Stop removing portals

This is just one of the reasons players keep quiting the game… devs are making the game for, well, THE DEVS, but not for the players. All the changes and ideas that they came lately with are having negative impact with the community and they insist in keep the changes. No, i don’t want waste my time traveling the old world cause i already did several times, and now we have so much more things to do. So please, stop removing portals yes. Save some time, and some subs.

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Well, unless youre me and you port to just anywhere because the portal is there and you want to go check out that part of the world and maybe spend a couple hour farming.
But hey…the golf course has been calling my name for 3 seasons here. Maybe I’ll go spend some time doing that instead.

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No, my 22,640 achievement points come from sitting in town all day.

I see MORE players in MOP content than I ever do in BfA, guy.

Leveling, yes, then they’re gone. Your statement doesn’t disprove my point.

At one point my NEW computer was lagging out because there were so many players in halfhill.

I very much doubt that, but if true, time to upgrade that potato, as it sounds like Best Buy shortchanged you.

Consider this the proverbial “last word”, the msg notifications are cutting into my DMF buff uptime. :sunglasses:

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What part of CONSTANT FLOW of players leveling thru did you happen to miss?
You seem to think its ONE herd of players moving thru MoP and then no more…SORRY but that AINT the case.
I consistently see characters playing there, friend…so it aint just a few.

Facts just arent working out for you here today, are they?


uh huh. :roll_eyes:
Really dont care about your inability to accept reality.
Reality and facts are what they are.

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Are you serious??? How is traversal on auto-pilot to a singular throne room for a portal making the world feel bigger than making a journey through different zones or different parts of a city on the way to your destination.

Why not make the new portal rooms and leave the others in place? We’ve never lost a previous xpac’s portals so quickly.


heh…and the hysterical part is you seem to be somehow have convinced yourself that, even if MoP wasnt being used, that somehow those portals were maybe running up the electric bill and like a lightbulb in a vacant room, needed to be turned off.

Sorry but it aint like that.
There is no VALID reason to have removed those portals.
none. zero. zilch. nada.
And we ALL know it.
There is only ONE reason to remove them and we all know it AINT about player convenience.
IF this were actually about convenience then those portals would still be there AND this mythical hub would be ADDED to my portal options.

No. The ONLY reason to remove them is to add to my time played.
The laughable irony being that over three days since this initially irritated me theyve LOST “hours played” in my case because I havent been playing over feeling irritated by it.
7 or more hours per day for three days lost. Over 20 hours in THREE days NOT played.

Great job, Blizzard.
Lets see how many hours I spend in here complaining about it instead of playing the game.
Or better yet…dusting off those golf clubs and just not playing at all and maybe letting multiple subs lapse when they need paying in early May.


Heh. Thats a good point.
So they claim this is about ‘making the world feel bigger’…while putting in a SINGULAR hub to everywhere :rofl: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Wouldnt that be like having an airport with planes going all over the planet? Wouldnt that make MY view of the world even smaller than if I have to port thru MoP, to dalaran then over to Broken Isles?

These devs are so desperate, they cant even get their cover stories to make any sense.


This is exactly the hill you want to die on. Why? Because we’re being fed a line of BS to hide the true reason: Time Spent.

The longer it takes you to do anything, the longer the overall time spent metric is, and they (and more importantly, the stockholders) LOVE that. They brag on their investor calls about how they’re increasing it quarter-by-quarter.

So you take this lying down and act like it’s no big deal, and they’re just going to keep taking things away and making things take longer because YOU DIDN’T SPEAK UP AND TELL THEM NO.

You don’t care the portals are getting removed? Fine. Don’t say anything when one day when they potentially nerf mount speed, or add ridiculous crap like stamina bars that force you to walk after you’ve been running for awhile.

Don’t think it’ll happen? Think again. This is the age of games for stockholders, not games for players.


One, one more note since ol’ Chrome here is going crazy. Do you realize that you’re not only responding 2-3x to my same post, but then you’re also responding to your own responses to me? :confused:

Brevity is the soul of wit, bro. Gather your thoughts first, then deliver it in one blow. Thanks.

MoP gets 1 portal to Org/SW in 9 days. Nothing you will do about it, so adapt your gameplay and move on.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to make the world feel bigger, but that is done more once you are inside of an area. Increase travel time across continents just makes things feel tedious, not bigger.

At this point riding a ship from Stormwind to Northrend doesn’t make the world feel larger, it just makes me alt tab out and do something else while I wait, which completely negates making it feel bigger anyways. At this point WoW players have mostly been around for a long time. Trying to pull the wool over their eyes with changes like this is long past working. If you increase travel times, or make it harder to get places they will either not go there or just alt-tab more.

You are not going to get the outcome you desire.


I know exactly what I did.
You have anything of relevance that actually makes sense to offer here?
k, then.

And as I said…theyve reverted TONS of changes and we all know it.
You got flight in WoD?
k, then.

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And isnt the ‘world’ big enough?
kalimdor, EK, Pandaria, Broken Isles. Two BfA land masses, Draenor, outland

yeah…the ‘world’ needed them to do AnYTHING to make it ‘bigger’ :rofl:

If anything we needed MORE portals to traverse this ever growing world.


Fun detected, fun removed. Goal here is to increase time played metric and slow content consumption with boring travel.


Well I agree when it comes to accessing old content. Making it more tedious just means players are less likely to do it, which is why I said it won’t give them the outcome they desire.


According to the announcement, there is still a portal in the new portal room to Northrend’s Dalaran.

It was just an example. The point is still the same though.

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It’s just like everything blizzard has done this expansion, half assed. You would think in a world of magic that we could get a little bit of consistency with general QoL for getting around.


same mistakes?
…do you understand that this isn’t the first time portals have been removed?

we all survived.

and you’ll still be able to do that.

You seem to think that those portals, in that one specific room, are the only method of moving around.

We shouldn’t have access to portals because we aren’t mages? Ok so please take timewarp away from mages because they stole it from shamans.

The classes are one big homogenized mess and you used that as an excuse?