Stop living in the past

That is what normal people do yes. Moving on from an inferior product is a good thing.

Again, your logic is completely idiotic. ā€œMoving onā€ is completely different from liking a new product. Man, these are pretty basic concepts. So much so, a small child can grasp that an old toy can be more favored than a new one.

You are either not very smart or trolling. Your critical thinking skills are completely gone.

Maybe if you live for RAIDing / end-game. What about the rest of the game?

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Do not feed the Erevien.


If leveling is all you like about it then your life must be very much boring.

I have played for almost 20 years. Retail is so far away from what a MMORPG should be like (in my opinion), and if you cannot see that, you are blind as duskbat.


Good to know. When I was 13 I was playing ā€˜Raiders of the Lost Arkā€™ on my Atari 2600 and there was no internet. Iā€™m not nostalgic for that game because thereā€™s BETTER games than that. Not true for Vanilla WoW.

At least we know how old YOU are now.


Against my better judgement, I am going to comment on this (as a primarily Retail player but Classic admirer).

Itā€™s true that the game is skewed toward the end game, but I still play the other content regularly. Leveling new characters is still fun of you enjoy the outdoor questing. Lots of players try to get it over with as quickly as possible, but you donā€™t have to.

I quickly leveled several characters in Pandaria Remix, but I intentionally did not duplicate characters I already had because I enjoy having various alts on different continents to jump into (I currently have one on Northrend, one on Draenor, and one exploring Cataclysm Kalimdor).

The end game is also very different than it used to be. I think the changes are mostly for the better and make it more fun to play alone or with a couple of friends (I play through most new story content with a friend). Progression is faster - which definitely has pros and cons - and I always feel like thereā€™s something fun I can be doing.

Regardless, Iā€™m glad the original experience is still here as an option. I can enjoy both. :slightly_smiling_face:

What experience? Watching hurtful graphics for months since the leveling queue takes forever?

You are aware it called CLASSIC you want change so play retail


Why canā€™t you accept that some people have a different opinion than you and enjoy old games? Most of the games I play are still from DOS, w95 to XP era PC and PS1,PS2,Dreamcast,N64,&Gamecube games. The newest games I play are 3DS games from 2013. Believe it or not- I have fun doing that. There are people who live in the past like itā€™s the 1950s and there are now people who live in the past like itā€™s Pre-2010. Let them be. It shouldnā€™t affect you at all.


OP is a dev who didnt like the feedback he just got after pushing this cancer patch


Its always a male blood elf I swear


The buff and the guild tab are so much better

True. My first regular games were on my parents Colecovision (I still own it), followed by many Nintendo offerings. My first ā€œonline multiplayer gamesā€, and the ones I played when I was 14-16 or so, were muds and BBS doors, text-based RPGs. They had no graphics but they used your imagination and were very user-driven. Even though I loved these games and I get nostalgic a bit Iā€™ve never really wanted those back.

Retail is fine for people who like to collect things, it plays like a single-player game mostly though unless you go very high-end. Iā€™ll admit to trying each Retail expansion but tend to quit them. Some people like the direction that Retail has gone and good for them, but disliking it just means that you want different things, disliking the direction that WoW has taken does not mean ā€œliving in the pastā€.

Pretty sure this is only a troll thread though and I flagged it.


Tell me this, why do you think youā€™re the authority on how people should play, or what people should play? Who are you to tell others what they should be playing, and when they can stop playing?


Vanilla was not that great everyone was just easier to impress when you are a kid.

Sad that this thread is so large. The troll is actually brain dead and has no ground to stand on with their claim and yet here we are, everyone feeding him. So I have to give someone with 3 total brain cells an 11/10 trolling award. Sad.

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If itā€™s not so good why is that one sever doing so well?

I repeat, donā€™t avoid this:

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