Stop giving us temporary systems over!

Is that really a good faith argument?

If you were participating in any end game activities and didn’t have a teir set you would be far behind everyone else

About as far as you would if you refused to wear your teir set

Still the same system, regardless of the reset.

Yeah if you were playing in end game and even then you could still get away from not having it . Where as the systems from Legion on you had to have them just to do open world stuff let alone end game.

Color me super skeptical that anyone could be competitive without wearing thier tier set to the point of it being optional

Actually I did play without tier sets in WOW vanilla. I did not need PVP gear tier sets to play pvp. It would help, but not needed. I could get raid armor in any of the expansions and still not have to use tier sets. Tier sets are not actually needed to play the game, but are favorable.

I tend to think of the expansion-specific powers as being like gear with strong abilities - it works during the expansion you get it but once you move into the next one, there is new gear with new strong abilities so you take off the old gear and dispose of it. The only real difference is that the designers take away the expansion abilities rather than us disposing of it ourselves.

I realise some people get annoyed at the ‘temporary powers’ method but I’ve never heard of an alternative that would be as much fun or not be incredibly unwieldy. New talents - I mean, how many rows do you want to make a choice from 3 of? And what system put in place would still be relevant once that new expansion comes out?

Sure, you could just increase the power of certain talents step by step, but when the inevitable stat squish happened, it would all be reduced anyhow.

So if anyone can come up with a viable, fun ongoing system, I honestly would like to hear it.

Fine. Then there is no reason for them to bring back tier sets because they aren’t important and would ultimately be a waste of time vs other problems.

Bring back class specific mogs to stop the flow of tears and be done with

I can say the same thing about the borrowed power. Just give us new powerful abilities instead of having to go on to the next borrowed power.

How about a talent tree that actually gives us new powerful abillities? There would be a sense of growth within the game.

Oh I agree, I never argued in support of borrowed powers…only that tier sets were a form of borrowed powers.

I’m down with removing them, but that is not the point of this thread

It isn’t a talent tree - that was what we had back prior to MoP. It’s a set number of rows of 3 talents, where we can pick just one of. They may as well just add the best of those in our spell book.

Sure, a true talent tree, the kind of thing they made in Rift (which was fundamentally insane and awesome) would be fab. But without entirely rewriting the classes they will never do that. We don’t have a tree, we have a level-limited 1-in-3 pick of which there is almost always a best option.

So just add another line of that each expansion, giving us one extra ability? That’s a bit…underwhelming.

That is what I meant. I meant an actual talent tree they just keep adding stuff to, and we pick the ones we want. They can build one. We had one in vanilla WOW, BC, WOTLK and MOP. Then they decided to skim it down to 3 picks only, which was a horrible decision.

And they did that for the same reason - for almost every player, there was always a preferred build. Even your casual players went with what the best build was. The idea of the tree was decent enough but it was far too limited and restricted by being tied to each class.

Rift, the example I gave, went in a different direction. You picked a base class for your character when you made it, and then defined it sub-class by placing your choices into a set of three trees which had a huge selection. I mean huuuge. So you could pick say Mage, but you might want to make a Stormcaller Mage, or a Dominator Mage, but with talents in one of the other builds to provide extra oomph. It looked like this:

Looks awesome, don’t it. But it effectively is used to define your spec, unlike WoW.

it’s funny, because this exact sort of mismanagement is why wow is disintegrating right now. ion is so blind to the truth and to what makes games good that he genuinely thinks that adding convoluted systems and then removing them is good for the health of the game.

instead, it creates huge imbalance every single time, and instead of the devs being able to focus on making new and fun stuff, they’re busy trying to fix the terrible systems they were told to design throughout the entire expansion.

azerite was terrible and completely broken. took the expansion to fix it and they never really did. now we have covenants which are totally broken…going to focus on that instead of tier sets and heritage sets.

the unnatural workload these devs have must be exhausting. they came in thinking this was going to be their dream job and instead, they’re retuning numbers all day only for those numbers to be deleted in the next expansion to do it all over again.

an interview with the developers without corporate muffles on them would be really eye opening to people. we already know their situation is abhorrent and i don’t know why it’s not illegal. but i can’t imagine they think highly of their idiot director.

Then leave the forums? i’m sorry my post on a public forum isn’t your taste but you choose to view it and choose to click on it and then to comment.

none of that is anyone’s fault but your own.

Or you could leave the forum.

Yeah, i’d love to see Blizzard put some effort into content or systems that’ll go forward with us (think pet/mount/mog tab, achievements etc). I’m not even especially keen on player housing but i think they should do a garrison type system that keeps moving forward with us so we can make it grow and customize it as the years go on.

I’m kinda sick of a few collection tabs and achievements being the only things in the game that matter, everything else is disposable these days.

no…i’m not gonna leave a public forum b/c you want less post like mine.

you’re a adult you can get off if you dont wanna see stuff.

BlizZard spends more time now trying to balance these temporary systems than when they actually just balanced classes back before in pre legion era.

They are not saving money or time with these temporary systems.

In theory they can save money and time but reality is that these temporary systems are causing patch delays and cut content.

BFA was the first example where the first patch was delayed because of borrowed rental systems. That had a cascading effect on the second patch being delayed and then the third patch. And they cut a patch out of the expansion at the end of BFA.

Then this lead to the current expansion which should have a running head start since they started working on systemlands early when BFA was released or even early while it was in late beta.

But then systemlands systems were too much and BlizZard had to tone done legendaries, conduits and soul binds in beta as it was an overwhelming experience to have these rental systems dominate so much over core class identity.

Of course this lead to systemlands being delayed and the first patch is going to take a long time. First patch is at best looking like a May/June release from my experience.

Rental systems are causing more problems than they solve.

BFA is proof of that and systemlands is in danger of falling into BFA territory all because the effort and time invested balancing covenants, soul binds and conduits.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Yes you are.