Stop removing portals


…Oh wait, he’s serious…

Nah, man…Beefing the metrics for a quarter ain’t worth driving off huge chonks of the playerbase for good. Just how myopic are the bigwigs and muckitymucks there, nowadays?


Oh, they’re doing that alright … At this rate, their legacy will be “The Company That Killed The Cash Cow.”


Same here.
I just wont go run to those places they removed the portals to.
I was only spending GAME TIME (ya hear that BLIZZARD?) farming mats and crap just to play the game and relax.
Not wasting a single second trying to get to places I was farming (and thus LOGGED IN AND PLAYING, BLIZZARD!) if the portals arent there or its one iota more irritating to get there.

Its in their best interest if EVERY removed portal is in this mythical hub if they think Im even remotely going to be playing as much.

Funny thing?
For three days now Ive been irritated about this portal crap that I may have only played about a real hour or so all day, each day.
The day before that I was probably logged in and playing on and off for maybe 8 hours.
These boneheads have already LOST ‘hours played’ just by irritating me with this portal crap, and its only been a few days.
Wonder how many hours I wont be logged in and playing over the next month over it.



Have you not read any of this thread?


Can you not understand why the permanent removal of any portals is hugely inconvenient and unnecessary?

Nope. Portals have been removed from Northrend Dalaran and MoP’s shrines thus far. As old content gets, y’know, old, they retire it.

Except…and god this ought to be obvious…it aint OLD to players leveling thru it currently. :roll_eyes:


Each location still has 1 portal back to Orgrimmar or Stormwind, respectively. That is sufficient.

And it ain’t retired. The achievements are STILL current that requires running that “old” content to obtain them. It isn’t emphasized as much as when it was current, but it DEFINITELY isn’t “retired.”


yeah…this is the FIRST game of this sort Ive EVERY played that seems to try to limit instant travel.
Most games makers seem to get it that its better to keep players ENGAGED rather than alt tabbing out for 10 minutes.
But hey, this is Acticrap in 2019. Whole different animal.


Thats just stupid. AGAIN…some players are leveling thru content that HAD those portals for other players when the expansion was new.
Doesnt matter how much a couple of alts here try to convince us, friend… we AINT going to be convinced that this was for OUR benefit OR for the benefit of this game other than showing played time to investors.

Go blow smoke in someone elses direction who may be gullible enough to buy it.


heh…yeah. Its been ‘retired’, he says…while there are how many achievements just sitting there needing to be achieved.
Im not buying into this guys alts posting the same crap over and over.


And now they don’t. Most people fly through an old expansion’s content in a matter of days anyways, it’s not like a lot of time si spent leveling in MoP anymore.

This is going live in 9 days, so unless there’s some last minute changes on the next PTR update…Tuesday?..time to buck up and accept it.

Nothing else to say here, bruh. :man_shrugging:

[quote=“Bornakk, post:11, topic:113178, full:true”]
When there are fewer portals, does the world feel a bit bigger to you? Do you like that?[/quote]

Oh yes. It feels so good that I sold my car in real life so that I can walk to work every day, too! Maybe next week, I’ll tie cinderblocks to my legs to further enhance the experience.


Apparently they already achieved that one given how many subs theyve lost over the last years.
Ive seen companies make idiotic mistakes before, but they mostly seem to learn from them.

I told my kids when they were growing up that the difference between a smart man and dumb man is the smart man learns from his mistakes and changes what he’s doing so he doesnt make the same idiot mistakes again.
My kids were very young and easily figured that out.
Grown college educated men and women at Activision/Blizzard seem to have not had parents that cared enough to teach them that.


Another instance of blizzard fun police. There really isn’t a reason to remove these portals other than forcing players to play a specific way. Much like the nerfing of bear tartare. They say it makes the world feel bigger in concept may be true. But I’m reality it just annoys players who most of the time will just not bother to go where they wanted to go and stay in the Hub. This is noncontent at it’s finest. The easiest way to fix this is. Change the portals in the portal rooms to go to that xpacks Hub not some random village and restore their portals.


Just another consequence of switching to time played metric. May feel good to report more time played rather than declining subs on an analyst conference call but it sure doesn’t feel good to play longer on things. All this approach does is punish loyal players that stick with the game.


WOW…do you even play this game???
I see MORE players in MOP content than I ever do in BfA, guy.
At one point my NEW computer was lagging out because there were so many players in halfhill.
yeah…there is a CONSTANT FLOW of players leveling in MoP.
Good lord. Just stop talking


You said the same thing back in WoD when they said they were removing flight, didnt you?
And we all see how that went down.
They revert changes all the time.


I doubt it.

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Only if you are bouncing between those two points in your infinite world. Most portals are not used just to get to the location they port you to, they are used to swap continents and/or get you closer to wherever you are trying to go in this constantly expanding game. The issue isn’t the game feels to small…it isn’t (portals or no portals) it is the fact there is nothing to do in the vast majority of the world.

heh…well its worked for me so far.
I figure over three days Ive NOT played approximately 21-24 hours that I would have played instead of being so irritated that I spent that time posting in here and toying around in the woodshop and making some DIY camping stoves that i’ll never actually use.

youre already down over 20 hours played over this portal removal crap.