Stop removing portals

So, you’re saying mounted flight is a good thing?

I can has?


Come on guys this shouldn’t be rocket science. Having a portal to the two main faction cities and 1 to each expansion is very reasonable.

If you really want to make Mages valuable, rather than taking major portals away from everyone else, give them better portals. A mage with a portal spell that gets them to any zone they want to travel to would make mages very valuable. And don’t tell me that you couldn’t come up with an appropriately themed UI format for it either.


I don’t understand this change. This doesn’t make the world feel bigger it annoys your player base. Look at open world games. Almost all of them have direct teleports to each city regardless of they class of the player and the world feels plenty big.

The only thing removing the extra portals will do artificially increase the amount of time it takes to accomplish a task in game. Guess I’ll go back to FF14 and where there is a minimum of three portals per zone.


If they are going to take away portals to things could they at least make flying not require the Pathfinder achievement (at least for older xpacs like draenor/ legion)?
Portals help cut travel time by half or more, so not having them makes traveling to places not really worth your time and same goes for flying. They used the exact same excuse for removing flying in dreanor and we only got it back cause of fan outcry and to be honest if flying was available right off the back during that expac it would’ve been more bearable to play through. Though I do admit that draenor was at least twice the size of broken ilses and kultiras/zandalar


I have a great idea. Lets remove all portals and flying from the game.


Let’s just remove the game while we are at it.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This, THIS, THIS!

Players have no trouble finding myriads of ways to play WoW. But if travel takes up all their time, they’ll just move on to something more engaging.


No, I don’t like it and I don’t think it makes the world feel bigger. It just feels like an excuse for doing something that makes no logical sense. Why dont they just add portals to all major cities/hubs so people would like being there and so the world would feel alive because of the players and not because of an illusion?

It depends on the Continent, but for the most part it’s difficult to the point where it becomes not worth the time of the players


heh…new devs and clowns at Actiblizzard versus the ones who put the portals in there who felt they were needed.
A HUB will make it MORE mage-like, not less.

Good god, the blues should really just stop talking here.
Better that we were left in the dark than for them to speak and make it clear that they think we’re all too stupid to figure out that theyre blowing smoke where the sun dont shine.

And then having their shills in here talking for them…as if thats not obvious enough :roll_eyes:


no…it doesnt.
It makes me want to quit playing your stupid game.
How many land masses we got now?
yeah…a TON.
We dont NEED the world to feel ‘bigger’.
And please…stop blowing smoke up my rump.
We know this has nothing to do with OUR benefit or OUR convenience
Its to impress your investors with time played numbers. Simple as that.
IF you REALLY cared about OUR game YOU would StOP PLAYING games…and then insulting OUR intelligence in here with this crap illogic


That can be arranged.
I QUIT playing golf because it was irritating me.
Cant break 82 no matter how much time spent, apparently.
I dont keep things in my life to agitate myself. I toss them in the dumpster like I did $1000 worth of golf equipment.

Blizzard thinks they’ll milk anything out of me, theyre nuts.
I’ll laugh out loud while Im logging into FF14 instead andletting my multiple WoW accounts lapse.

Funny thing?
WE dont NEED this game.
They do, however NEED our $$$.


Yeah, it’s going live. Yeah, we’re going to have to deal with it.

But we sure don’t have to bend over and accept it.

I don’t care about old hubs being shut down if all the previously available portals are moved to the new hub. But if they don’t put in all the portals and yet still expect me to keep playing as much as I currently do, they’re in for a rude awakening. If I feel like most of my play time is spent traveling instead of actually playing, I’ll find something better to do. And the thing is, this thread is pretty much proof that I’m not the only one.


But but but…dont you LOVE that 48 hour drive from Ohio to LA when you really need to BE there getting crap done instead?
Who cares about the actual work that needs done…its the road trip there thats supposed to matter :roll_eyes:

Can you believe that they actually sent a blue in here to try to talk this joke up?


Tbh this isn’t as big of a deal as flying was in WOD, but nevertheless the devs reasoning for this is just as bad. If they want the world bigger and more alive then why don’t they MAKE the world bigger and the places more enjoyable and worthwhile for the players?


This is good, Vanilla didn’t have these portals and the world felt much bigger even though it was smaller. I don’t get people that complain about not having portals, just play a mage or talk to a mage if you want portals. It’s not a big deal.

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Oof. Guess my “Burnt on WoW” FC idea wasn’t so crazy after all.


Players didn’t know/have the same lvl of convenience as we do today. You shouldn’t go back on things that make the player bases life easier. I know I keep bringing this up, but a great example of it would be the flying debacle and look how that turned out for the devs


I think this blue is a troll, what kind of person likes running around taking more time to accomplish a task? Not everyone has as much time to play as you, so increasing the travel time gives them even less time to enjoy actually playing the game and less likely to come back again.


I just wanted to add my displeasure that we are losing portals such as Caverns of Time, Shrine of Seven Storms, Dalaran crater. For my mount farming this is a huge blow toward convenience of getting to places such as Karazhan, Mogu’shan Vaults, Siege of Orgrimmar, Dragon Soul, and more. This isn’t going to make the world bigger for me at all. Over a period of time of months it will take to get those mounts it will just adds hours of time just to travel to farming areas like these when I could be spending those hours doing other more enjoyable things in the game. I am not at all happy with Blizzard’s changes or explanation for the changes. You can add more portals to the game but don’t arbitrary take them away and claim it’ll make the game better because it won’t.


This isn’t necessarily about this topic,but does blizzard actually listen to the forums?