Stop Punishing Players Who Have Dual Roles

Is it always like this

Someone post an argument about a part of the game
A Blue reply’s rebutting the argument
Someone counters the Blue with logic
Blue is never seen again …


You’re Horde. You have somewhere around 5-7x as many people running mythic+ dungeons as the alliance does.

My experience pugging is going to be much different from your friend’s.

Like I said, did you mean to respond to someone else? Because my post had nothing to do with reforge costs.

I was going after the OP’s assertion that dual roles is somehow a problem rather than an advantage since I have every problem that he does as someone without a second role, only it’s worse since I can’t fall back to tanking or healing no matter how much gold I spend on reforging.

I literally have to change toons which completely resets my progress and blocks any further progress on my 'lock.

Edit: I’m stupid…you ARE op.

But yes…reforge costs are a PITA, but your dual role isn’t a factor.

The person you replied to indicated they opened wowhead, the larges online repository of wow info and comments, to help them juggle their traits.

What part of that sounds like a person using a cookie cutter?

Did you even bother to look back at the post you replied to before replying to me? Something both a course in logic and/or informational analysis would have made the need clear for.

Heres a resource to help you get started:

Yeah… I think I’m done with you. Feel free to get in the last word.

maybe miss understanding?

Yes I do hate the azerite system with a passion, but if we’re stuck with it, the least they can do for us hybrids is improve the UI or something. Anything to make it easier to see all the traits apyou have available for a particular slot and what they do side by side or something.

I was hoping there would be an add-on by now to help, but the couple I’ve tried have been equally clumsy.

Seems a bit counterproductive when there is usually a shortage of tanks and healers… just sayin’

It’s a fundamental failure of the system that you would feel required to get an add-on to manage your gear. I can only commiserate. :expressionless: It seems many people default to just using the generic traits, regardless of the dps/hps loss, which is a stupid way to have to work around, honestly.

They don’t expect you to do this. They expect you to farm for separate gear.

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we are stuck until blizz changes their mind. We know they do… Not talking about it, will never change anything either. At least this way possibly blizz can judge how important it is to the community. No one is really hold their breath, that this will change at all, let alone within a short period of time. Course is set, a patch is hard work, expectantly when taking about overhauling systems.

We don’t want to grind additional gear to be able to play off specs. Just make azerite garbage armor work like tier sets used to (swap traits when you change spec) and we are good.

I’m not even talking about the fact that azerite armor is worse than tier sets in every way…

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They literally do not care about you.

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Having separate sets of gear for each spec isn’t really a new thing and with how much azerite gear gets thrown at you it is really easy to have separate pieces for your each spec you want to play.

Just out of curiosity what do people have in their bags? bag space is always one of the issues bought up in threads like this and I don’t get it. Bags are so large now that I permanently have 2 - 3 empty bags on any character that isn’t a gatherer/crafter. Even then, you can craft directly from your bank resources, you don’t need everything in your bags.

So, really, I’m curious. Whats in your bags that takes up so much space you can’t fit some extra gear pieces?

I don’t care about cookie cutter builds, and don’t even care which trait is the most powerful anymore.

On my ally Paladin, I tank 5mans, heal raids and solo ret. When I was gearing her up, I once ended a session with 3 new 340 ilvl azerite shoulders, all upgrades to my 325 shoulders. Oh and I also got a couple of helms and a chest piece. So that’s 6 new pieces of new azerite gear. If you think the current UI is conducive to deciding between all the possible trait combinations for 3 different specs, let alone trying to remember what they all do and researching whether or not this particular one might be getting nerfed or buffed in the next tuning hotfix, you need to give your head a shake.

And again, I don’t mind having separate sets of gear. I’ve only used the reforged twice, once because I made a mistake and the other because I upgraded my holy helm and switched the old one to ret because the trait was better. My main issue is that it all feels so clumsy and non-intuitive.

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Not sure why you’re angry at me? I was agreeing with you.

Oops, responded to the wrong person

Aahh I remember the days when I could play the game the way I wanted! Not like now when statements like “Could be worse” were used as legitimate excuse for why the game is trash. I remember fondly the “extra” gear I could acquire to learn and excel in a new role. i also remember when Gold wasn’t the deciding factor, or even when the “pay to win” Tokens were added. All makes sense now eh? Buy the token and you can enjoy the game! Still, your better than the last CM to take a jab at us all use very degrading language in his descriptions. At least you got that.


Yes, I vehemently disagree with blizurd’s stance on this. You should be able to switch azerite talents at will and w/o cost. I feel the same way about having to go rest areas to swap talents. How inane!!! blizurd would do better to remove such impediments and make those aspects of gameplay more convenient.

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people like to bring up the “oh you used to have to pay gold to respec”

here’s the thing… the devs of the day realised this was a bad thing, and eventually we got Dual spec, and eventually allowed us to swap to any spec anytime.

this is similar to the way they made primary stats on most armor swap depending on role, to ease up on having to carry multiple gear for each spec. but now we require carrying multiple azerite gear around to function properly in other specs.

i don’t understand why the current dev team have decided “screw those QoL changes made in the past”

it feels like they go out of their way to go around past QoL changes.

Edit: I’d like to add that these sort of limitations/requirements could possibly be adding to the shortage of tanks and healers.

As there are probably many DPS who at times would swap to an off spec to fill these roles who currently don’t. Either not having off spec azzerite, or not wanting to pay the respect costs just to run 1 dungeon or pug