My name is on the credits of a major nintendo game from years back.
We had so many game breaking bugs go live. It amazed me. We were basically playing a game of “lets hope nintendo’s QA testers aren’t good enough to find this major issue”. They didn’t.
Yeah, now we have much more interesting dungeon content that we didn’t have originally, outside one offs like Unused Axe of the Executioner or Deadman’s Plea.
The best weapons and trinkets right now in S4 came from fated raids, The dagger from sylv for example is OP god tier for outlaw rogues in M+. I dont feel forced to get it. I dont raid in general dont have time for it.
I think calling for sweeping changes to M+, like the timer – a core component of M+ – is silly when the real issue is what you allude to: there’s minimal gearing routes that are reliable. If they had some sort of World+ mode which made even questlines re-doable (just for example, bear with me) but at significantly higher challenge (and thus more reward) I think that’d be cool.
Blizz certainly dropped the ball on world gear lately, but initially at least covenant gear was on part with M+5, and ZM gave vault S2 +15 par gear (252). It’s a damn shame they didn’t just like… do something to world content so world gear was at least 298 (12/12 M+) then for 301/304 you’d either need to raid or M+
I can think of a number of quests that, if they were actually hard and “fail-able”, would be quite the challenge worthy of some cool powerful loot.
If such a thing existed, maybe the complaints against M+ would wind down because there’d be a similar route for people who don’t like timed content.
Blizzard has said more than once that M+ was intended to replace challenge modes. The point behind challenge modes was completing something within the timer for the sake of getting rewards. In this essence, M+ is about the timer. It’s why in order to progress, you must meet the timer. In order to get more loot, you must meet the timer, or surpass it.
If you just complete the dungeon, yeah. You’ll get a piece of loot. And you’ll get vault credit. But just completing the dungeon isn’t enough to get the rewards associated. The timer isn’t just a bonus, the timer is the goal. The fact you get a piece of loot at the end of a failed key is a participation reward for one person in your group chosen at random.