Either way, they are leaving then. Takes them off the BGs for a time and allows for someone that wants to play to take their place.
Possible, which results in a vote kick perhaps.
They don’t leave anyway, not on my BGs at any rate. The whole point of the pissing and whining they do is to do it for an audience, they leave, audience gone, so they stay and continue.
i’ll be back after 15 mins. i only leave if the team wont play objectives. had a wsg where they fought in mid twice while the efc ran up the side yesterday
only me and one other person were on them
tbh i wish those people would be the ones to quit, id prefer they do something else
i dont care if people like it. i dont like when people wont play objectives myself. maybe they should get kicked and learn how to play 15 year old maps before joining
if we lose playing objectives i can live with that
Well, people don’t want to waste their time with bad players/bad teams, it makes sense why they would leave “2 minutes in” like you mentioned.
In most bgs, you can usually predict the outcome of the match within the first ~5 minutes or so. I say “usually” because there are exceptions here and there. Not being negative, just realistic.
Mind you, my perspective mostly comes from playing hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of 40-man bgs, but even a decent # of the little bgs play out the same way with regards to “the first 5 minutes rule”:
Battle for Gilneas - lost the first teamfight at WW? gg
Warsong Gulch / Twin Peaks - first flag cap tends to win
Seething Shore - first team to take a 300-400 point lead tends to win
Eye of the Storm - team that wins the first mid teamfight tends to win
Silvershard Mines - first team to take a lead of 2 carts tends to win
Etc etc
Anyways, I notice like 85-90% of the people on this particular subforum mainly play little/smaller bgs (unless they are on alts I am not aware of?), so I don’t understand why this topic is such a big deal to them in the first place?
Some dude left your Arathi Basin / Warsong Gulch? 1-2 players left from your team, so what? Seems like something that hardly warrants a second thought, much less all these forum posts on the topic.
1 player leaving a bg is nothing… I’ve sometimes seen up to 15-21 players leave in the first 5 minutes of a match (literally), and I don’t really think that much of it… I just chalk it up to a weak/bad team and hope the next team does better.
all of this true. i still dont leave after losing a group fight, i leave when the group is incompetent. if i make a fundamental mistake that costs us the match i dont cry if people leave either
Disagree with all of this btw, except EOTS. Mid is a DPS/healer check and how bad your team gets stomped there is a good yardstick for the rest, not foolproof, but decent.
8 minute queues aren’t the problem. It’s waiting 8 minutes to have something instantly end only to wait 8 more minutes. Why am I paying to play a game that legitmately wastes my time? I feel sorry for people as stupid as you.
Yes. You’ll find the only people against this idea are the frequent deserters, though, and unfortunately there are a fair few on this forum so this idea always gets shouted down.
I’m also a big fan of pairing frequent deserters together for fresh bgs and see how long it takes to complete one.
They really should put deserters into in progress BGs only til they shape up. They know who the deserters (account wide) are and they deserve each other, over and over!