Stop removing portals

i know the way by hear i have been playing so long…lmao.

they dont need to play classic then if this upsets them.

That’s great. It’s also irrelevant to why people are upset about this. Everyone knows where Tanaris is, and none of us want to spend 3x as much time traveling there when Blizzard removes these portals “just because.”

I doubt many of us will be. But that’s also irrelevant to this discussion.


thats a them problem if they dont want to do the leg work to get there isnt it?

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It’s about to be a Blizzard problem when they lose a chunk of subs for making even more things in this game take arbitrarily longer.


I mean your completely missing the point but okay buddy! that makes total sense comparing current wow to a time before there was places like dalaran and shrine, Which made travel a lot easier for the world we have gone through many times on our main toons which have no reason to go through those areas. For lower level characters i could see having no ports, And would not care because i need to go there to level and its more realistic because you wouldn’t have access to areas with a portal hub (unless you ask a mage for a port of course), But on my 120 i would rather not have to take a flight path then alt tab for 20 mins as i just sit there afk. Seems so fun.


wow is acti-blizzards 3 top earner i doubt they are worried about people whining about portals.

they will just put another mount in the store or something.

thats a you choice.

Thats an everyone choice, Do you really sit there and twiddle your thumbs as you fly to tanaris?


They should be. Nearly 2500 posts in this thread alone, and the overwhelming majority are angry about this. Removing portals for no reason is another mistake in a long series of mistakes they’ve been making lately. If you’re happy with the game, that’s great, but you need to stop pretending that others have no reason to be unhappy. The game is in the worst spot it’s ever been right now.


I’ll just say this to end my complaint and be done with wow.

Blizzard devs are constantly trying to fix what wasn’t broken or an issue. In all the years I’ve played, not one person said there are too many portals in this game. I went to CoT almost daily on my alts to farm dungeons and raids.

I’m done now. You time gated everything fun in this game. We were left with no choice but your ONE way of playing. I am never going to spend another dime on a blizzard activision game again.

I’ve spent probably thousands of dollars on wow with race changes, realm transfers, faction transfers, mounts pets boosts etc… I am done. This was it for me. I’ll just finish my game time left and uninstall the game. I’ve always hated Ion with his jerkish way of looking down on players who didn’t agree with him and I see I wasn’t wrong.


I would like to say “yes,” but the honest truth is when you’re 120, there are only two islands that matter - maybe three if you’re still catching up in Legion. Azeroth might be alive, but I don’t care about the rest of it because it has little to nothing to offer me.

The other portals are…a convenience that remind me that there are other places to go. Unless there’s a holiday, I don’t need to go to Silvermoon or Thunder Bluff, and Undercity is crater. The only two cities that matter are Orgrimmar and Dazal’Alor because they’re the hubs because they have the portals.

Less portals make the world smaller not larger: doors are being shut, not open.

Mages have teleport abilities on demand, that’s one of the perks of being a mage. Non-mage players want that same sort of accessibility in their capital cities - all of them.


Hhhmm got an idea .let me see how long it takes to Cavern of Time on differentriot tes brb.

I’m so glad they’re finally answering the countless players who were constantly complaining about too many portals. Frankly it’s completely and utterly ridiculous that it’s taken them this long. The forums have been nearly unusable because of the hundreds upon thousands of threads posted in protest to the too-many-portals epidemic. Glad to see blizz finally respond to the huge number of players and their feedback on the subject… /s

oh wait PepeHmm


Normally I would agree, but it’s the weekend. CMs don’t typically post on the weekends. As you can see, Bornakk was here pretty much right up until quitting time on Friday. Four blue posts in one topic is more than I’ve seen in years.

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I have to give you a 10/10 for this. Thanks for the chuckle


Sadly, they are.

Bet hes gonna love the sheer amount of replies after he gets back to work >:D

Why should we accept going the old way when we’ve had the more convenient way for nearly a decade now?

I played classic back when it was still brand new and I would still prefer that Blizzard not take away portals.

It wasn’t a problem until Blizzard made it a problem.


I’m sure that will take up his entire Monday lol


They will probably mostly be skimmed across. I do not like to sound so harsh, but Blizzard has given me little reason not to think this way these days.

I want to be positive, but after being sort of duped since WoD well there is that. That is why I think that this will go through whether there is a vast majority for keeping things as is.