Stop fighting megarealms Blizzard

Merging is a bad idea. Ques will be back with ICC.

Why not add more server capacity?

Why? I prefer a smaller community, one where people know who is who. 20,000 random people constantly changing characters to hide who the jerks are sounds about as fun as a liquid aluminum enema.


This is a good thing?

The only people who wouldn’t think this is a good thing are probably very bad at the game or so socially inept they can’t bond with a guild regardless of skill level.

There are good and bad like with most decisions about game design. You say “bad” players, I say decent players will get affected by this a lot more. If you’re just a number why wouldn’t I just ask for the best if I can find one in less than 5 min?

It’s also funny you point out being socially inept when that is the biggest problem of people that want QOL over everything. They can’t find people to play with them, so they want the game to fix it for them. They refuse to communicate and make long lasting friendship. They want it “now” and want to talk with the manager.

You put quotations around bad like it is something that doesn’t exist. Trust me. They exist. Decent players are in guilds right now and get to go to raids. So are the bad players, but they are with other bad players struggling. They will either improve, play for other aspects of the game, or quit. There is nothing wrong with this. This exists in all multiplayer games.

As someone that has to make sure raids actually fire I can assure you the larger the server the better. I love my guildies, but when you have 10 core people that want to take month long breaks it’s fantastic that I can open my friends list shout out to a couple of friends to actually fill the raid. My guild wouldn’t be able to exist anywhere, but a large server due to consistency issues.

As far as the socially inept I was more talking about the people mental illness, not the average person you would meet at a starbucks. This is a personal thing for me probably due to an experience I have had with “high functioning” Asperger’s. I don’t have the patience for it anymore.

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The average wow classic player would be considered bad by a lot of players, but they are capable of clearing most of the content. This isn’t M+ 20 or mythic raiding, we’re talking about Classic. Decent social players find guilds and people to play with and they make the majority because the other players understand that the game isn’t for them.

Yes it’s easier to recruit on a bigger server that isn’t a lie. But that’s just normal opportunism. You only need 25 people to make a 25m and even smaller servers had yogg 0 kill. Even Maladath which died earlier had a guild killing yogg 0 before the server totally died.

M+ isn’t that difficult even season 1. Especially if you are the tank. Mythic raiding I’ll give you. Then again if classic is as easy as you implying it is then it doesn’t matter if it is high pop or not. Most people would be doing decently and there would just be more guilds clearing more content.

Not talking about recruiting. I am talking about filling a raid when your guild has people on break and your roster is not large enough with decent players to compensate. Being able to reach out to friends I have made in OTHER guilds literally has kept my guild alive. Many of which I have leveled alts with from 1-80 and if they need one of my alts for one of their raids I come fill for them. Really nothing opportunistic about it, more like just trying to survive until TOC drops.

I think 20% clearing Algalon 25m pre nerf is really good for a hard difficulty.

And you can fill with people from other guilds and pugs too, always happen and some guilds will even invite you back. That’s how I play my alts by filling other people guild groups when they’re missing. This isn’t a 1 solution problem really. This happen on all servers big or small.

And this is something you can no longer do on Maladath and be successful. My point is lowering population caps removes options from people. There is no benefit for decent players on small pop. The people who do benefit are those that are bad at the game and refuse to read or watch a video and some poor guild is stuck with them because there are no real options to replace.

Servers and guilds die, that’s just the cycle of life.
Like I said earlier servers that drop under 3k pop I don’t consider them viable and it should be up to Blizzard to fix this.

Lowering population cap to 12-15k let’s say would still let you enjoy the game really easily. And many people prefer medium servers over bigger servers for many reasons like the more close knit community and being able to recognize who are the people you play with not just numbers. Smaller servers also used to have the advantage of easier gathering and I think they need to bring that back and remove layering from bigger servers if they truly want to make people understand the problems of playing on a bigger server.

We’re gonna have to just disagree on this if you’re gonna take the hard stance that there are no advantages of playing on a smaller server.

You can have this literally in any space you want regardless of how many people are around you. Plus I am someone who agrees with Dunbar’s Number anyway.

I can agree with the layering, but like you have alts so you know you get quite a bit of gold running through raids just passively. I will argue that on even higher pop servers prices are low enough that gathering really isn’t an issue in the first place since everything is so cheap anyway.

I really feel the only advantage would be the feeling of making large sums of gold off farm, but since it is a smaller pop server I would be paying more for everything I buy off the auction house anyway. I would have the good feeling, but my gold would basically be the same.

We can agree to disagree. I just think it’s poppycock to think server big=everyone treats you like a number. I am on Grob and I love the family I have cultivated. In fact I meet new people everyday! I’ll trade close knit community for the potential of more cool people to play with any day.

Regardless. Even if we don’t see eye to eye. Have a good day.

That’s not going to happen. Game is already dying and Blizz wants people to keep running Ulduar next phase while they do nothing about bots and gold selling.

I have played on retail for long and there is still a big difference between a server community and a community that only include mostly your guilds and some friends. It really changes a lot the way you interact with people. You’ve heard about their guilds, you see them in the world, you can interact day to day with them even if you’re not friends just because you know you’re in the same boat. You know who are the bad apples to dodge and you get to have stories with them.

I have played other mmos that encouraged server communities and for sure they are hard to maintain but they are still something I think is precious in the universe of mmos.

it’s like living in a small town vs living in a big city, there’s a big difference. You get to know a bit about your neighbors more and everyone in a smaller town, if you go to the local bar or a supermarket you’ll see them. I think most people would understand that sort of difference.

I have played this game for basically two decades. I can relate. However I have lived in the country where your neighbors are separated by thousands of acres of field. I hated that. I’ve lived in suburbs where I can look outside my window of my living room and see my neighbors living room. I have lived inside of cities before, but I wouldn’t consider them like large sprawling metropolis’s, but you would be super hard pressed to know everyone, but that was something I liked. There was a lot of conveniences in the city.

I understand and can relate to the feeling. However I don’t feel it works with multiplayer games. Though I am not much of a fan of retail much anymore. I do believe the changes that happened in Wrath that helped retail get where it is was absolutely necessary. As the game probably wouldn’t have survived through WoD without catering to the majority of casual players.

Back to the population topic though. I feel like Blizzard and people like yourself want to put the genie back in the bottle essentially. Since Blizzard has allowed mega servers to be a thing reducing pop cap would feel like going backwards or feel like Blizzard is taking options away. I don’t think that is gonna sit well with most. Reason being if most people felt this way they would be using their free xfers all the time to get off servers like Grob or Bene and go to servers like Maladath.

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Essentially Mega-Realms wouldn’t exist if a majority of players didn’t want to be on a mega-realm AND people can choose what server the roll on. Now that I say that out loud I feel now that the people who would call for pop caps would be on small pop wishing they had more pop and if the pop cap was lowered those players from mega-realms would have to go somewhere I guess.

It can totally work for many games and it totally worked back then for Wotlk. We had way smaller servers than today.

Making the game more accessible or have more QoL isn’t making the game better, it’s completely changing how you play that game.

This is what made retail feel more like a mobile game over time. You get to a point that yes the most accessible and popular games are the easiest with no hiccups that let you do stuff instantly and even have the options to spend money to skip. But at what cost? Some people don’t find that find that fun while for sure they are the minority many games are made for niche and I’d argue that Classic was made for a niche of players. If you want the next best thing with all the new modern options then you have retail.

I would also add that in that way Classic is a failed experiment as they’ve tried to play a bit of both sides. Selling boosts and etc. And letting those mega-servers happen early. You could argue that because of that indeed they should just stop caring, and I think that’s a valid point. But I still can think and dream of what it could have been if they cared more.

They seem completely stunned with bots and totally incompetent with balance changes like the feral druids one. That you gotta ask how many people are working on that product as even private servers seems often to get it right better and are already working on a product like Classic+.

We also had the most population in wow’s history during that time I would argue that most players weren’t on the smallest of servers (You know since they are small servers and don’t have many people on them in the first place). I would also say those players on those small servers didn’t really have a large voice back then either. Getting drowned out just by the sheer number of people playing.

The size of the population of servers did not contribute to the casualization of wow. Which is my main point.

However if we wanna talk about like RDF I obviously don’t need it with the gear I have, so I don’t see the issue giving a handout to players in essentially a game mode that is going to be deleted within a year or so. Like if wrath servers get the TBC treatment if you don’t wanna go to cata the game is basically over for you and if you want to go to cata you have to deal with more QoL additions anyway. I am having fun regardless of RDF implementation, so why would I care about RDF being implemented? It has no negative affect on me, but possibly could benefit me by churning out more semi-geared players to play with or allow more friends to have alt characters to raid even more than I already do.

It’s not like RDF gets implemented and all the rando’s I hang out with in Dalaran semi-afk just disappear. The people that would use RDF and never interact with you are players you wouldn’t enjoy being around anyway, so it is not like something is being taken away from you. This expac was already beaten 14 years ago all the achievements and accomplishments of classic aren’t as impressive as what we got done when it was originally released. Guides, sims, and just generally more experienced players make the game too easy and most decent players if they aren’t rolling multiple alts to raid more literally raid log, because there is nothing else worth doing other than mundane stuff like going back and getting the insane title, but like most of it is gonna get thanos snapped at some point it’s not like were gonna see a shadowlands classic at some point and eventually the classic servers will just be shut down or cut to only a few servers (which ironically would turn those few servers into mega servers anyway).

In short there really is no big accomplishment to be made in wrath classic that hasn’t already been done and it is really sad to watch a lot of these 30+ year old people trying to recapture that lightning in a bottle they found when they were younger. They are literally like Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite stuck in regret of the past. I’m just here to have a good time if I wanna socialize I socialize if I wanna raid I raid and sometimes I do both at the same time. Which RDF wouldn’t affect in anyway as the people I play with don’t need RDF either, so to me it just looks like people telling other people how to have fun and what they can or can’t like about a very outdated game. Do you really think it takes any sense of accomplishment from you to let people have fun and get gear that probably pales in comparison to what you probably already have? (I have no idea whether you are clearing content or not.) I mean if you struggled for what the 14 weeks we have had in phase 2 and still are in like half naxx gear I think you may have more things to worry about other than how easy gear is obtained and same goes for the people that aren’t clearing HMs.

I wouldn’t say Classic failed they just don’t put any resources into it, because they didn’t even want to do it in the first place. They use classic as a net for retail and retail as a net for classic. It is just passive income for them and basically a different game mode.

I wish to reiterate again: The size of the population of servers did not contribute to the casualization of wow. Which is my main point.

The more the merrier. Crazy in the days of having free voice communication software that also doubles as an imageboard/forum for free and people think community in a game would just dry up. If you aren’t on an RP server right now like me I would highly suggest it I think you would enjoy it as much as I do.

I don’t have anything against you personally to me it just sounds like your dream of what a perfect server community would just cost more people potential fun in a game mode that’s gonna be gone in less than a year than it would generating fun.

I’m still having a blast in the game raiding near 7 days a week across 4 main characters. How are you fairing?

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i agree mega servers arent great but they keep the world alive.

You repeat that with no real supporting argument. Like many problems in wow everything adds to it, the size of servers might not be the only reasons why and how it got there but it is part of it.

Sure, but that’s the whole point. The experience is what people want. Accomplishments and pushing numbers is also fun too, but you can also do that on retail.

It has failed at what it could be and it has made many major mistakes. It suffers a lot from the same problem like we’ve seen with server balance with Blizzard stumbling again and again to try to find solutions. They had no plan at all and don’t have the technology to uphold an experience that they managed to do before with the same level of quality.

I get it a lot of people are just there from themselves and do not care for anything that doesn’t affect them. I can live with that and it doesn’t make it worse. I accept that I can disagree with people. I think even if it last a year or 2 that my time is valuable and I have a passion for this game for playing it so long that retail doesn’t really hit anymore.

I’ve started on fresh and have 7x80s with 4 of them clearing Ulduar on a rotation depending how I feel during that week and what groups need. Currently slowly leveling my warlock during off times or when I just want to chill. Haven’t used a boost yet and not planning too. Have cleared all hard modes on my main and kinda waiting on ToC I feel like most people.