Stop removing portals

There is an in-game way to see what the playerbase thinks of no portals to an expansion hub. Look at northrend dalaran. Even though it does have a portal to it if you wander through pandaland… just having to take one extra step to get there makes northrend dalaran a ghost town.

You have the tools, and should have the experience after all this time to know what happens when you remove portals from players, they simply stop going to these hard to access places. So yeah, you are trying to increase the amount of time players are logged in to make the numbers prettier for stock holders because anyone who has played more than a month knows what happens to areas cut off from easy to use portals. It doesn’t make the world bigger it makes the majority of players think these places might as well not even exist anymore.

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I have more fun starting and leveling new character thru Classic content (in retail, that is) than I do in BfA or Legion or WoD.
I wonder if theyre dumb enough to actually believe that they can corral us into playing BfA?
That’d be a hoot watching them destroy the game trying.


It doesn’t feel bigger. FEELING of size matters not to me. I know how big the earth is. I don’t need to experience the 18 hour flight from here to hong kong to appreciate it.

Also, no I don’t care if the world “feels alive” in the regard you’re talking about. I’m not here to experience the level of realness you’re presenting here. Imagine if I had to go to the store to buy food, stop every 2-6 hours to go to the bathroom, etc. Wow! Such a living world! So realistic!


Other than my long post above, I want all the racial capitals to be relevant. My blood-elf characters want to be based in Silvermoon, I want to live in Undercity. My taurens want to live in Thunder Bluff. My goblin…well she might have to try out Bilgewater Harbor because the Goblin Slums are now the Embassy.


heh. Yeah, I had my hearthstone set to the slums for a long while. Then they trashed it. I dont even bother using orgrimmar as home base anymore.

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You are right, a 18 hour flight wouldn’t be immersive enough to experience the earth, you have to go the entire journey on horseback first before you earn the right to use an airplane.


Portal Rooms are a great idea. But why remove portals already in place? What’s the point in that? It breaks some bits of story. It ruins a flow someone may already have for moving around.


If we were talking real life, real horses, then maybe that trip would be nice…for those of us in the age of the gasoline engine.
Go back 300 years when a horse was the mode of travel and I dont think anyone alive got a thrill out of dragging out a trek thru the wilderness on horseback.
I think they just wanted to get there.


Honestly this is just gonna determine which content i do because im only gonna do stuff thats convenient. I want WoD transmog gear but theres no easy way to get to the raids so i dont bother. Ill just go without. This kinda stuff will lead me to unsubbing in the long term when i get bored with the things that you guys have chosen to make accessible.


Pretty much this i like to go to older places also . I go out of my way to avoid Org the most horrid looking city in the game

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The pattern of Generation #Hashtagactivism that thinks angry words on the internet makes businesses do things?

Picking up loud & clear, bruh.

All they needed to do was add a portal to old Dalaran. Something that should have been done years ago. Nothing else needed to be changed.

If they wanted to help us out they could have added a portal to Timeless Isle and not Jade Forest.

Instead, they made TWO portals to Legion Dalaran. One that the quest created (and didn’t close) and the second one that happened to appear from noplace.

Ok here is the question that needs answered. Will the communities feedback be ignored or will you listen to us.

Activision will like this one, stop wasting money and resources on devlopment features and/or removal of features the player don’t want.

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Gul’dan was a warlock who could make portals to different locations, portals shouldn’t be exclusive to mages unless you gonna retcon that too


I don’t get to play as much as I’d like to anymore. I don’t like to spend my time figuring out the quickest way to get somewhere because flying is a waste of my time. I constantly daydream about running old content for transmog while I’m at work and you know why I don’t? I get home and I’m tired and taking the time to figure out how to get to an old raid (because I don’t do them frequently enough to know the best way already) is not worth it anymore.

Guess I’ll just continue the meaningless grind for AP.

Sarcasm aside, it isn’t worth my limited time so I might as well figure out something I can do to stay somewhat relevant in the game. I used to love collecting pets, mounts, toys, etc but now there’s just way too much of it. Massive amounts are constantly added. There’s SO MUCH to do in this game. So many choices and it’s overwhelming knowing you’ll never see all of it.

Removing portals adds to my frustration and further desire to not play. Why play if I won’t be able to even achieve anything significant? Even if it’s only significant to me personally? FOMO only works at retaining subscribers if they feel like reaching the end is something tangible.


Sufficient for you. You do realize that other folks have other preferences, right? You also realize that this is a game and the target goal should be fun not “sufficiency”? Sure they’ve removed portals in the past. Usually the ones from the most recent expansion hub get moved to the current expansion hub once the new expansion hits. Some of the portals being removed have been in place for a decade or longer. That’s not the same as moving (not removing, but simply moving) portals that have only been in place for 2 years.

Also, just because that’s the way it’s been done in the past doesn’t mean that’s the way it needs to continue in the future. Times change. The player base changes. This player base seems unhappy with the decision this time around.


From “A History Of WoW,” the chapter on Warlords of Draenor:

We saw similar commentary back before WoD launched when it was indicated that personal flight would be no more, beginning with WoD and going forward. We were told to just accept it, adapt, and move on. Some of us – those with more than two functioning brain cells connected and communicating with each other – saw the writing on the wall. That removal of personal flight was just the first step towards butchering this game into something it was never intended to be.

We heard the same thing, and reacted the same way, with the first pruning of talents and abilities. And we saw the writing on the wall.

Now we’re hearing the same drivel again and the same “here, take this and like it or else” advice.

Stick with that process and you’ll eventually have only 4 people left in the game to play with.


No, its stupid to remove a portal and call the world bigger. Why dont you guys stop using vehicles to get to places everyday and tell me how much more “fun” the world is. Dont add a convenience only to take it away later when you want to funnel us to certain places, undermines the entire point of an open world.


The problem with that style of mentality. It is not for everyone. Some players have time limits and other things to keep in mind. I keep seeing/reading that you and others on the team want players to be like you. That just ends up failing in the long run. No two people are alike. Even in play styles, there are variations. When the design team do it around only their playstyle. It ends up with a player just not wanting to play. Thus, we do not want to work a game for 40 hours to get something.

We just want to play a game for 4 hours get the objective done and go to sleep. Not wake up and do more work. Work should never be in a game to be played for fun. That where you guys fail to see. It is a job for you guys and you want your job in the game. Sure might be some like that after reading forums. I bet it is not the majority of the player base. Thus stop making it a job and start making it fun. Maybe hire someone who can be objective might help or a volunteer if, not in the budget. Otherwise, you guys keep failing with job mentality. Running everyone off. Stop it.