Stop removing portals

If you could cash in gear drops for JP, yeah. Like, I agree with what they’re after when they say that getting gear drops should be exciting, and getting great gear drops should be more exciting. But it could use some baseline protection.

Some other caveats: I’d make it cap out at the Mythic raiding base level and be ineligible for WF/TF, so you’ll never get the very best gear that way. I’d also look into holding back Heroic/Mythic gear for a bit, maybe a few weeks from the start of each raid, so as to not unduly affect world firsts.

Learn from the past, iterate on design choices, make a better system…or scrap it all, RNG loot best loot /s.

This is coming from someone who has gotten almost 13 400-410 MH drops from M+ and similar content…and no off hand. And I’ve still got a lot of other slots to fill ;_;

Another pointless change that further solidifies how bad this expansion is.


Why do you have to be a monkey paw, blizzard?

You finally create a portal room, which players want, but take away the convenience of portals, which players don’t want.

You’re a video game company. You are meant to be making a game that is fun. Thats the entire idea behind why people play video games. Making us fly further and afk longer on flight points does not increase fun. It makes us wait longer before we can get to the fun parts. Please either leave the ones in dalaran alone or place them in the portal room.

I don’t think you’re doing this for sub time because adding 5-10 minutes to my flight time makes me LESS likely to go and do the older content, not increase the amount of time I play the game.

Thank you.


I’ve never confused my perception of size based on how long it takes to get somewhere. California doesn’t get smaller because I can fly to San Francisco in an hour. Travel just becomes less daunting because you know how big it is otherwise. No, I don’t like being stuck flying/riding somewhere for longer than I need to. For Caverns of Time which I use a lot to run those old dungeons/raids for transmog would require I go to Stormwind and use the Uldum portal to fly from there. Before, it was Dalaran hearth to the Caverns of Time portal.

Wyrmrest Accord was also convenient for the raid/dungeon runs in Wrath considering it’s practically in the middle of the continent.

Many of the old raids require you to hearth out because they don’t have exit portals or NPCs. Having plotted out routes using the handful of hearthstones we’ve acquired over the years, it was nice to use Dalaran(Legion) and my Garrison to navigate. For instance, Blackrock Descent has no portal exit after you kill Nefarion. What if I want to do MC after? Well, garrison stone can get me back to Stormwind through my garrison pretty quickly. Or Dalaran(Legion) or my main hs if it’s up.

I think you get the idea. Less convenience to go on these crazy mount/transmog runs is less motivation to log in on a regular basis because I’m already down to just logging in to do daily world quests and that’s it at this point unless it’s raid night.


Blizz come on Cities should feel important. Let every major city have the amenities. Lets make Azeroth great again! Portals should reflect old and new content to keep relevant. Dont take away. Give more choices. DO IT DO IT DO IT. LETS GO BLIZZ !


The problem is the fact that the raid does not drop good gear to begin with. For example, my main’s bis helm drops from Shrine of the Storm. So I would have to hope and pray that I not only get a M10 key, I’d have to hope I could find some people who would want to run it and hope it would drop. Or I could save up TR forever and buy it.
Since I am more of a raider than a Mythic + person, I will not get a piece of gear that would help me and my raid team progress.

I love to raid, but it is so frustrating that I can’t get decent gear from the raid, or a way to buy that decent gear from a vendor. :frowning:

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Don’t they have an Azerite vendor now with 415 Azerite gear? Granted it’s expensive, but I thought that was the purpose of the titanium residue. I could be wrong, I don’t participate in the system.

Taking time to travel somewhere is fine when doing it on 1-3 characters but when you have 13+ who are going out to kill Pandaria World Bosses week after month after year because of the terrible drop rates, or heading to Dragon Soul for the last mount that refuses to drop, minutes becomes hours.
The time it takes to do that as it was, and the horrible drop rates is why I took a long break from that grind and adding more time to that ensures I won’t start that up again (which maybe is a good thing).


Yes they do, but in order to get the TR, you have to do M+ or hope to get purple azerite gear to scrap. If you scrap a piece of 385 gear you’ll get 35. If you scrap a piece of 415 you’ll get 365. If you run a m+ 6 you’ll get 80 TR; if you run a m+10 you’ll get 625.
The 415 piece of specific gear costs 7150.

TR was a good idea, but the costs are prohibitive to all but folks who Spam content. The idea of it being a “you failed to get loot!” on a bonus roll would make it more tolerable.

I didn’t realize how expensive it was, my bad.

The problem is every time we have a new expansion completely remove any and all reason to go to older content.

Fix this, and your world will feel much better. Give people a reason to go back to all of those expansions we’ve been to all of them just to run raids.

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They do with mounts and pets. The idea should be to make it easier to run the old raids, not harder.


I meant to say besides those raids.

What about all the zones that are in those old expansions? The game has tons and tons of zones and beg don’t ever get seen except when you level through them once.

Find a way to get players to go back and do all those old zones and maybe the world won’t feel so small.

Maybe it won’t feel like just current expansion and major cities Is the whole game.

Like many (all?) of the replies already in this thread, I do not like this change. Taking portals away makes the world seem smaller and less accessible to me and will likely cause me to do less in the old world.

As a mage, I still GREATLY enjoy and use various portals, especially the one to CoT.

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My boyfriend who mains a mage said the exact same thing. He’s planning to disable whispers. My condolences to all mages who want to simply go about their business without being bugged for portals.


So much this!!! I’m trying my hardest to find reasons to keep playing. I’ve been playing for more than 10 years now. I love this game. I want to keep loving this game. Blizzard’s not making it easy, though. :frowning:


Exactly, the problem is the way they design zones, once you finish the quests there, besides holiday events, there is no reason to ever return.

A world feels alive when the journey from point A to point B is full of things to do. While people HATE random encounters in console / computer RPGs, they are something that happens between Point A and Point B.

You don’t really see that “something” happening in WoW. If you’re travelling between points, the only reasons things happen is you’re in areas with higher mob density. Which grows old, fast. Especially when they don’t offer you anything of genuine worth.

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I agree with you. I figured I could stick out BfA because I could do other things (like farm mounts, pets, gold) in old content, but they sure are making it difficult for me to justify my sub.