Stop Crying About Ret Pally

pallys unite

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Just being a holy Paladin, watching the ret pally dramaz

I have no problem with someone voicing concern over something and that is VERY healthy. But when it comes to the retribution paladin class, especially in recent days, let alone weeks or months, its been anything BUT healthy.

I would wager 90-95% of ALL the calls for nerfs and reductions were really NOT with balance in mind but rather with a bias and prejudice leading the forefront.

Alright then if it really honestly is about “balance” then nerf sub rogue, nerf demo lock, nerf hunter, nerf arms warrior.

Heck create a line in the sand and if ANY DPS class and I literally mean ANY of them so much as move a hairs thickness above that line then nerf them back down to be under that line like everyone else…but you and everyone else calling for ret paladin to be nerfed wont.

What you and everyone else calling for ret pally nerfs want but absolutely REFUSE to admit to is “nerf and destroy any class but ME.”

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Demo Locks have been nerfed in some fashion nearly every week. We just had Immutable Hatred nerfed in PVP today, last week we took in the pants for Fel Storm.

Whether you want to believe it or not I am going to spell it out for you right now. What YOU my friend literally just did was say “but warlock got.” Ok lets take you and take EVERYONE else along with you and balance them all out along the line, like I said. But no it will and will always be to the absolute end of time “anyone but me.”

Just like in your counter response to myself right now. Will scream and swear up and down is “anyone but ME.”

I hate to break it to you, sweetums, but whining and having a name-calling tantrum on the forums is only showing you to be a troll, and not a good one at that. Not only that, but your insults show a distinct lack of imagination. You are frankly boring me.

If you aren’t cogent enough to understand that there needs to be some kind of balance, instead of just buffing every spec to oblivion to match overly powerful specs, then you’re a lost cause at this point.

Says the Alliance from Moonguard of all servers. Holy crap, that’s funny. I take that statement back about you boring me.

Stopped here, you clearly don’t PVP… and PVE being overpowered doesn’t really matter imho.

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I stopped going for RSS because Ret Paladins. A six second stun and burst on a 1 minute CD means that unless I somehow kill them with the first set of CDs, they will kill me after all my defensives are gone.

The arguments against ret in PvP have been rather well-founded when suddenly a melee DPS brings 1 minute burst, a very long stun that only costs a GCD (not like Combo points), group utility in forms of BoF/BoP, an immunity that only two classes can deal with, and suddenly gains ridiculous survivability and healing. It’s like if you took Shadow Priest and removed all the cast times from all of their abilities and gave them better defensive abilities.

Personally when people tell me to stop doing something even when I’m not doing anything it makes me want to do that thing they don’t want done.

Nerf ret into the ground, it’s overpowered I hear.

I’m only level 69 rofl. I also do not care. I play casually at best and am not concerned with people who creep on my profile to tell me how “good or bad” I play.

Nice try though. Silly Willy.

I could care less about Ret being OP or not. I don’t PvP much at all, and I’m fine with any class in the group making my runs faster and easier. I would never call for another class to be nerfed.

That said, I’m laughing out loud at the old “It’s a skill issue”, and “L2P” lines. Did any of you watch the AWC yesterday? Those are the most skilled peeps in the world.

And Rets were deleting people.

It’s not a “skill issue”.

Sweetheart you play evoker. A lvl 19 twink class could kill you this isnt on ret paladin. But if you want to complain about yheir only actual form of CC…which you can trinket out of…that doesnt sound like a ret pally problem either.

t. ret pally

Classes should be balanced, not yo-yo from bottom to top and back again.

If a class is overperforming, it should be nerfed. End of discussion. There is zero reason, this late in the season, to allow Ret to be performing the way it has been the last couple weeks. That’s what this time period is for–balancing things better in preparation for the next patch. We’re not talking about nerfing them 3 weeks into 10.1, which would be much worse, but WILL happen if they are allowed to be broken when the patch goes live.

Honestly, I hate listening to anyone whine about nerfs. Nerfs and buffs happen to every spec, and it’s an absolutely essential part of the game. Let Ret go into 10.1 super busted and you’re going to have 5 in every RWF comp and 2 in every key. That’s bad for the game.

Five warriors timed a 28. To the ground, right?

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idk man they can bubble and pwn while only like 2 classes or something can do anything about it. so stupid.

My my! Arent you the pot calling the kettle black!

Must have missed this part. Anyway.

There is EVERY reason to allow ret paladin players to be doing this good. A LOT of people like ret paladin but it has been stuck in the dumpster since wrath of the lich king…which is roughly 11-12 years…thats a long LONG time to be an undesireable class and to be given the crap end of the stick. I think its time that they were decent again.

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I will actually like to see more ret pally cry

Even if this were true (and it’s not) that would still not justify them overperforming now.

The name of the game is balance. Being bad before doesn’t justify you being overpowered now.

Im saying this as a ret main they need to buff another class. Im sick of my raid being 7 rets in a heroic run I’m mediocre at ret I admit but its a class I main. I hate flavor of the month classes people who actually love their class get outshined by minmaxers it also makes it hard for any plate classes to get gear let alone paladins. Let the casters get some buffs as I havent seen alot of them lately just more melee.