Stop removing portals

At least when Ythisens was being sarcastic he was actually mildly funny. This is honestly just insulting to the playerbase.


Lol yeah, the sad part is I bet he thinks he was being all cool and witty by doing that face at the end like we are complete idiots. :smiley:


If it’s not intentional, then how did it make it onto the PTR? They made the BfA portal rooms the way they intended to make them. If they had meant for Ironforge to be in there, then it would be there.

Or is it a case of people designing things for a game that they don’t play, so they didn’t realize that they were missing a portal to a capital city?

Because there’s no logical explanation for a capital city portal to be missing other than it was intentional, or the people who made the room don’t play the game.

Are you really serious with asking that question? How is it that a Community Manager who proports to play World of Warcraft doesn’t know what content players would be playing in the Caverns of Time? There are six 5-man dungeons and two raids. Two different reputations that I know of: Scale of the Sands and Keepers of Time. Dragon Soul has the Fangs of the Father, the legendary set of daggers obtainable by rogues. The Stylin’ Jungle Hat pattern is in The Black Morass. Culling of Stratholme has a mount - bronze drake - and numerous recipes used in achievements. There are three mounts in Dragon Soul: Experiment 12-B, Life-Binder’s Handmaiden, and the Blazing Drake; Blazing Drake is required for the achievement Awake the Drakes which rewards an Emerald Drake when completed. Old Hillsbrad Foothills has the Stylin’ Adventure Hat pattern, and the Don Carlos’ Famous Hat hat and Don Carlos’ Famous Hat toy. Tons of transmog to get, including achievements. Pets and toys to get, plus achievements for those. Other achievements to get beyond those, too. How is it that I know these things and you apparently don’t - or you wouldn’t have asked the question? (I had to google the names of the reps and the rogue legendary, but knew they were there in order to even look for them because I completed those reps a long time ago, and I had a friend who went for the legendary at least 3 years ago.) CoT has a lot of content for those who haven’t completed it yet, and the portals taking us directly there are very convenient.

Do the players now have to quantify what they feel is valuable in order to keep it in the game? Removing options is not fun. And removing quality of life things that players have had for years - like easy access to content via portals - is idiotic.

I’m talking about all of the portals being removed is a bad idea - including both Wrath’s Dalaran and Legion’s Dalaran Caverns of Time portals - since you asked that, too, in another post.

As for how much time it would add, I used to farm tons of things on a minimum of 12 characters. It shouldn’t matter how much time it will add to do that; what matters is that I don’t want portals removed and for things to take longer at all. Convenience matters - especially with old content - and we’ve had that convenience for over a decade, depending upon which portals we’re mentioning. It is absolutely ridiculous that portal removal is even a consideration.


The whole thing is stupid it will make it so that you cant get to a lot of locations from newer content.


There isn’t any “good medium to find.” And players don’t need to pick up various teleporting items if they have portals to use; portals which have been in the game for over a decade. And some players - myself included - have been requesting more portals in the form of portal rooms in every major city for years as well. You can go look on the old forums to see that. (If they haven’t been deleted yet.)

“The impact” is that some people will stop doing old content. For some, that means they will no longer be playing WoW since they don’t want to do current content.

“The solution” is to not remove any portals.

Once again - just like flying - you are creating a problem where there never was one, and you are giving awful reasons for removing the portals because you know that it’s not the right thing to do.


From what i see i guess they really want the no comfort idea very active.To take portals out doesn’t make it easier to do old content would cause people to not venture there after they have level up through them . We live in a world in reality that have limted time,we can’t just travel to these places by flight or land mounts to finish or do mat collecting.If this it another time gate then Blizzard /Activision has really have to think ahead from a player point of view.

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It may be rewarding for this one specific blue to travel to his quests on foot.

That is not the solution for everyone.

Do not instill arbitrary timesinks to the game, just to make it take longer for us to farm up old content or level.

I fully explored the areas when they were current; I have zero need or desire to take the slow route when hitting up old raids for transmog.


I’ll be honest, removing the portals that are there now is similar to like… if we removed airplanes from the Earth. Then forcing us backwards in time when we had to only travel across the world via boats. I can’t see anybody on Earth wanting to get rid of airplanes, so why get rid of all of those extra portals that people use?

You know what would make the world feel more alive? More content.


Players: We don’t wanna this change!!!
Blizzard: “Do you guys not have mages?”


Well…as we speak the last remaining IRL friend who plays WoW with me has unsubbed. This was his final straw, the one that broke the camel’s back.

WoW is about become a much lonlier place…


1: yes it feels bigger
2: NO. I hate spending half my gaming time traveling to do one piece of old content or to do a quick quest as part of a chain.
3: 15 mins of travel time to most places I portal to, or standing around waiting for boats, which does not feel interactive or immersive, just irritating.

4: this is an alt… my main is a hunter.


Blizz should look at how much this thread has grown in just two days and how the response is almost universally negative and do the right thing and leave the portals as they currently are instead of fixing what isnt broken.


Removing portals such as the Caverns of Time portal is very much a “new thing”. Consolidating portals is a fine–even a good–idea. But removing portals without replacing them is the main thing people are complaining about here. That, and having a Blizzard employee wonder what the Caverns of Time is used for.

Why not? It’s not like it costs Blizzard a penny to leave things well enough alone.

I still have a quest to finish for Chromie. Blizz said those portals would be made visible to characters on the Class Hall quests, but they said not a peep about other quests. How the heck does it hurt anything to leave the portals in all the time?

Your blind defense of a patently stupid move on Blizzard’s part really makes it hard to believe in your logical thinking skills.


I recently let my sub lapse because I’ve been pretty busy with my last semester of school. But when I did have time to play WoW, I was farming old raids (specifically ToT and SoO). I was doing this because it’s something I’d been wanting to do and was fairly convenient to do (SoO was right outside the Shrine portal, and ToT wasn’t much further away from it). This change adds travel time to this task, and given how constrained my playtime already is currently, the desire to renew my sub isn’t as high.

Seriously, stop removing QoL changes to the game to force people to play a certain way. All it will do is just get people to stop doing those tasks.


The world feels too big.

Blizzard should be going full-throttle for more portals not fewer.

Some of them would be earned merely by getting to the end destination.

Others would be earned through a reputation threshold.

Others still could be earned through quest lines.

Additionally, mages should be able to build portals.

These would have all of the functionality of the ones in the class kit.

They would need to be limited in number and location to prevent this from being OP.

Stop deleting stuff. Just. Stop.


Omg,hope they’re not removing Caverns of Time.

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Not the Caverns, just the portals in both Dalarans to it. And not putting a replacement in the new “portal rooms”.


You can said whatever you want blizzard, at the end the translation was “we just want you subscription longer and time gated more stuff”


Yea, let’s go back to this again, Because going afk on a flight from one place to another really adds to game play. If that is your definition of good game play, then do that. But no, that’s not enough for you. The rest of us have to do that also.


And the Udlum portal? If so then after this expanse is over the portal to shililus would be gone,either way it’ll be so confusing and waste of time.