Stop cutting tabards with belts

Literally as the title says, how is this STILL an issue, it wasn’t it issue then it suddenly was; during WoD it was fine then ( irrc ) Legion messed it all up! A simple fix is to make it a toggle, then to leave it alone. :slight_smile:


But tabards are supposed to go under belts to keep them in place, otherwise you have this massive piece of cloth flying all around when you move…


Yes, they can hold them in place but they shouldn’t cut off half of the tabard :slight_smile: and as I said they should be a toggle


the girls are using them for dresses now


Dang I like the few belt options I have to cut tabards. Pls don’t remove them.

But yes, a toggle would be good.

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Glad someone said it!


Oh yeah I like both! Just some mogs don’t work with the shirt tucked in kinda deal, if it was a toggle that’d be pretty neat!


The thing that REALLY irks me is how some tabards are cut for the belt, and others are not. Like… why? Look at this. There’s no rhyme or reason to it:

I also hate that tabards tuck in weird in the front with certain legs or belts. A toggle would be excellent.


Yeah! I’m not sure why they gave up for some tabards, it gives the same exact vibe of them putting so much effort for the front of boots- then to leave the back blank?? its so silly

A toggle would be the perfect thing to do! Hopefully, after all these years, they’ll make it a thing

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Cut the tabard with this belt!


Yeah, I sorta wish they didn’t do this.

A lot of the older tabard models look kinda bad because of it.

The solution is to use bigger belts that don’t cover the tabard’s lower flaps, at least that’s what’s worked for me.

“Thin” belts won’t work well and don’t look good. Unfortunately a lot of the newer and more modern belts are thinner.

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Feels like tabards are terrible on blood elves without a belt. :robot::thought_balloon:

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But then you put a belt* on, and it forces the tabard to be tucked in, which looks even weirder.

*most belts but not all, no real way to know without trying it on, lol

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For sure, the belt that I wanted to use was ‘Gilded Nightborne Waistplate’ and it’s not even clipping with the tabard ( in dressing room on Wowhead ) so I’m super confused :,)
toggles would work wonders ugh

Yeah! Hate how empty it feels without a belt :confused: everybody should have the option, especially when it comes to mogging! Almost defeats the purpose if you don’t have the full freedom that people deserve and have to work around it

This is true, it’s super annoying to have to look for an alternative when it should just be that you can use any belt without having it be hidden?

And even for people that actually want it hidden, some belts look so dope but the tabard is still there! So lame

Absolutely! Should work both ways! It’s just one of those things I hope they eventually sort out :confused:

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The weird thing is that it seems to be completely arbitrary which ones cut it off and which ones don’t. I just acquired a belt that has the stupid flap in back, as well as in front. (Which I hate, because it’s just ridiculous to watch it flap like some sort of bad tail as I run) That belt didn’t cut off my tabard. But a belt that didn’t have anything hanging in front or back cut off the tabard.



Yeah it’s so odd with stuff like that, it’s super random and for what lol

Hope they eventually sort it out but we’ll see, it’s been an issue for a longggg time

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ok i have thoughts on this

  1. i dont mind belts cutting tabards when they have the little hang down part. bUT
  2. its inconsistent. some belts cut, some straight up just clip into the tabard?
  3. ENOUGH WITH THE FLOPPY BELTS. not every belt needs a little piece of fabric hanging from it
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Adding another agreement. It looks pretty bad when the belt makes the bottom front half of the tabard disappear. Some pants/bottoms do this as well.

Its particularly bad when the belt cuts off the bottom front of the tabard, but not the bottom of back. At that point it just looks like my shirt tail pulled out and I haven’t fixed it.

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I was thinking about this while reading thise thread. Tabard/belt combinations can normally be categorized into to mostly disappointing boxes.

  • Tabard has flaps, but so belt is dangly and clipping through it.
  • Tabard has flaps, but has no texture in the belt area, belt is flat texture, but not a completely solid texture, leaving deadspace to see your chestpiece/shirt/skin underneath.
  • Tabard has flaps, belt is not dangly, but it has a 3d element that for some reason causes the texture of the belt to end up on the tabard flap.
  • Tabard has no flaps, belt is not dangly, but it has a 3d element.

I hate it so much, especially for dracthyr, I’ll be thinking “oh, I bet the belt piece would look nice with my armor in dracthyr form,” then I switch and can see my dracthyr’s crotch. :upside_down_face:


Don’t get me started on clipping! Ears into shoulders, weapons into capes, tabards into belts etc. I’m surprised there is still so much clipping 20 years later. I feel like modern game engines could handle things not clipping but the clipping in wow really makes the older engine show.

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