The problem is that it is the vanilla equivalent of people are trying to get Perditions blade or Azuresong Mageblade, while Blizzard just made a change that required you to kill Kel’Thuzad to get them.
I would say something like “Because that’s how exclusive the rating makes it” but in reality there’s way more guilds that cleared Naxx than cleared 2050+ rating in TBC.
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Your right back then when my friend bought the game to play with me he Created a new toon and was like bro holy cow my guy is lvl 58… if we are going to create classic TBC as a separate game from 2007 then let’s stop with the Authenticity crap when certain changes happen.
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i care.
i just knew they would make some changes.
i tried to be supportive cause i knew alot of people wanted some little tweaks here and there and decided to support #somechanges.
now i know what i knew back when i was #nochanges . you give blizzard an inch of room to make changes soon they would start making wholesale changes and yes , the slippery slope was all too real.
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Oh you see your friend had to play through vanilla in order to get into tbc. You see tbc wasn’t 1-58. When you bought the box it didn’t advertise “LEVEL THROUGH AZEROTH AND DO DUNGEONS LIKE DEADMINES”, maybe that’s where you got confused.
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Ty for being honest. We are all in this crap slide together now.
Actiblizz will sacrifice 99% of its users if it means that 1% will make more profit. Classic was a giant “just the tip” bait to sucker people back in to F them.
After you use your boost and you make an alt does your toon start at lvl 58 in TBC classic?
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Nope it doesn’t, but alts aren’t necessary to play tbc are they? Having a character at 58 is. If you choose to have an alt, having them level through vanilla seems like a pretty good compromise.
But wait your post said TBC classic starts at lvl 58. If I wanted to play 1-60 I would just roll on a vanilla classic server. Your right I am just confused
Lol you already preloaded that statement in your head before reading my response didn’t you. Here let me say it again for you.
Tbc starts at level 58. If I want to play tbc I need a level 58. I don’t need an alt to play tbc. If I want an alt I can level it through vanilla content to get to tbc as a compromise for being able to start tbc when it’s released.
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Didn’t read your post, Deli. Just came to check whether you had responded to anybody in the thread.
You haven’t. As usual. How about you stop pretending you’re on these forums to have a conversation when you just want everybody to pat you on the back and tell you how right you are.
Nope if I’m on a TBC classic server I’m there to play tbc not vanilla my alts should start at lvl 58. Per blizzards post of tbc starting at lvl 58 my Alts on a tbc server should start at 58! Just using blizzards logic
Then you are more than welcome to make multiple accounts for them! But tbc doesn’t require alts sweet pea
Does it make you sad that your arguments aren’t working?
Nope, your opinion that they aren’t working is meh to me honestly. But you have the right to have it none the less
Then why am I able to boost my 1st alt and not my 2nd and 3rd? Seems wierd
Because it’s made to reunite friends who want to play tbc so you might need to have a new toon on another server/faction/different class if you want to play with them in tbc.
Are you done looking like a fool yet or do you have anymore questions I can squish for you?
So limit boost to accounts with no 60’s if it’s for new players?
Lol seems like #somechanges turned into #somewhatauthentic depending on QoL or convenience
Yikes bud do you even read what I post or are you actually going on autopilot with your preloaded responses in your head that tee’d up.
I already answered this.
Blizzard says TBC Classic starts at 58 so thats what it starts at. Blizzard says gating gear behind arena rating is good for the game sooo Oh wait that doesnt suit me REEEEEE BAD BLIZZARD.
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That isn’t what they said they actually said “we are going to be testing arena rating starting at blah blah blah”.
Let me know when you guys have anything relevant to say.