Stop making ugly mail armor

there was a neat blackmetal looking chain set i used to like but never found any helm that fit it well.

ended up using the silly wolf head thing with it. meh.

mail does need more juice.

Did the transmogging white items get cut from 10.0???

Hard agree. Just rolled a hunter and went through the transmog list - mail sets suck. I found maybe 2 sets that looked good in the list?

Whatsup with that? Leather has a bunch of cool looking mogs, cloth has several good ones and plate has a bunch. Mail though? :nauseated_face:

It’s widely known you’re only as good as your mog, and mail is at a severe disadvantage here.

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Mail sets are mostly bad, but you can put together some really good mogs if you’re willing to mix and match individual pieces.

The bigger challenge I run into is finding decent-looking ranged weapons to match. There’s like 6 good-looking ranged weapons out there. Half of them are either elf-themed or only match a specific set.

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but but but…that’d ruin the immersion for some other player I never see if they know I can mog cloth over my plate :tired_face: :weary:
Even though Ive got a list of plate that looks more like cloth robes than my cloth robes do, lmao…and vice versa.

With so much plate that looks like cloth and cloth that looks like plate they just need to give it up and other than ‘paladin only’ sort stuff for specific classes, just let us use the mogs we’ve acquired in the way we choose to.
Many of these cloth and plate sets look too close to see much difference.
mail and leather are close enough, mog wise, to just overlap for the most part anyway.



I went thru all the hunter sets on wowhead to see what to gather up next.
95% aint worth bothering with.
I think I found the ONE hunter set I’ll just have to use on every hunter character, lol

Which looks great with Thas’ Dorah

The only decent looking hunter mail are either extremely rare world drops or PvP. Good luck getting any of those if you don’t have a ton of gold or you don’t do PvP.

“Like this PvP set? We have another that looks just like it, but it’s missing a few pieces, so you’ll have to find a substitute.” “Oh, this Shaman set has a non-class alternative? Too bad you’ll still need to be on a Shaman to use the rest of it.” “Like this low-level dungeon set? Well, it’s only available during the hours of 1-3 am once every three months on the 26th, but only on Thursdays.”

That’s not counting the sheer number of “sets” that are missing items like chest, pants, boots, helmets, shoulders, or belts. But they all have bracers! One of the most useless slots to be transmogged. Honestly, a lot of the world drops need their drop chances increased significantly, too.

We desperately need a transmog vendor that sells these old-world sets as a whole. Talk about a gold sync. Being able to drop 10k gold on a full set from a vendor would get people out in the world gold farming, while at the same time lowering the price of AH gear for people that actually need them for leveling. Especially since boots, gloves, and bracers aren’t available in heirlooms.

Agree…'cept its the hunter mail that looks like junk. My solution was to go simple and not even show mail mog. Shirts for DAYS!

I’ve been sticking with these three sets on my hunters:

Part of the Chosen Dead set on my BM hunter, part of the Ironhide set on my MM hunter, and the Vulpera Heritage set on my SV hunter. I should find a better weapon for the MM hunter, but since there are so few quivers, that’s the only one that matched in a bow. I wish they’d let us transmog the quiver as a separate item.


I’m a fan of your choices :+1:

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I LOVE the one in the center.

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That’s my MM hunter, Keice. I initially went as close to Windrunner as I could, hence the hair, but since we can’t transmog quivers independently of the bow, it didn’t look right. Might give her a pixie cut and black hair with engineering goggles to finish it up. And I might have to change the bow to a crossbow so I can still get the quiver, but a better matching weapon.

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This is my set…probably just use it for all my hunters from now on.

I have pages of fugly Ill fitting mail armor. Most of it looks like cheap plate armor. How is a hunter suppose to move in this type of gear. If I find a decent set i have no boots to match. Just big clunky junk. I have a few options but they are always missing something. Boots, Gloves, Shoulders. I feel like a clown most of the time- dressed in full mail armor, so I choose to look half dressed. Mail is suppose to light weight like it was in Vanilla. I have some wonderful looking pants and crappy looking tops- visa versa.

My hunters exclusively where the relentless gladiator set, with the purple bow to match.

Maybe it’s ruthless I can’t remember but it’s black and purple and super great. The heart of
Fear set isn’t bad either. My shaman on the other hand. . I just wear the class hall set because I can’t get the chest piece in Tomb to save my life.

I hope they update it so I can finally wear literally anything else. :joy:

Your a Shaman and most mail looks good on them, Hunters on the other hand look all stuffy and cramped.

This is actually one of the main reasons I’ve never bothered with either mail class lol.


My argument for years has been to allow people to mog the armor types next to theirs.

Cloth can mog leather
Leather can mog cloth and mail
Mail can mog leather and plate
Plate can mog mail

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I agree they suck and that is why I use a simple mob like this. Once the hands drop that I want for it I’ll be done. It is basic and simple but I like furs and hoods and basic. Sometimes flashy gets old.

Not only is mail generally ugly, very little of it looks anything like what I’d imagine hunters or shamans wearing.

My hunter and shaman alts were leveled back when those classes wore leather below level 40, and I have to say that I honestly felt more connected with the fantasy of those classes prior to 40. Leather appearances just suit those classes better.

This would be lovely, and is generally what I’ve advocated for too.

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