It is actually insane how disingenuous many of you people are being about LFD. So many people are acting like LFD has always been this beloved system that everyone flocked to WoW to use and was the highlight of their WoW career when that is incredibly far from the truth.
Blizzard got their information from the community as much as you might not want to believe it. It seems people forgot that when the classic community was raging at “you think you do, but you don’t” LFD was one of the most heavily cited reasons why retail was no longer the game they loved. LFD was absolutely loathed by the classic community before 2020 and people were very vocal about it.
Its fair to say that Blizzard is probably using outdated information and that opinion has shifted due to how classic has turned out, but it is ridiculous to believe that they have made this decision without thinking about the community at all. We literally shouted at them for YEARS to introduce classic while complaining about how systems like LFD killed the community and now people are pretending that never happened because the past 5 months of tbc have been rough.
Dang, so many assumptions and fluff in just 3 paragraphs. It’s so much more reasonable to assume blizz is just 100% incompetent given how they bungled TBC and classic.
My thing is this, right now even in a superpopulated server, it’s near impossible to get into a dungeon even as a desirable dps class. I can’t see that getting better anytime soon. After P1 raids, it will be raid logging and no one running anything, why not give people a chance to level alts and run dungeons without waiting 30 min spamming LFG?
They’ve made some missteps, but in no way did their management of it make them 100% incompetent. You’re only saying this because a feature that you wanted may not be in when you want it.
My assumption is that they’re going to enable it in P2, since everyone is going to be running them in P1.
I was excited for classic, and glad for not dungeon finder in Vanilla Classic, for the experience.
I was super looking forward to lich king dungeons (with the dungeon finder), and thought it was fine if they would add dungeon finder halfway through the lich king classic life cycle (like they did before, even though I would of loved it at the start)
So yeah, for me and my use case anyway, love lich king dungeon finder, had a blast with it when I was younger, being able to queue up for a quick dungeon would be perfect.
Really bummed that it isn’t in the current plan to release it, as I am chilling on a lower pop server, and don’t want to go play “the dragon game” for dungeon finder.
That is a very fair point and while I don’t particularly want LFD, it probably should be enabled at the very least in the 2nd phase. Its just incredibly annoying to me to see people pretending that LFD has always been a universally loved system and that Blizzard is just being greedy and incompetent for removing it.
Sure, for Classic and TBC: NO DUNGEON FINDER. But for wrath, when dungeon finder became a thing? Give it to us. Ya’ll can stay in TBC land and im gonna be #nochangestodungeonfinder in wrath. The community got their no dungeon finder in the first two, as it shouldve been, because it didnt exist then.
Dont like dungeon finder in wrath? Then keep playing TBC. lol (get it? its like im saying go to retail for dungeon finder but i turned it back on em)
If Blizz doesnt change their minds, fine. But the only reason I kept playing in later wrath was cause they announced and added DF and i could level things without doing the same quests I did 345897349 times and didnt have to spam chat for hours to no avail.
The reason behind LFD was to get more people who had time constraints playing. Getting rid of a feature that attracted more players does not make sense.
Its because a lot of people did not remember how much time was needed, and how much time they had to play back in the TBC days. I was one of those people.