Stop Complaining About SoD Shaman

Shamans have always done this damage…This was my shaman in classic era.


Thats 100% the reason why I choose an Ele shaman for SOD. I played one on a pserver and had too much fun.

Only 2 classes I was scared of in Classic were SP and Ele. I played a NE hunter. =)

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They would probably be even more triggered if they realized I was resto spec in these clips lol.


You were not resto in these clips….

You can clearly see your LB and CL cast times and you at least have elemental fury because your shaman is pretty much the same gear as mine lol

I played a shaman in sod, they’re broken. Just let them whine who cares, the devs don’t seem to care so I wouldn’t worry anyways and sod is dead. There is no reason to pretend shaman are fine l2p, I literally main a shaman every server


nah, they haven’t always spread flame shock to 5 people in one button press and then gotten instant lava bursts that overload then follow with CL and earth shock to finish anyone still alive off.

to say they are remotely the same power level as era is disingenuous and one of 3 things will happen in P4:

-classes will either be brought up to parity or shaman will catch well deserved nerfs
-shaman/paladin will be given to both factions
-alliance will continue not queueing for BGs, have fun in AV


Some of the video had to be sped up to meet the 60 sec criteria for a youtube short. I used Natures Swiftness in every clip. That is a resto ability.


You can run 30/0/21 and still have NS. The only difference is having NS or EM

I’m just saying, I’ve been playing a shaman since Nost and I know what I am seeing lol.

You cannot reach these numbers without elemental fury even in full naxx bis

There is only 1 clip in there where you could possibly have been (full) resto. I’ll give you that one tho

But regardless, shaman in sod are opressive but it’s because of other factors not even pointing to damage output

21-0-30. More resto than ele. Only gave up mana tide.

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It doesn’t matter the bums will still complain. I can get on era and global half the classes in the game on my hunter/rogue but they will deny that people did damage in vanilla. It’s the reason why they ruined sod with the awful damage nerf. A boaring solution implemented by a dev team that has no ability or resources to actually balance the game.

I do think WoE is stupid and needs to be reworked to make shaman tanking fun again and hinder eles from using it. And that the extra flame shocks from burn should do less damage than they do on the main target. I still feel way more op and impactful on my hunter than I do on my shaman in both team fights and 1v1s.

The whole point of sod was for everyone to be op and broken and all anyone does is cry for nerfs cause they want boaring dampening retail arena fights… Even though people do more burst on retail than they do in sod. And we get this garbage damage nerf and the game is now on life support.

Until the devs realize the only way they can balance the game for both pve and pvp is with gear it will just be over for sod. Idk what the pvp gear is this phase but some pieces legit have less stam than the pve pieces… It makes no sense. Also worrying about game balance at 50 is pointless we should get to 60 see what everyone is working with and then worry about balance


This needs to be pinned. Lol

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25k crit chain lightning. not sure if stormstrike still stacks this way though.

Yep because the point of SoD was to keep the classes the same. Thats low IQ thinking right there


SoD logic:

-complains when warriors are top damage in raid
-“well our faction specific class always beats your faction specific class, that’s how it should be”

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People these days pretend Vanilla didn’t happen 20 years ago, that’s how bad the gas lighting has become.
Yes, we’ve known about the damage these specs can do for 25 years. The only people not in the know are 19 year olds.

“You didn’t play, you don’t know!!! I know better than you even though I’m 14 years younger!!!”

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Sod IS the same classes from vanilla with added abilities…and you’re talking like you want shamans weaker than their normal form from vanilla…like giving them new abilities…but making them worse than before…:joy:


not broken you are all really that good at wow… no one cares anymore anyway whats there is like 14 of you left playing sod? and id bet all shamans.


When did i say that? Something is wrong with this one 100%

Damn the 14 shamans who make up the bulk of the remaining SoD community sure are coping hard these days :frowning:

Hey dw guys only 15 more minutes in that que I’m sure

But yeah shamans totally aren’t op :rofl:


I got my druid to lv50 and honored with Emerald Dream and I got my rogue in Cata ready for raids next week, working on pvp gear for arenas now… and Im leveling an alliance mage to play with some buddies on Benediction.

Dont know about you guys but I’m still having fun.

It is grotesque how Blizzard’s leniency has fueled the Horde’s arrogance and entitlement. This is precisely why this shaman lied about being resto spec, as if it were necessary to further boast about the imbalance. Blizzard has coddled them for too long, and they would wail and moan like spoiled brats if forced to play fair. At least some shamans are decent enough to admit the gross imbalance without gaslighting the Alliance on the forums.