Stop Making PVP servers if you allow transfers off

Crusader Strike has like 20,000 people, probably 30k if you count non-raiders. Do you think 19,000 of them are leaving or something? I’m serious, what is the doom scenario you fear?

I didn't mean you. Sorry if it conveyed that way. I appreciated your response.

I believe this is one of the servers i was talking about and understand peoples resentment torwards it with previous points.

You know who also had a bunch of players before transfers opened up.





You think just because a server has a bunch of players on it that it makes them immune to a mass exodus? All it takes is the balance to be shifted in favor of the other faction by a big enough margin to be noticed and the dominos fall.

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I was a Fairbanks refugee to Grobb.

Fairbanks killed their alliance population…and became effectively a normal server before it died.

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A mass exodus means people don’t want to play on PVP servers anymore.

Which means your argument is that Blizzard should force them to continue playing on a server they don’t like. To put it bluntly, that’s a terrible argument and if I had personally made it, I would delete this thread asap.

Wrong again. Try again?

Why do people keep asking for war mode in sod? It already exists, you can toggle pvp on or off on a pve server.

Oh yeah I actually forgot about this. It already exists! Good point. This need to be pointed out more often.

Xfers are only available from Crusader strike to Lava Lash… Since I dont play on CS, then no… xfers are not in fact free right now. Or available at all.

Because in Warmode, you don’t have to compete with non-PvP for resources…they’re separate shards. (Also has progression benefit in increased rewards.)

With Warmode, if I want to be able to literally fight for nodes, I can by being in Warmode.
If I want to get somewhere without being harassed/camped, I can do that by not being in war mode.

The only actual loss would be not being able to kill bots because they’d all be in non-Warmode.

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No it doesn’t… and it’s dumb to say it does.

I’ll quote you again when blizzard fails to handle server populations and we are back to one faction mega servers. The exact result we got in Retail and in 2019

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Literally the first time I’ve heard war mode described to me, and honestly that sounds like a serviceable system.

They could add a war mode layer to PVE realms right now and it would affect absolutely 0 people. People may not actually use it on those realms, but it would be a good systems test.

The only precedent we have for their management of server balance is SOD, where for the first time they heavily restricted character creation to maintain balance, and it was a massive success and still is to this day. So to recap, your argument is that Blizzard will fail to uphold their goal of faction balance, when the only attempt they’ve ever made at faction balance has been a glowing success?

Bold move Cotton. Let’s see how it plays out.

Warmode is probably among the worst additions they added to the game, it’s up there with LFR.

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It is.

The only people upset by it are the people who get off on killing people who are only on PvP servers to be with their friends or the population and don’t actually like wPvP.

War Mode just demonstrated for the super-PvP’ers just how niche their primary enjoyment is in WoW.


That’s why pve servers exist…

Go to a pve server and toggle pvp off and on as many times as you want. This is the option you want right? The option to opt in or out anytime you want? You got it. Pve server.

They have the “war mode” you are looking for

On a PvE server, I have no option for engaging a person for resource nodes… (other than trying to grief them with a mob.)

With Warmode, I could be in the Warmode Shard and actually fight other people for them.

Then play on a pvp server if you want to contest nodes with pvp

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literally trying lol. Xfers off Lone Wolf arent open