Stop removing portals

I’m not denying that. But how many of the discussion points have reiterated the same point? I’m not bashing the posters. I’m not bashing the idea of discussion. This seems to be a heated discussion where players are more aggressive towards the other players who aren’t exactly doing the changes that everyone’s hating on. 5 posts per minute isn’t “discussion” it’s “heated debate.”

The problem is…who are we debating, when the blues are gone?

And there you have it.
Everything Blizzard is doing is the exact opposite of what they should be doing.
The world is HUGE and the want me to feel like its bigger :crazy_face:
My guess is the guy who came up with this crap drives that Porsche around in first gear all day. :roll_eyes:

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heh…you dont think theyre here reading?
Violate the rules…ask them if you can give away a character youve leveled to someone else and see how fast a blue is in here pounding you into a puddle with the ToS.

they’ve got redflags for that. Autotriggers, commands, console tickets etc. They’re checking things that come up with a little red ping on their screen. Reading for the sake of reading I highly doubt. Skimming maybe, but not reading.

heh…and now HE is in the discussion :rofl:

This is why all my toons are engineers. It helps a bit.

They removed those portals because of the portal room coming in 8.1.5. It wasn’t done to “retire” anything. You’re arguing dishonestly and you’re just another example of the people who come out of the woodwork to defend anything Blizzard does.

It might be sufficient for you, but some of us actually spend time playing the game.

This attitude is completely baffling. You’re actually defending something that makes the game worse. You should be ashamed of yourself.

You could have saved us all some time by not saying anything at all.

Your nonsensical arguments won’t be missed.


What, do you guys not have MAGES?!?


NO! (<-- yelling this btw)

They world does not feel bigger. It is more annoying. Especially for old world content.


Blizzard needs to stop digging in their heels when they make bad decisions. There is NO reason to remove portals, stop wasting dev time on silly things like this. The community response is negative so save yourself some work and DON’T remove the portals.

I would love to see how projects like this are managed internally, it is so bizarre to me that stuff like this even happens.


Or you know, just stop removing old content with every patch. The game is massive yet we use only 1% of it.


guess blizzard is pushing for everyone to stop playing their main and swap to a mage instead.


What? YOu think they should fix that ‘in combat’ bug?
Nah. Removing convenience from the game is MUCH more important…somehow.
Well, to those investors, anyway.
Till enough players quit over crap like this and spook those investors off entirely.
then we get to tell the clowns at Acticrap we told them so while we’re over playing FF14

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It’s extremely rare to have comments over the weekend. Probably get something Monday around noon time in Irvine. Bornakk and/or devs have a lot to catch up on since late Friday.

Not entirely sure their view is going to change on this, at least not yet. But expecting more communication from them over the weekend is foolhardy.

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I can hear it now…
“hey guys…remember that time we tried to remove flight? Wasnt that fun? Lets do that again”

if going to remove something to get people around then how about enable flying


Because their own work compares so unfavourably with it.
Vandalizing the work of past game developers and artists might stop the current crew from being shown up so badly.


I thought since the beginning that Ironforge should be eligible for enabling War Mode.
But it seems Blizzard is outright confirmed they completely forgot/don’t care about how iconic Ironforge is.
And before you say “durr what’s the point of Ironforge?” keep in mind that some people like to play the 15 years of content instead of complaining about the lack in the new one. So farming old world mats, as well as accessing Arathi Highlands when there’s no portal is easier through Ironforge.

If you are intent on removing portals from everywhere, please add mages the ability to portal to all of these places. At least make this a positive (bittersweetly) by encouraging interaction for fast-travel.

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Its simple what they are doing. If it takes more time to get to places, it will take us players longer to get to certain destinations therefore playing longer therefore paying longer. Blizzard, start treating us like players again instead of payers, or your world will continue to get more desolate by the day.


ouch. That smarts