Stop removing portals

Catalclysm portals are thankfully unaffected.

If using flight and portals makes the game “empty and tedious” to you, that’s your problem. I don’t get this “of course I’ll use them” attitude. That’s like saying if there’s a chocolate cake on the counter, “of course I’ll eat the whole thing in one sitting”.

The entire player base shouldn’t be punished because you are incapable of not doing things you find “empty and tedious”.


In a future expansion, the Cataclysm portals will be removed.


Don’t give them any ideas please. You know they’d do something as silly as that if they are willing to take out the other portals.


It’s almost as if Bliz is suggesting that the portals were a greater threat to the planet than the ham-fisted-can’t-go-louder-than the giant sword sticking out of Silithis.

Let’s see. The great ideas for WOW in the last couple years:

  • gut classes
  • remove portals
  • cumbersome idiotic Azerite system
  • halve reputation gains
  • add races that new players can’t play
  • add more restrictions to attaining flight
  • remove pvp and gear vendors
  • add PVP system that further fractures realm communities with even more phasing and sharding
  • remove 4 gear slots as possible BiS targets
  • add loot system that places unnecessary burden on xmog farmers

Bang up job Bliz.


The thing that stands out to me about all this, is that it is yet another example of the dev team refusing to learn from their past mistakes.

You can see the framework of the thought here - “man, the world is huge and epic, won’t it be neat to have players see that and feel like they are on a great quest?”

It is the same logic back behind vanilla pre-raid farming “man, what if you went on this great world spanning epic quest to get what you need to defeat the raid boss, wouldn’t that be great?”

And as these are the same line of thinking, the have the same response - “yes that would be fun, but only exactly once.” When you have to do it again and again and again it is idiotic and makes people not want to play.

This is a lesson they should have learned over a decade ago, but…

Then there is the second one here - Pandaria had a major portal nexus in one room in the main city, centrally situated. It was great. And from that we went to Ashran, where a handful of portal were scattered randomly around the ugly mudpit of a base. And like all the rest of that expansion, it was terrible.

This is a lesson they should have learned half a decade ago, but…

I don’t like long transit times to out dated content. Heck, I don’t even like that I have to fly from the seal to the main level, ride down to the boat, and have the boat take me to the kul tirian areas.

I have a limited amount of time I can play this game, because I have other responsibilities. I want to use that time doing fun things, not having my limited precious time on this earth sapped away because you want to remind me how big the game is. I’m not going to pay for you to waste my time.


LOL, this is very accurate, needed the laugh


YEAH!!! I love this idea!
While they’re ripping out all the portals, they should also get rid of the TB-Org zeppelin, the IF-SW tram, flying, and mount speeds above 120% ground.
i also think they should make all major cities no-mount zones, get rid of the Summoning stones near raid and dungeon entrances, and double the prices for all flight points.
and the next expac should be mobile-only, because we all have phones, right?


Careful, someone will take you seriously.


I can’t believe you would propose this…



“Do you guys not have Mages?”


Please don’t remove any more ways of getting around in game. My time is finite and this will further degrade my enjoyment of the game and my ability to complete objectives in a reasonable amount of time.


Removing convenience of transport means removing access to part of the game. It’s about enjoying the whole of Azeroth, helping online friends leveling up, transmorg farming (incl mats), holidays quests etc. Mages aren’t always available and they aren’t cheap either. It reduces your efficient playing area to the last expansion. No access to the new Dalaran means harder to access “our” class areas, and those ‘lower Dalaran portals’ were very convenient to access parts of the world in the vicinity. No easy access to 2nd main cities such as Ironforge and Darnassus will leave them deserted and under-utilised while it means Stormwind will be choking with too many players inside the tiny courtyard in front of the most favourite bank and AH hub. It’s doing a deservice to your game and encouraging us to ignore content vs making it easy to see just how varied the game is, how much potential is just there to find something to do. Bad move that doesn’t help the player base. Was it really such technical complication to leave all the old portals where they are, just add a new room with new options?


I have a limited amount of time I can play this game, because I have other responsibilities. I want to use that time doing fun things, not having my limited precious time on this earth sapped away because you want to remind me how big the game is. I’m not going to pay for you to waste my time.

You’re being pretty dramatic, it takes only a couple of minutes to get anywhere in this game even without portals. If your time is that limited then RPGs aren’t your game.

OT: If you wanted to make the world feel more alive, you would need to add things to the world to motivate people to go there.

Why do I want to go anywhere besides the current expansion content or Org? If you want the world to feel more alive, you have to give the other cities and areas things they don’t have.

IMO there should be portal hubs in every major city, there should be transmog/void storage in every city. I know on my server at least, if SIlvermoon had more of the things Org had, it would be infested with people because people like to RP there.

It makes sense too lorewise, why wouldn’t the Horde and Alliance assign mages to keep portals open to all of their cities to keep them connected for trade and what not? The Legion has been defeated, there are plenty of NPC mages looking for work.


Having leveled alts through past expansions, at various points in WoW’s history, I’d prefer the portals stay the way they existed during that content. Mages aren’t still hanging out in old Shattrath selling ports.
They aren’t hurting anything…leave em be.


Exactly this.

It’s like the defenders of 400/385 item level loot for afk and boring content like warfronts and emissaries.

“Well if you don’t like it don’t do it”

Yeah, forcibly gimping yourself isn’t great for feeling a game is rewarding.

Why not put 415 gear on a vendor for 1 gold and tell those who want the challenge to “just don’t buy it”

With portals specifically imo its too late, the genie is out of the bottle so no reason to remove them. They never should have been there (or more limited) from the begining.


Lorewise, I’m pretty sure none of those portals even exist. They’re difficult to cast and keep open, especially indefinitely. I remember in the short story where Teldrassil burned, the mages keeping the escape portals open to Darnassus were exhausted and had to keep trading off to rest.


i agree that removing the portals is very bad, For 1, there is no point in "expanding " the world , and 2 if the goal is to make the “world” more livelier, i dont think people auto flying or numlock flying and afk to get to a destination makes the world “livelier” . Also if you want to inconvience the players so to reach the goal of getting players to work in a friendly manner or comunities manner, i dont recomend this and would hate it too, but the most logical next step would be to remove lfg or lfr, and have people spam trade chat or some search bar in the old days to form a group and travel the distance so it will make the world feel more expansive, and also remove the summoning stones , “how convenient things be for players”, why do warlocks have summoning abilities? Should everybody just have the summoning abilities warlocks have??


Mage here .Do you think us mages are going to like being hounded for ports in sw while doing guild work at the AH for a raid? How would you feel for heals every time? cata taught a good lesson on portal with people.