’s my opinion that there are much better running simulators than wow, and you shouldn’t strive to make wow any more of a auto-run and youtube game than it already is.


Ok,did a run here’s to CoT from different points not ground running that would take way to long.

Teleport Theramore -Cot 3 minutes,self flight.
Teleport ,Griffon flight from Theramore to Gadgetzan-Cot ,4 minutes
Boat,Sw-bootybay-ratchet-Gadgetzan-cot ,13 minutes
Dalran instant
Boat,Sw-valince keep-Dalaran ,9 minutes.
You decide is this worth it.


This is so important, blizz. Don’t make us waste up to 15 minutes for something that should take literally no time anymore.