Stop crying

^ This.

I didn’t even know it was LFR.
I just kept applying to custom groups and getting declined.
(because I’m only ilvl 411?)

Got into a group with a friendly leader.

While we were getting into a discord she set up–group pulled & killed a boss in seconds.

We were confused, we thought it was going to be a challenge.

You mean paying costumers want their product to be in working order? HOW DARE THEY?!

It’s just that. Nothing more. They’re not serious themselves but will calm down when reality settles in. Obviously this sucks and it’s Blizzard’s fault. Be rational though. Quitting because day 1 there are bugs. I mean really?

Congratulations, you’re one of the lucky one’s it didn’t bug out on.

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It was very buggy. Weird resets for no credit and people getting stuck and having to hearthstone out of encounters.

When its buggy, and you’re not sure if Blizz is going to address it, it can be frustrating

i think it’s more the fact the raids are glitched than people being impatient. got into a group, 8 stacks of determination, and chromie was gone. had to leave, got the deserter debuff, and now i have to wait half an hour so i can try again. i’m a little miffed, but other than that, i’m not throwing a tantrum. instead, i’m gonna do my world-quests while i wait. :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: aw crap… can’t que for islands cause of debuff. :frowning:

Wow, the only issue I had today was getting into a group that added people with ilvl below 380, and people wiping because they didn’t know mechanics. Maybe there were just too many people in CoT and all the timelines got messed up :open_mouth:

What don’t people in GD threaten to quick the game over?

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It’s not fixed, you’re just lucky.

I don’t know why anyone would expect anything launched by Blizzard to run perfectly right off the bat. It’s almost more of an anniversary celebration when things are wonky on launch.

I’m surprised they’ve already got the mount/pet summoning fixed. Now, if they can just get Rag to stop time-warping everyone every two seconds…

I honestly have had no issues with it, AV is a grind. But I’ve absolutely have been decimating alliance with my lock, as well as summoning Icy Boi to lay down some extra hate. So overall

10/10 Absolutely wish they would keep this AV alive until the next xpac. I’m having way too much fun.