Stop living in the past


try harder avis


Good luck with that.

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This is a matter of taste. And as taste differs so should the games.

I was no longer 13 in 2019, I was of course already no longer 13 in 2006, and of course I am also no longer 13 now. Why should this have any bearing on what game I love to play?
When I was 13, computers were humongous things, running on old reel tapes, and barely able to do what even the cheapest pocket calculator can do today.

No, but they are FUN, and fun is essential for any game., I do not PvP as thatā€™s not fun ā€¦ for me. All gaming is a matter of wasting time the way YOU find fun. And if Blizz is going to not cater to my fun any more, well, Iā€™m off, as I was in 2018, when Retail was no more fun.

I was not a kid, I was impressed with Vanilla. Heck, Iā€™m still impressed with Classic,whereas Retail with all itā€™s bling and bits and bobs turns me down. I like the freedom of choice built into Vanilla.

I would play it forever. Only now I stop because of changes the recent ones were one too many, too many bugs, and too much uncertainty of what the near future will bring to Era. I played Era because we were promised Era forever unchanged. That promise is now broken once too many times.

Explain, I cannot. BUt I have been playing Horde in Vanilla, in Classic and latest in HC and had fun. I did not even know that we had fewer wuests thatn the Allyes.

Yes ā€¦ as long as I have fun.

Again a matter of taste. I find endgame endlessly boring. The only fun is what will drop, and if Iā€™m going to win the roll, and soon Blizz prolly change this to personal loot, removing the last bit of fun.

THIS explains why I do not like Retail. I love to level slowly!


is so true.

Thanks for the heads up ā€¦ It stirred a vague memory.

Oh, I so hope youā€™re right!

Oh, but the Erevien gives me a chance to make clear a lot of things ā€¦


OPs sentiment is the exact same as ā€œdOnT YoU GuYS haVE pHoNEsĀæ?ā€

Like why did you feel the need to get on a forum just to point at a group of people and chastise them for playing and enjoying a game. Oh yeaā€¦ its the internetā€¦ Trolls be trollin


Dragonflight is the worst expansionā€¦ maybe in the history of the game.

Worst dungeons, insane bloat, same m+ meta the entire expansion.

Every class has 25-30 usable buttons they need to memorize and use in DF. Itā€™s absolute garbage

Shadowlands was 20x a better expansion than DF and itā€™s not remotely close

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Vanila sucks

I donā€™t get why people always respond this

your right bubblegum is so much better

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You can give opinions on what i do as soon as you pay my bills, or else nobody asked you.


ā€œYou think you do but you donā€™tā€

chocolate or fite

This is classic forum, I linked u retail so u can go there.


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Classic servers should be shut down.

OP saying this is hilarious considering how he never shuts up about Forest Trolls and Ogre because he canā€™t move on from his 1990s nostalgia. :rofl:

If you want classic servers to shut down, there needs to be lack of interest. You should stop posting to help prove your point. If you keep posting, it proves youā€™re interested enough to be involved!


If you donā€™t want to live in 2004 go play retail? What is with people thinking their way of playing has to be what everybody does? I donā€™t go into retail and be say they should revert everything back to a vanilla WoW settingā€¦ Just let people enjoy what they like.


Dumb question

Sure, I wouldnā€™t complain about that at all.

No one is doing that, they just enjoy playing Vanillaā€¦ a lot.

Itā€™s nothing Iā€™d pay to play on its own, but Iā€™m happy you enjoy it.

Yes, I lead a pleasantly quiet lifeā€¦ whatā€™s it to ya pal.

Knock it off already. No one is forcing you to play it.
You must work in a kitchen, it seems you are quite skilled at stirring pots.


Been over 5 years of vanilla. People still here lol

See you in another 5 years and 10k posts.