Stop removing portals

I’ve been feeling those blues since WoD, tbh. The only reason I play is because I can pay with gold.

I also miss Findle’s loot-a-rang more than I want to admit.

Preach it, sister. high five


Strawman? Or moving goalposts. Not sure which is more appropriate but I’m pretty sure it’s one of the two.

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What the hell. I love the Dalaran port room, and because of it, I often go for adventures around the world, like the STV fishing comp from the Kara port, or to farm swiftthistle in Hillsbrad through the Dalaran crater port, or simply go for a nostaligic romp through Zangarmarsh from the Shattrath port. While I’m in Dalaran, I also run a few follower missions in my order hall and hang out in the Underbelly looking for a scrap.

Without the port in Dalaran? I’ll never go there and it will be dead. My world will be smaller.

I don’t think I’m often bothered by game decisions, but hearing the Dalaran ports will be removed has actually really bothered me. :frowning:


making it harder to get around to do stuff in old content doesn’t make any sense to me.

I refused to do Pirate Day because the Boots of the Bay were broken for the Horde for months.

It’s not like it was 1-click and done either. You had to port to this or that city, sometimes making another connection to get there.
Ill-advised and ill-concieved IMO

People shouldn’t be forced to farm and buy all the items that were listed to compensate for portals going bye-bye. how many hours and gold would all that take?

making it harder for me to justify even playing the game since legion.


Fewer portals don’t make the world feel bigger, sticking to ground mounts do… Removing portals just greatly impairs my ability to play through old content… You would have to redo all the quests in the world and make every map into a sandbox of things to do to make the removal of portals into a useful way to immerse players…

There was no reason for this change.

The removal of any type of convenience item/items should NEVER happen. I dont understand how blizzard didn’t understand this would make people angry? Why in the world would you spend so many months making this content only for it to be a net negative?

This game was already on its last leg for me, this seemingly intentional sabotage of quality of life improvements might just be it.


The world is HUGE. We do not need to spend 10 minutes flying to a location to make us feel the size, we get it. Our time is valuable and I would think that would also matter to the people who create the game and choose to make changes that wind up hurting our quality of time in the game. I do so many things in various zones- old and new.

I don’t think anyone needs to quantify that in order to help the developers understand the importance of helping us get around in a vast universe. Why not put all the portals to the various zones in one spot and just leave them there, expand upon them as the world grows, and stop adding and removing them every expansion from other places?

Make a place we can count on. Having to relearn how to get around, or googling how to get to XY or Z every expansion is really just old. It’s not fun. It really isn’t fun. I have been here since the start, this could be implemented in a way that would alleviate player frustration and allow us to roam around this massive world to our destinations so that we can DO things versus traveling to do them. It just gets old, fast.


The world feels even smaller when you can’t easily get to places because odds are pretty good that quite a few players will just stop going to the places that they used to be able to get to so easily.

Because sometimes my hearthstones and toys to those places are on cooldown but I can still get to SW. Or maybe I want to go to Borean Tundra and it would be faster to go through SW than jumping to Dalaran or Wyrmrest Temple.

And be careful with your arguments. Blizzard might decide that boats and zeppelins make the world feel too small and yank them too.

The analogy makes perfect sense, you’re just proving that you’re arguing for the sake of arguing and have no intention in engaging in constructive discussion on this topic.

This is the same lame nonsense that came out of the woodwork after Blizz announced that flying wouldn’t be immediately available in WoD. Nobody has ever complained about portals “ruining” the game. Which makes all of the sudden supporters of this change very suspect in their motivation for supporting Blizzard.

Either slippery slope or strawman. It’s the same nonsense used by anti-flyers, so it’s no surprise to see the same garbage spewed in defense of Blizzard here too.


It feels annoying when you remove old portals. Having to remember new ways to get to stuff that you could with a portal.

It also makes it harder to want to play the game when you have to afk on a flightpath/ fly to an instance, it feels like arbitrary wait times.


Right. This change would have made at least a small amount of sense if they were adding world quests or other things to do around the world, but they’re not. It’s just being done purely to reduce player convenience.

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Even if they did add stuff, it doesn’t make sense to go through 3 zones of nothing to finally hit the new content you want to do.


Quality of Life changes are done because things are unpleasant, tiresome and annoying.

Oh, and thanks for agreeing on my comparison about travel limitations, as that’s what this is, limitations. They’re Limiting our Travel by making us spend More Time travelling.

PS: My first time in an airplane was kinda of scary, especially considering the horror story my sister had on her first flight. She had a nose bleed so bad they almost turned the airplane around.


It’s not really surprising that a Blizzard employee would claim they’re absolutely fine with all the additional wasted time, considering that they don’t have to pay for their own subscription.


Flying has always been uneventful for me. I can’t remember the first time I flew, though. I think it was a short one way flight that was only 60m.

Well, like I said, I had a horror story of my sister, so of course I was worried. Worst I had to deal with was my body didn’t want to pressurize properly. But I came prepared and knew how to deal with it. It was an annoyance more than anything. It was also a short trip which certainly helped.

The next time I flew? It was mostly a matter of “get comfy, go to sleep” as it was like an eight hour trip.

I remember when I got my first ground mount! I spent a few minutes jumping around lol. I remember when I got flying, I spent a few minutes doing all kinds of F14 maneuvers in the air lol.

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Oh yeah, first time flying in game. We got derailed briefly by my comment about my first experience in an airplane.

I mounted up, hit the space bar and suddenly it was “ooh, this is weird” then I began to move and it was “this is fun!” and I think I spent the next hour just flying around the zone and looking around. When it comes to exploring, some of my most memorable moments were while flying as opposed to being on the ground. But that’s a completely different topic as compared to Portals.


I got flying about 4 days after the launch of BC (not 100% sure on that). It was basically all the gold I had (my mage had the professions of mine/herb back then). I remember instantly regretting it because so much gold was gone.

I used it for a week or two (?) and made such much more gold mining and herbing and easily made the gold back just because I was so much faster than everyone else. I actually had even more gold than when I started. I opened up the bank of Zarrek at the time and financed my friend’s epic flying mounts. They all got epic flying and were amazed at how much faster they could make the gold to pay me back.

Good times.

Sort of unreal when I think about it. I’ve had flying since Jan 2007. in WotLK I think it took me 4-5 days to hit max level and get flying back. Cata I had flying out the gate (and hit max level in 2 days). MoP I hit max level the same day. WoD and onwards I was gated.

It’s crazy to think I’ve had epic flying for almost 8 (1/2007 to 11/2014) years and they just recentlyish stripped it all away.


That amusingly reminds me of Vanilla. A friend gave me, at level 20, TEN GOLD!

I was like “this will last forever!”

Well, obviously it didn’t, but it did keep me going with several alts until I was like 40 or so.

Good Times.