I mean we have seen it over the last 2 decades of play. You can even go through the forums today and see that lower pop server users argue for nerfs, rdf, and for things like joyous journey. You should have noticed this over time. The mega servers don’t have these problems as bad as lower pop servers there are so many options for people to play with even at lower levels. I have 6 80s myself and leveling 2 warlocks and a hunter there always seems to be enough people to run dungeons on Grob. The data is there for anyone wanting to pay close enough attention to wow issues and the logic is also sound.
Lower pop servers lead to casualization as people can’t just join the server and get pugs and without blizzard intervention those servers will always remain small and frustrate many players wanting to experience the gameplay of the game, but hey that social part should be 100% satisfied right? Well not for everyone I can say this without a doubt as introverts do exist. I don’t like small pops for similar reasons I don’t like home owner associations I won’t delve too deeply on the topic as you can probably figure it out.
Is that enough of a solid argument for you to rethink your perspective on the casualization of wow and it’s correlation with server size? I really don’t want to have to write like a dissertation on it, because out of most of wotlk classic’s problems it is probably the least important when class balance is so bad because blizzard wanted to start the server on the final class balance patch for ICC.
You really can’t unless you have a time machine. There is a huge difference between the accomplishment of say crafting Valanyr 14 years ago, crafting Valanyr on classic present day, and crafting Valanyr in present day retail. It will never be the same and people are chasing nostalgia and for most it really isn’t going to hit the same even if wotlk classic was a true 1:1 recreation of the expansion. This is normal as people grow and develop over 14 years you just aren’t going to have those same experiences ever again. I’d love for a 1:1 experience, but it will never happen even if Blizzard were to care enough to try. This is why I compare those people to Uncle Rico it is just really sad in the way that I pity them. Once all is said and done they are just upset and yelling into the void and even if Blizzard gave them exactly what they wanted they still wouldn’t feel the same as they did 14 years ago just looks like a huge silly display of wasted energy.
This is pure speculation. You will never be able to present what wotlk classic could have been. You can speculate and dream, but it can be simply brushed off as an example of “The Grass is Greener elsewhere”. It can look great on paper, but you have no way to actually show it in practice, because you don’t have that power and blizzard sure isn’t in a rush to steer the ship elsewhere.
Only a fool would believe this. Or you believe that you are smarter and more competent then all the staff a multi billion dollar corporation can provide. If so I would go to the bank right now for seed money to start your own mmo as you are implying you could do better. Completely absurd to think that Blizzard did absolutely no planning. The tech exists for sure and they just don’t have it. I am sure that you saw the thread where they claimed the tech didn’t exist and some engineer that I think was community staff was like, “No it does exist it is just very expensive” in response to a blue post saying the tech just didn’t exist. I wonder if it still exists it’s probably auto deleted by now because it was during release of wotlk classic. So on that one point about tech I will say that yes you are correct.
Most if not all. True altruism is very rare as even people will do nice things for others because it simply makes them feel good. Honestly if they had just went through the major patches with each phase it would have quashed a lot of the forum complaining we currently see not all mind you, but a fair bit. I quit in shadowlands just after making it out of the content drought, but I had a friend delete themselves and I just had to step away from it then wrath released and a couple of friends invited me to play. I will say that retail does not feel the same, but I think there are aspects of it that are still fun to players otherwise no one would be playing retail it is just not the same for us. On that part we kinda agree.
Nice I am doing something similar with my 6 characters. I mainly play the 4 healing classes/specs (I know there is 5 with holy and I respect the players that do it well I just find it a lot of work for less payout). I have 3 sometimes 4 main 25man Ulduar raid groups (one being spanish speaking players and I don’t speak spanish, but the language barrier really isn’t an issue when you know your class and the fights. The are also a fun time even if I do not understand them 90% of the time) and sadly only 3 10man raids I go to. I do not do gdkp as I just never fell into the crowd and I don’t care about gdkp, but I do care about RMT. Also leveling a warlock, two infact, and a hunter. Warlock has honestly been a blast and that’s why I decided to level two. One for each account. I got Alg 10 finally as I have been waiting for my main guild to actually down it and have turned down offers to go kill Alg in other raid groups. It’s just a me thing. I’d rather get the Alg kills with my main guild all I got left is Alg 25. On downtime I do some pvp in BGs and some arena as friends drag me to these events. Normally my extra time outside of raiding or doing pvp with friends I am leveling alts or farming/grinding something on my own.
I was more clarifying that I don’t have anything against you personally because I am just aware that I am pretty brash. Just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn’t here trying to be a jerk or a troll. I don’t believe I can sway your opinion nor do I really care if I do or not. The reality is Blizzard has messed up in many ways and is not fixing issues fast enough on top not seeming to care enough about how well wotlk performs. Just living in the current present reality trying to have a good time and luckily I am! =)