Stop Q'ing me into lost BGs

Now four straight BG Q’s that went 4 minutes longer than “avg Q time” and I get Q’d into lost Battlegrounds. The most recent one LITERALLY ended the second I zoned in. If i’m going to wait 8 minutes for a Q, please do not send me into a BG that is lost with my teammates turtling the starting area. This makes it feel like you’re stealing my money.


Are you doing lowbie/sub-120 bgs? Those are all over the place and very hit and’ miss (twinks, imbalanced abilities, imbalanced gear, etc).

Just do 120 bgs and you’ll get fewer in-progress/losing bgs, most of the time the matches are fresh.

I get back filled into more 120 losses than I do lowbie brackets due to the same imbalanced classes / corruption/ pve gear problems.
I don’t think that is the problem for OP.

Bad luck for you though OP. Sounds like a rough day. You will probably have better luck trying again later. I suggest partying with a buddy to BG with. I noticed a lot less back filling when I’m with a friend.




8 mins isnt crazy long but it is longer than most other games out there. longer than average wait times plus backfilling can make people question if this game is worth it

some games have better solutions to back filling too. like not doing it past a certain point, mercy rules that just end the match or backfill with bots

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I love this polarizing topic.

If people would stop abandoning BGs, others wouldn’t backfill.

Take your losses and come out the other side without a deserter debuff.


you cant fix it like that. wow isnt the only game that has people leave matches, they all do. they could come up with a better back fill solution though

It’s ironic to see this thread pop up. Yesterday I spent about 36 minutes in a queue as horde for an epic BG. When I finally got in, 10 seconds later the Defeat dialog box came up.

My guess is someone was AFK waiting for the end of the BG when the server noticed it and replaced them with me.

You would think the server would stop back filling if the team was down by ~40% or if the match was about to end, but no.

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i have had the q put me into a bg when the victory or defeat screen has been popped up before like literally after it. Just the way it goes

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Had this happen too. All I could think was - oh nice, my percentage just skewed and I didn’t even play.

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I don’t believe that looking to Blizzard to implement some sort of game mechanic that circumvents the human behavior portion of the problem is the right thing to do. The primary reason people back fill into losing battlegrounds is that players in the match get in a huff and quit. I’m willing to bet that a tiny percentage actually leave due to life interruption issues, which is just unfortunate.

The closest thing to a mechanic behavior curve that I see is account wide deserter debuff applied. Making the penalty more severe would maybe have the most impact. I’ve played enough of the same brackets to get a feel for who the quitters are, and they often repeat.

If i queue into an epic thats losing with under 15 minutes left, i usually stay cus its quicker to afk in a corner than to leave the bg and wait for deserter to wear off.

If I enter a Wintergrasp and we are attacking, however, I immediately afk out because its 100% a loss. Then hop on one of my many alts.

In normal BG’s im pretty much forced to stay no matter if we win or lose, whereas if i Queue into a bg in progress and my team is losing, I usually just sit in a corner as well and wait.

you live in a fantasy world if you think they can ever get people to stop leaving. a stronger deserter debuff wont work, i guarantee it

every game out there has people leave its not just wow. some of them come up with better solutions for it

Why wouldn’t an account wide/stronger debuff make people think twice about bailing 2 minutes into a BG? They leave because of the perception of consequences of getting their time wasted to begin with.

they can do stuff besides pvp or hop on another game. a deserter debuff is never going to stop me from having fun, even if means logging to something else

not all /afks are the same either. some people are quick to leave and its annoying, but sometimes it really is the best use of your time

i know some people take offense to that second part but like it or not its true

If they leave and go to another game or do something else, than whatever, same effect. My issue is the people who have a tendency to leave the second a game doesn’t go ideal to farming the opposite team’s graveyard.

The argument about “my time” always comes up. What about the other 9 to 14 people’s time? Like the OP here?

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Missing the point. The point is exactly to make you go do something else and stop wasting other people’s time on BGs. It’s preferred that you do go do something else.

Overwatch’s endorsement system is pretty excellent at curbing desertion and general negativity in chat too. It’d be very cool to have an equivalent in WoW. A man can dream.

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Unless you physically go over to another player’s house and hold them at gunpoint, there is no way to “force” another player to do anything.

3 most likely outcomes from something like a “1 hour deserter penalty” for bgs:

  1. people just leave anyways (most likely in the case of 40-man bgs)
  2. (likely response from most pugs): people just “stop trying”, feed kills, or actively try to sabotage their own team to speed up the loss
  3. uptick in negativity, trolling, and toxic arguing in the bg chat because people that disagree with each other (on strats, on how the bg is going, etc) don’t “mix” very well :laughing:

The current penalty is fine as it is, probably why they haven’t changed it/increased it. No doubt the devs have taken into account all these “unintended consequences” and predicted how players would react, and opted to do nothing based on this forethought.

It’s the same reason they haven’t implemented any “punishment” for M+ leavers - they predict it would do more harm than good, and so they just choose to do nothing (despite the forums being full of “M+ leavers” complain threads).

Like I said in my first reply, I would prefer if there didn’t -have- to be an in-game mechanic to influence players one way or another. The effect of people leaving in a 10 or 15 man game is much more severe than an epic. It typically triggers other leavers too.

Ultimately, I’ll leave it at “If you aren’t ready to PvP, win or lose, then stay the hell off my BGs”. lol