Stop Crying About Ret Pally

“Ret paladin wasn’t meta before” and “Blizzard overshot their power level with the rework” are statements that are allowed to coexist.

That is a very “Press X to doubt” statement. If that WAS the case then the first round of nerfs toward ret paladin NEVER would have seen the light of day and the devs would have let things continue as they are. Instead we got “overwhelming feedback we have decided to do X to the class we JUST reworked”

Normally I would agree with you. But the sheer amount of ret paladin bias and anger towards the class trying to survive the constant witch hunts would suggest otherwise

It’s a spec in a video game, not a livelihood or an identity. I think you’re going to be fine.


The devs are wrong and are caving prematurely, because they didn’t learn their lesson about letting 12 wolves and one sheep decide what to eat for supper.

Every utility and CC we have is still dispellable, still the most kiteable class, still useless if CC’d during our massively telegraphed cooldowns, whiny people should L2P instead of crying for our burst to be further nerfed from 10.0.5. Starting with not putting literally everything you have on DR and having Shocked Pikachu Face one minute later because wings are 1min now, not 2!

It was MoP for me. I find the number of garbage BM Hunters complaining about us to be unforgivable. Where were these guys when their spec was globalling people with five unkillable Redpets? Go cry for Blizz to make MoP Classic, you’ll never see a Ret there. :triumph:

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Stop crying about people crying about Ret pally. The beating will continue until balance improves.

Ret being weak int the past isn’t justification for it being OP in the future. They weren’t slaves, or a marginalized group and aren’t getting reparations.

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When 5 ret paladins can time a +22 mythic dungeon, then there’s issues with the class being a little too OP, regardless of what your “friend” enjoys playing. We’ve all had our classed nerfed after a buff. This is nothing new, and it will continue on througout the lifespan of WoW.


I ignore all complaints about any class because I already know I’ve been playing this game long enough to know how it works there’s flavors of the month

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idk what u expect from this thread, people who don’t play ret arguing with people who play ret

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The problem is, every time the try to fix it they go way overboard and make a mess of the entire class while trying to overcorrect their initial clumsy adjustments.

I really dont see how this is overdone. Everything about a ret paladin can be cleansed off of them…literally everything. Unbound freedom isnt a thing anymore because everyone and their mother has a dispel now and spams it the moment you see freedom pop out.

Me and my best friend (the one who actually mains ret paladin) went back to back duels for about 2 and a half hours during the rework, after some explaining about whats happening the tide shifted to him consistently winning to me consistantly beating him, thats why I say it IS 100% a skill issue and nothing more, we also barely even pvp at all.

I have no problem with Ret doing great in any area of the game, provided there isn’t a big gear discrepancy with all involved.

When there is a significant gap on the low end with gear and the performance is nevertheless greatly superior, then I have an issue.

The latter seems to apply to Ret at the moment.

I mean the truth does tend to sting a bit doesnt it? Also judging you based off your current character I would feel pretty bad talking about anyone else if as a lvl 70 evoker I can get 100-0ed by a 19 twink ANYTHING. Heck a gust of wind does 30% of your hp bar :frowning:

The crying over ret paladin is the same kind of crying over feral druid, though no one is really screaming for feral to be nerfed right now because ret has all the aggro.

personaly idc that it’s ret in particular. just frustrates me to see even after 20 years they have no idea how to balance even if it was to save their life.

like it’s not even close.

im supposed to think they are great devs and things are going to go well in the future ? miss me with that heh

i can’t even blame it on being a new studio or whatever. it only gets worse 20 years later lol

I dont even think the buffs were that bad in all honesty. If you really think about it people are so used to ret being the red headed step child that at ANY sign it might be able to hold its ground people will let their very obvious prejudice rear its ugly head and then blame “the devs” or "its balancing issues.

If it really WAS about balancing issues as the druid pointed out, then people would be complaining about feral druid bleed damage…and theyre not.

People would be complaining about how Sub Rogue can stun lock and global you to death after popping secret technique and shadow dance…and theyre not.

People would be complaining about demo lock stun locking you into submission while both the felguard and Grimoire: Felguard are busy blade storming you to death at 75-80k a tick…and theyre not.

We very VERY clearly know what this is ACTUALLY about

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What’s the actual point of this thread? The nerfs are happening, nothing a level 15 alt with 9 posts that doesn’t even main paladin says is going to change anything. All I see here is you calling other people names because you think Blizzard hurt your friends feelings or something.

What is it you’re hoping to accomplish? Because so far, I’m pretty sure you haven’t accomplished it.


I don’t know numbers that are going around but I’ll usually see people complaining because they lost to one in PVP [because they themselves are probably not as good] or got outclassed on meters and want to bring them down while demanding their own spec they play be super duper buffed and be OP or else ''blizz do better job at balancing!" cries afoul.

The point of my posts sweetheart is to show support for ret paladin players. It very obviously isnt going to change what blizzard is planning because anyone with a 3rd grade education can figure out that blizzard ONLY listens to mob mentality, heck anyone who has been suspended from the game or even from the forums themselves can attest to that.

You throw out some bold statements yourself! Using the character im posting on, its level and how many total posts, if I was a betting lady, are tactics not really to engage with me on an intellectual level but simply to throw shallow remarks as if my characters level or multitude of posts has any relevance on what im stating…we call that an “illogical fallacy”

But one thing worth mentioning…it is oddly becoming that your first introduction of my thread came off how it did. You hail from WrA, the server as an old friend described it “Better left ignored seeing as Wyrmrest players will band together in groups and spam flag talking points in general chat just to get people silenced or suspended.”

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“crying”…you understand that adults don’t “cry”
about video games…yes?
that’s just something your parents tell you
not to do…“cry”…to silence you…
rather than engage in annoying discussions.
criticism and dissent are healthy elements
of an mmo…wow is shutting most of that down
with silences and censorships…one of the many
reasons people are leaving…adults aren’t going
to tolerate that nonsense…not while they’re paying

It’s called game balance. The point is to make dps equal across all classes so skill is what makes the difference, but Blizzard either cannot or refuses to do it. So “git gud” has nothing to do with it when one class is so overtuned above all others.