Stop removing portals

lol when I first started playing in BC a hunter gave me 2 stacks of silk bandages and they vendored for 2s, I thought I was so rich lol How can I possibly use all of this?

Yeah I financed everyone. Then I financed everyone’s alts. It just made everything so much better, quicker, faster that we all jumped on it. And it was so easy to work to make the gold back. I still have the spreadsheets I made of repayment plans.

Well, let’s see. Classic 2019, BC 2021, WotLK 2023, Cata 2025, MoP 2027. I could go back to a glorious MoP server in 2027.

MoP may have made some mistakes, but I will say one thing. They had LFR at that sweet spot of difficulty. It’s biggest failing was certain trinkets were poorly balanced.


I have never seen any threads EVER asking for portals to be removed because it would make it more an RPG or whatever. The only time this becomes an issue is when the Devs take away our ports.

And umm…have you ever played any other mmo before? Most mmorpg’s have instant travel even more convenient than WoW’s. All we asking the Devs here is to not take away our portals that we have had for years!


Please take the time to enjoy the zones you couldn’t wait to get the heck out of while leveling. Wait, what ?


No they make moving around faster and making the world feel bigger is just going to make players stop running old content which is what you do when you run out of things to do in the current content all this is going to do is make people quit don’t you remember the disaster doing this in cata was guess you don’t learn from your mistakes


It’s really funny that they think this will increase our playtime. I can guarantee you that making it tedious to run old content is only gonna make me stop doing those, and therefore play much less. Unlike our dear CM I don’t have unlimited time that I want to waste going from A to B just to enjoy the landscape.


FFXIV handles travel so amazingly beautiful and you don’t even think about it. If you’ve been to the “Flight Master” (it’s a big ol crystal thing, usually a few in each zone/city), you can teleport there for a fee, regardless of where you are. You also get a “Hearthstone” spell that you can set to any one of these crystals, and IIRC (it’s been over a year or so since I played it), it has no cooldown but simply lets you teleport to that crystal for free. You can change it at any time by simply going to a new crystal and choosing to change it (exactly like WoW innkeepers). You also get a few “Favored Places” that only cost half price, for places that you’ll normally teleport to.

Square’s well aware that people don’t like to just travel in areas they’ve been in a hundred times. Once you’ve fully explored a zone, why do you need to continue exploring it? It’s a dead zone to you. Blizzard, you’ve been doing this just as long as Square and although you only have 1 MMO to their 2 (or more that I don’t know about), I don’t get how this isn’t obvious to you. Removing flight had quite a backlash, but at least we knew “it was coming back eventually”. This is doing nothing with the only option of “have fun traveling there” when it wasn’t harming anyone. This isn’t like Master Loot removal where I can kind of understand why you removed the option (don’t agree with it, but I get it), but forcing people to travel more slowly in areas that are DEAD CONTENT TO THEM is nonsensical, and at best it’s just pure obliviousness/being out of touch with your fans, while at worst, it’s pure corporate greed trying to squeeze out more playtime from your consumers, but it’s just going to do nothing but piss people off. It’s not like they magically get more time to play, they’ll probably just end up not doing it anymore.

TL;DR: This is a lose-lose situation for literally everyone involved.


Seems like a cheap way to pad time-played by making it take longer to get somewhere.

This wasn’t a needed or requested change…


Yeah, same thing with flying. Blizzard could’ve just left things alone but instead they don’t and mess with stuff to create problems. That’s part of why I get so frustrated with these changes. No one was clamouring on the forums about too many portals.


Yeah FFXIV was nice. You got a free hearth that had no cd. You got a free second hearth if you attached the FFXIV authenticator. And you could still pick 3? favored locations for 50% off. Traveling was never really much of a problem.

Flight was better (complete the zone, get flying for the zone) but what I didn’t like was the word wasn’t continuous and you couldn’t dismount off the ground.

Flight feels more fluid in WoW than FFXIV and I like WoW’s power curve and art more than FFXIV or I’d be flying to FFXIV.


Another pathetic way to increase /timeplayed for their shareholder meetings.

Honestly, this is a change noone in your community wants, and at a time when you’re hardly addressing the issues we do want.

You’re making changes that reduce the QoL of farming for people who actually still play your game, that serves no purpose other than to increase time-played. Everyone knows what this is, and you’re just going to lose even more players over it.

Blizzard seems intent on making the worst decision when it comes to A or B, every single time.


Why is this current dev team obsessed with erasing the work done from the vanilla-BC-WotLK-Cata-MoP teams?


If Blizzard were a car company, they would remove the radios from all of their cars “Because people don’t even really use them.”

Do you not have an iPod?


Ive been playing under two years.
Ive been agitated before by their crap changes.
I boosted half a dozen characters, then within a week had two classes I paid to boost nerfed into dust. Had I known that was coming Id not have wasted $120.

This portal crap may be the last straw for me.
Ive seen other changes and nerfs that irritated, but I could always convince myself that it was for the greater good.

Spitefully trying to make me take longer to get where Im going…well, there is no way to convince myself that that is for the good of anyone other than INVESTORS.
They want the numbers to look good. “see how much longer players are playing”.
None of us here are naive enough to not know THAT is the REAL reason for this mythical hub.
That may well be the final nail in the coffin for me here.
I did without this game until 19 months ago. I have dozens of hobbies to blow my money and time on. This game doesnt actually have to be one of them anymore than golf does, which I walked away from a few years ago over various irritations.


The current dev team even erased all the work they did in Legion. This makes WoW much smaller.


They got to forge their own legacy…


No, Winkyface, it does not, but I feel a bit madder. I don’t like it in the slightest. Does Blizz not understand what about this game appeals to many of us, already? It is massive in scope. It is such fun to explore.

You know what aids in that exploration? Ease of travel: portals, flight, items that magically transport–even if they’re a spaghetti wiring that one has to continually recheck wowhead and google for where the quickest access lies, it’s not having to walk zigzag down the length of a continent to get where you want to go that makes exploring worthwhile. Because when I go exploring, I have a reason to, and whatever that reason is, it includes the location of my choice, not the 500 miles some darling dev thought it would be amusing for me to walk, just to fall down at their door.

I don’t want to fall down, don’t want to creep in this petty pace from zone to zone. I want to soar, to swim like a dolphin, to stealth through the thicket, but I want to get on with it, not be hampered by portals I’ve come to rely on getting yanked away in front of my kitty whiskers.

This feels like what Blizz tried to do with flight. It feels so nauseatingly samey.

You have a great game, but you don’t trust it or your players to find their fun. You think the fun is a carrot and we must never reach that carrot because then we’d be done with WoW. Little do you know, we’d make carrot cake and then go in search of the next delicious notion. We’d never run out. But we will run out if you make hauling our tushies down a long, dirt road all we ever get time to do.

I’m too miffed to emote anything remotely cutesy.

Next expansion, you’ll laud the inclusion of fabulous portals–the very ones you vanished from BfA. Starting to feel like Charlie Brown and the elusive football. Makes me want to find a different game to play, leaving Lucy with nothing but a surprised look on her face.


heh. If we had asked for it, hades would have frozen over before we’d have gotten it.