Stop removing portals

You didn’t get it.

May be but you didn’t get either

I am mage too, I ain’t going help you to port whatever you want,unless you want paid me 2 million golds

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It’s too bad they put them in there so your argument they shouldn’t have been put there in the first place is invalid. If they had intended to take them away in the future they could have said that. Taking away things we’ve had in for years when I’d say 99% of people on this thread enjoy is actually absurd. Nice try, though!


“Do you guys not have phones?”

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Still you didn’t get it.Mages are not here for everyones’ convenience we play the game as well.


Sadly enough and I hope I am wrong in this, but I really feel that none of this will make any difference on changing this decision. Again, I hope I am totally wrong on this and I will be the first to post on the forums admitting to the fact I was wrong. The “We hear you”, “We are making this for you”, and “We take every ounce of feedback seriously” and others is wearing thin.

But to the main point, I have read over this and it just makes me more upset that the team seems SO out of touch with the player base these days. I myself spend a lot, maybe too much, time doing old content. Why, because it is the fun area I have found in the game. I mean look at my level, Highest character I have. Why? because I got bored with BFA and I found the older things I wanted to go back and do on this character. Reps, items, transmog, and mounts are just a few. I use these portals for many alts, doing transmog and mounts alone. I see a lot of people at the places I port into as well, using these portals to do some of the same things I am doing. Some, for other reasons. They are heavily used, which is why I just can’t understand why you would want to cut that much of the players off from doing what they see as fun. I stopped raiding / grinding gear years ago because it was no fun.

Doing the older rep grinds, Argent Tourney for example, makes you fly over a lot of distance to complete quests. Like some, I have limited time these days so it is important I get there fairly quickly. Add in, waiting for a Zep, then flying all the way to the grounds is not something positive at all. I see a lot of Northrend doing the quests while there anyway.

I found these old content things to do, which started me finding a reason to log in once again. It was getting harder and harder to find a reason. If this change goes into effect then it will be once again.

At any rate, sorry this is so long, but I feel this is the feeling of a lot of people in this thread. Keep them as they are. If you want to move them all to a central location that is fine. But I feel that removing any of them is a bad idea overall for the game, regardless of the players stances.


It is time like these i wish jeff kaplan woukd come back to lead wow


The sad part is that you are not wrong. Literally NOTHING will get done about this even though you can see that almost everyone here except like five people want the portals to stay. It’s so weird how they’ll never go with what the mass of people want.


We’ll have to pry him out of the cold, dead hands of the overwatch community first.

6 extra minutes, multiplied by 150,000(personal estimate) players on a given day. That is 900,000 minutes. .05 cents for those 6 minutes on a subscription? That is $45,000 made that day. Now multiply that $45,000, by 365 days. That is $16,425,000 extra they make in the year, by removing these portals.


That figure is only good if players are active at the time .By the looks of it there maybe less than what you calculated if the players view this as a negative than a positive.

if this bothers you dont play classic and yes you can get to the Caverns of Time you just have to do it the old way.

I’m not bothered by it just don’t want cavern of time taken out,there’s along history to it which i do love.

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I have had 3 friends ask me recently if WoW had gotten any better and should they return. I told them no, if anything it is getting worse. I told them specifically that the allied races are coming soon, but flying is not, so why join now, when you are not able to fly, and flying will make obtaining those classes a little easier.

WoW designers need to understand that different people like to do different things and when you heavily time gate content, delay flying until the end of an expansion, and take options like the removal of portals that make it convenient for players to experience old content, that you are keeping people away from the game.

This change is not encouraging players to do old content, or encouraging old players to return. It is making existing players take longer to do activities that they may do once a week, such as old world bosses, and old raids.

Many other games permit a player to teleport directly to a village or city or greater rift that they want to do. I’d happily pay a mage to teleport me directly to where I wanted to be, but it seems that they can only ever get me 2/3 of the way there. In other games I can do the content I want to do, as many times as I want to do it. In WoW that content is often weekly, or for Warfronts - longer.

How would you feel if you couldn’t be teleported to the Warfront directly, and you had to ride in the back of a slow moving cart like the start of the Skyrim journey? Yes, it certainly would help with the immersion … the first time.


Please accept my apologies if I seem to be rude. It is not my intention to be so. However, as someone with over 15 years of Customer Service background I find myself reading your post as something that was recently and rather unnecessarily said in another setting. “Don’t you all have phones?” Directly to this, yes I have a phone, and no I am not able to play games on it. In fact, there are many players who I am sure can say the same.

So as regards to your comment: “How difficult is it so get to the locations you mentioned without a direct portal?” I feel that this is something of a slap in the face to many players, especially considering their replies to your statement. Truly, wording could have been a lot better.

That aside, I will voice my own opinions.

Does the World feel bigger with fewer portals? No, it does not. A player doesn’t quest in a portal it is but a few seconds of time to make getting somewhere faster and easier. Mind you, I am also of the opinion that fly does NOT make the work smaller, either. For one…There are MANY things, areas, places that are easily over looked when you can’t fly. I do respect the opinion of those who feel differently, but that does not change my perspective. I personally revel if the ability to fly and see so MUCH more of the world than was/is possible with you can’t. How many areas and quests can so easily be missed when that one simple thing is not there, or are very difficult to reach for lack of ability to do that. I realize that others don’t agree, and that is their right. To those people know that I respect your take on this.

But the portals are not something that takes away from Azeroth. If anything they ADD to Azeroth. Yes, they are convenient, but isn’t that what they were originally meant to be. Beside you overlook the fact that over the years Azeroth has not been getting or made smaller, it has been expanded upon, and MADE BIGGER… New zones, new content (though sometimes this area needs to be made richer), new areas of the planet that have, before each expansion, not been known, or known and not seen.

The portals are not a ‘thing’ that takes away from the world, they are something that helps to bring us to more of it. Legion alone proves that.

Bornakk, as someone who has worked in a field that required me to be the ‘frontline’ of fielding customers’ concerns, complaints, and demands, I can understand the kind of position that you are in as a Community Manager. But I also know that you have to find 1001 ways to say no, without saying no. It is not easy, and it is a stressful thing. But before you ask everyone else ‘When there are fewer portals, does the world feel a bit bigger to you?’…Ask yourself first, but do so from the perspective of the players/customers, not just as an employee of a company.

Honestly, ‘how does fewer portals’ make the world bigger?’ Their existence neither takes away or adds to the content. They DO make it easier to get to places that are far away from newer content, especially if you are farming for transmogs, or pets, mounts, herbs, leather, ore…any number of things. I remember the long flight, using flight points in Kalimdor that took so long that half way there you got disconnected from the game for lack of activity. Portals HELP resolve this, as well as the LONG boring time the flight took.

For me, WoW holds special meaning which I was get into hear, it is personal. I have ALWAYS enjoyed ALL of the world on the ground, in the sea, in the air, and beneath it. There has never been an expansion that I didn’t like, because I LOOK for the aspects that I find fun. It is not perfect and never will be, but I can enjoy old content like it was new, every time I run the game, just as much as I can enjoy the new content. My oldest toon is almost 12 years old. I have about 22 different toons currently in the game, and when I can get a new computer to let me access BFA, I will add with the new playable races.

But please know that the idea of ‘fewer portals’ making the game bigger’ is really ridiculous. It DOESN’T effect the feel of whether the game is larger or smaller. In fact, one of the best things in Legion was that they HAD the extra portals, AND MADE use of them, to encourage players to go back to old content, through quest lines that made the world BiGGER if you want to use your terms. What makes the world ‘seem’ smaller is when all focus is on one thing…currently the new content, but when Blizzard makes an effort to ADD content that leads to the older content, the world only keeps getting bigger. This also means that portals have a value that takes nothing away from the game, but only adds to it.

Again, I am sorry if I come off sounding rude, it is not my intention. Just know that I feel that your ‘choice of phrasing’ could have been better thought out.


… Yeah. That’s what people are upset about.


You see, that is another thing I see. I was there is classic, I walked with the rest of the players. That does not bother me because i know it is a different game.

The retail version however, installed these areas after more content was released over time. They did remove some over time, like the old Dalaran portals. But others were added later to help players get to those old areas as a convenience.

So comparing Classic to retail is not really a fair comparison in this regards. There is no old content to go back and pick up on or do. It is the old content. I also expect to play some classic as I can.


do you know where the cavern of time is located?..its in Tanaris.

just go the old way.

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I’m a mage yes i do know.