Stop living in the past

The Alliance have paladins, the Horde have shamans. The game isn’t fair, and clearly not for you. Retail exists, and is there for you. But, it’s not for me, nor a lot of other players. And, that’s ok.


Since WOW is the only MMO who did this the argument stands. If you can’t create a fair game the franchise was doomed from the get go.

Good to know. Why are you still here, then? Every player is free to play the version of the game they like. I like, and only play, era.

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I played retail for a long time, at all levels. It absolutely does have a lot of good elements going for it and does a lot of things really well. Unfortunately, I’m not looking for those things right now and so I’m playing a game that was released 20 years ago and is much more suited to my current tastes.

Thanks for the heads up though!



I didn’t went Horde until wotlk came out. Because the game was just easier on the alliance side. My original character from vanilla still exists today. It even had a generic fantasy name RPers would hate me for.

Yes, the alliance not having windfury, or orc stun resist, or will of the forsaken is easier on the alliance. Especially in pvp.

No, it’s not.


See, the thing about what others enjoy is we can all coexist. Your opinion is your opinion. Some of us grew up to be able to play the same games over and over again. I for example pull out Mario 3 twice a month to speed run, and every few months take out Final Fantasy VI for a fresh run through and have for over 20 years. Am I wrong for this practice? No.

There are some who can’t do this however and constantly munch up new games and play going from one event to the next, which is also totally cool as that isn’t wrong either.

And there are some who play this game like it’s a job more than it is an actual game, which seems foreign to me but also isn’t wrong. Our enjoyment of a fresh Vanilla cycle doesn’t impact your enjoyment of retail, nor does your enjoyment of retail impact my enjoyment of Vanilla. We can coexist.


You guys remember this dude from wall of no?

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Did you really come to our forums to come troll us about the game we like to play? The audacity of these retail players is out of control. Go play retail then! Leave us alone


Yes because the classic catering got us high elves.

I don’t understand what that means

Why do people still play Chess? They’re living in the past!


This is the guy that posts semi-often with stuff like Barrens is bad. He’s low level troll bait, like doing a /me has reported you for afk.

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both can get to 60 though just fine? so how is it a disadvantage? sure you might have a few less factioned zones for horde but you still have TONS of zone’s that both faction’s are able to quest in.

and before you say well there contested you can get killed yes… thats the point after all horde and alliance are at war if you follow the actual lore of the game plus classic isnt as fast paced as retail its fairly easy to pvp in classic we also have a more open community so you can simply /4 hey guys horde/ally camping me here and boom you got a squad rolling up to smash there heads in.

Because current blizzard is absolutely atrocious.

They have 0 clue of the potential of player tension, they have no idea how to create enviornments that cause conflict.

They are absolutely clueless and just make pretty mounts to sell for 40 dollars to the really brain dead players that buy them and sit around town as a form of expression that is absolutely devoid of any real game play.

We play vanilla because it was gamers who made a game. Not brain dead current blizzard.

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hahaha what is this post?

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Calling out nostalgia shills for liking an old game.

I only want to play Era, not any seasons, not Cata, not retail. There are others like me. I’m not living in the past, I’m playing the version of the game I like.


“You are aware it is not 2004 anymore yes?” You don’t understand how markets work. Clearly, there is a large market for 2004 version of wow.

Your logic is so dumb, its like saying you should be forced to buy new cloths every time the year changes.