Listen to you all, calling ret pally “flavor of the month” or “omg so busted!” Calm down, take a deep breath and let me explain this as realistically as possible.
First Ret Pally DOES NOT NEED NERFS OR CHANGES, lets start with this. Ret hasnt seen the light of day in so long as a viable class in basically ANYTHING unless that had a crap ton of IO score or pumped ridiculius numbers that other classes barely had to even think about. The current example being Sub Rogue, black powder into shuriken storm, throw in a secret technique and tadaaa! Not even the “over powered ret pally” can touch you on the meters.
The second thing is “they have so much representation! They deserve to be nerfed!” OR!!! There are A LOT more ret pally players, or players in general that WANT TO PLAY RET PALADIN OR HAVE DROPPED RET PALADIN because of how often other classes are taken over it that those players are coming back to it. People actually want to play ret paladin again and the community screaming for nerfs is the 1 for 1 equivalent of a restaurant saying “all are welcome!” Then getting mad cause an entire town shows up. Its silly and you look silly complaining about it.
Lastly, lets go back in time for a moment…when was the last time ANYONE called for ret pally nerfs or referred to them as FoTM? Was it warlords? No, Legion? Nope, BfA? Nuh uh, Shadowlands? Nope not there either! You all are so used to ret pally being a “free kill” and so used to never having to deal with them ever that your brain got used to the status quo and now that they pulled them out of the dumpster everyone is screaming like banshees that its “over powered.”
Ret pally isnt broke, and if you continue to assume it is after literal years of you never having to deal with it…I can only say 2 words…Git Gud
Will you pay my sub for me?
hahaha, oh my. this was good. 0/10.
The past is of no significance. All that can be changed by human willpower or action is the future, and that can only be altered as a consequence of choices in the present. So, the past is not an argument. Also, this is a video game.
As for the Ret Paladin situation in PvP – How is it remotely acceptable that thousands+ of players who were on steady tilts, climbs or pushes for seasonal goals have run into an impassable wall of being 2-shot through all their defensives?
It matters not which class is doing the 2-shotting,
but the fact that the situation has been going on for nearly a MONTH,
and the season is ending in a month.
Retpals should have been nerfed weeks ago.
People are paying to play this game, and when they cannot - they either stop queueing, or leave altogether.
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Which isnt happening. Funny enough that you mention being “2 shot through defensives” when sub rogue exists…demo warlock exists and basically throws 2 blade storming arms warriors at you. You mentioned that the past is irrelevant which sounds oddly convenient if youre willing to forego and not account for all the trouble ret paladins have gone through over the years. You sound like one of those people who joins BG’s and gets 1 tapped by another class but sees a pally pop wings off in the distance and goes “those darned ret paladins 1 shotting me!!!” While ignoring the hunter and warlock pets on you.
Wow! Guess what happened to the ret pally community as blizzard blatantly ignored their requests and foolish people actively requested their demise? But hey! Your bias and prejudice are showing!
You are actively the reason i REFUSE to touch pvp on my main, it rots your brain and turns you into a whiney "why isnt MY class the over powered noob stomper!?!?!? Why is it “insert class you particularly hate here”
You are twisting words and using political group-think to antagonize people.
Again, this is a VIDEO GAME.
Why can’t you understand what BALANCE means?
Are paladins supposed to be able to immune every other class’ burst (with the exception of two that can dispell their bubbles) AND have an immunity for when they are NOT bursting?
It seems like the re-design was genuine, it was meant to address issues but it wasn’t properly tuned with arena in mind.
Maybe not, but we all KNOW you’re gonna get them.
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Watch out y’all, OP is coming in hot
I did account for it actually. PvP in this game only accounts for a VERY VERY small minority of players, roughly 15% - 20%. You say that you get bursted by the ret, does every character suddenly not have burst? How many rogues have you went to burst on and OOPS blind into vanish and wait as the rogue sits out your burst while its 1:30 cd’s come off CD.
But lets look at all the tools ret paladin has yo hold you in place to get hit by burst
-Hammer of Justice…thats it!
Look at warlock:
-spammable fear
-mortal coil
-shadowfury stun
-pet stun
-tar trap
-steel trap
-concussive shot spam
-explosive trap
-Burst shot
-spammable polymorph
-frost bolt
-spell steal
-rewind time
-frost nova
-the ranged frost nova I forget
So on and so on. Not only that but for most classes they have MULTIPLE ways of setting their burst up, ret pally realistically only has 1: Run at you and pray to god trinket isnt up to cleanse hammer of justice
I could be mistaken, but the forums have me believing everyone that plays this game is deeply unhappy, but yet … they continue playing. Either it’s some kind of mass Stockholm syndrome, or the people online exaggerate their displeasure and grievances.
I think it’s the latter. They’ll get on here, have their little itch fit, their little “everything sucks and Blizz sucks BYEEEE,” & then log back on and play some more with friends.
Now they’re all complaining the nerfs weren’t enough. As if Blizz can only hotfix nerf once per year, no more, and this was it. As if they can’t watch and measure to see if additional nerfing might be needed.
It’s so exhausting haha. Some self awareness would be amazazing
Also a realization that at the end of the day, it’s a game. A GAME. If you’re not having fun playing a GAME then please leave. For your health. If you continue to play, acknowledge the game is still fun and give credit where it’s due
Paladins should take 50% increased damage from Rogues
Im speaking on behalf of my friend who mains ret pally. He ADORES the state they are in and when we run keys together its like listening to an excited kid in a candy store about how good it feels to play, how hes been waiting for this etc.
And then he comes here to the forums and reads literally everyone and their mother screeching to the heavens for his beloved classes downfall which is depressing and exhausting especially considering hes such a sweetheart.
In my mind people have an absolute prejudice against people who play ret pally, if they didnt why else would blizzard say “after overwhelming feedback we are nerfing the class that a good majority of people want to play but couldnt before. Because here at blizzard entertainment we dont have a spine and will cave at a whim to what the mob wants.”
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People take their classes too personally. As seen by this thread.
WoW is and has always been a PvE game.
Also note - The weakest dogs have the loudest bark.
Whatever spec is best, who cares. At the end of the day you will be world rank something for your spec. If you’re world rank 100 ret paladin, who even cares about that. It’s much more impressive to be world top 10 arcane mage or whatever. Even if the raw score is lower.
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I dont main ret pally, I main BM hunter. Im just taking a gander through the forums and using an anecdotal story of my friend who does main ret pally to try and show some support for ret pally players
You say this, but…
The devs say this… note in particular that Execution Sentence will be nerfed at a later date. The note above is AFTER the PvP nerfs that were already enacted on 24-Mar below.
P.S. I main a ret pally, but have not PvP’d since WoD. 
“Hi welcome to blizzard entertainment! Where we pander to the constant nagging of people when it comes to the one class we say we try and pull out of the gutter but never actually do! How can we further lick your boots clean for you?!?!?”
The above statement is all I see with this. These damage and defensive nerfs will kill ret paladin in pvp when they just got done taking it out of the garbage can they pulled it from.
The forum posts seem to be to be biased by those that are unhappy with the game. Those that are happy playing could well be an overwhelming majority, but they don’t post here because they’re busy having fun in-game. Subsequently, I think the forums do not represent the majority sentiment, which should be taken into consideration when the devs make changes (I believe the devs look at their own internal data and that any forum sentiment weighting in their decision process is very low).
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