Stop removing portals

And we have a hearthstone for Legion Dalaran already.

The world feels more tedious.


More difficult than it was before portals were removed.


My sub is up in 4 days. I was going to renew but I think I will just take another break.

Maybe one of the fanbois in this thread will play more to make up for my non-existant time?

It occurred to me that I don’t like being told the singular way to play. I hated how they did flight in legion. I can’t stand places like Argus either, and I’m nearly 100% sure they haven’t told us what part 2 is because they know we don’t like it.

So I’m learning, that I can’t ever rely on blizzard to do what is required to keep the players happy, they always do something dumb for their precious metrics.

This portal thing isn’t about travel. It’s about getting you used to vanilla. It’s the only growth opportunity this year for them, so they are just trying to extend play time.


I find the portal prune very healthy for the game.

It’s a fantasy RPG, with so much portals around, the game feels like a “virtual world”.
There should be an effort to go to places, know your way around zeppelings and boats. The portal beign so comun just break the immersion, why Horde needs a fleet if you can just port ppl around?

Hey everyone, we are going to strip and take things away from the game! Arent you happy? Tone deaf Blizz and loyal “everything is awesome” sheep like Tarc make a great couple of blind fools.


Why do you think your preferences have more importance than mine, or others who support this move?

I honestly don’t even understand why they have rooms full of portals in the first place.

Just have the portal network work the same way as Flight Paths. Where there’s one per city/hub location, they’re all connected, and clicking the portal just brings up a window that lists all the other portals you’ve activated.


Because as soon as we let the matter drop. The Powers That Be will pat themselves on the back and say that no one’s complaining so the decision to remove the portals was a good one and they should do more things like that in the future. Well, they’re probably doing that anyway, but I still feel it’s important to make my preferences and displeasure known, that way I won’t be kicking myself later for not speaking up when there was a sliver of a chance it might have helped to change things.


Well if your preference is you dont mind the new norm then you shouldnt mind if the portals stay either.


See you can get yours and other get there. No one stopping you from doing it but you. When cater to one side. A company just loses. Add more portal for us. let you do your traveling method also. It a win, win situation.

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Probably small consolation, but if you’re a pet trainer that does pet dungeon content, there’s an NPC in Dalaran and Dezar’alor that will port you right to Gadgetzan because of the pet dungeon there.


Well, if you want the world to feel “bigger” remove mounts, portals and flight paths. That should make it feel massive.
I’d think you would want more convenience for your players, especially things that have been in the game for a few expansions now, not removing then just for the sake of making the world feel “bigger”.


To everyone who is against the portals, why not let them keep them in the game and you can choose not to use them? Taking away things that I’d say 98-99% of the players enjoy is bad for the game, right, but if you don’t want them, simply choose not to use them. I think that would be fair. That way you can play the game like you want to, and so can we!


Then dont use them. Why should everyone else lose portals so you can feel more immersed?

Wasnt a good argument against flying, isnt a good argument against portals.


Because no one is making you use the portals if you don’t want to use them.

By saying you want the portals removed, you’re saying you don’t want other players to play differently from you. You want to dictate how the rest of us spend time in the game. You are, in fact, saying your way is the best and only way to play, and the rest of us be damned.

Whereas, if the portals are left in place, it has no impact on you at all. You can use them, not use them, no one cares. You can role-play walk everywhere if you want, and no one will try to force you to do otherwise.

Portals = options.
No portals = no options.

Players want options.


Yeah, seem like every moved made can all go back to that. It seems they use it to further do more stuff no one wants. Forgetting that one and the one where they scraped almost all first patched in WOD due to a small vocal minority. How that work for them?

You know you’re welcome to use other methods of navigating the world even if portals are still there, right?


Well no. Because we only go to the BFA zones and the WF to farm rares. With us only visiting older zones for a 5 minute quest and then going back to the current city. Removing portals only keeps the world small and then adds frustration to everyone


Because when portals are in place, folks who prefer to use other methods of navigating the world still have that option. If portals are removed, then those who prefer that method of navigation are forced to use alternate methods.

The first way, both groups can use their own preferred method. The second way, only one group can.


Zeppelins and boats are portals with a different animation. Both take you from one location to another.

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