Stop Complaining About SoD Shaman

The daily shaman gaslighting is funny. Nerf them to oblivion.


go peep the Cata forums, it is a cathartic experience if you’ve been maining alliance for the duration of SoD


this one is probably the funniest though

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Another paladin people… carry on nothing to see here. LOL “play fair…” LMAO!

thats a max level shaman in full nax / bis tho. Theyre doing THAT gameplay NOW in 50 gear. not a good sign. not a good sign at all


We use to always have slave labor also but that doesnt make it right. Your logic is flawed

Why are you still here?

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Right on cue. Took the bait.

There is no bait _____ (fill in the blank).

This coming from an alliance player of the last 10+ years.

<---- Alliance toon from Classic. For SoD my guild decided on horde just because. =) I’m so glad I choose Ele Shaman.

6 days left on sub


thank you, someone had to take out the alliance TRASH!

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What people aren’t realizing is the iteration of Season of Discovery shaman is essentially Cataclysm era shaman by design.

It just works.

Perhaps other classes need to duplicate the same approach? I don’t see the same complaints on Cata. However, enhancement shaman in PvP over in Cata classic is a beast and I don’t see many of them. You will hear about them soon enough I’m sure

the same complaints aren’t in Cata because

  1. they aren’t faction specific
  2. they aren’t the clear winner, there are no down sides to any of your runes in SoD, everyone else in Cata is way stronger than they are in SoD
  3. humans can’t be shaman and they have THE pvp racial now

also no way, if I wanted to play a version of paladin using holy power, I’d play the vastly superior retail version. the only thing cata has over retail ret is stronger WoG (on a 10 sec CD with talents though) and stronger flash of light.

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I agree that Shams are about the same on SoD as Era. If anything, Shams have worse matchups in SoD vs. melee (Rogues/Warriors) and are about the same against everyone else. Warlocks still hard counter Shams with Curse of Tongues.

The biggest differences in SoD are: 1) the ridiculous, passive AoE damage you can put out with Flame Shock, 2) mana is effectively a non-issue, and 3) dual spec + Elemental is actually decent in raids so you see more Ele Shams out in the wild than you do on Era.

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I miss when Ele were rare cuz Enh was OP. =(

here i am again, a 15+ year shaman main + vanilla main

Shamans are completely outlandish and anyone who claims otherwise is not only hiding something but inconfident (in sod)

Main character syndrome


Clerics stand no chance against shaman, i agree

Everyone else in Cata is stronger. What is wrong with bringing everyone up to Cata strength? Paladins having a stronger flash of light and WoG heal, even on 10sec would be great, no?

Shaman SoD is Cata Shaman, minus some extra flavor Cata has over SoD, the core identity and strength remains nearly identical.

If Shaman works on Cata era, what can be taken from other classes on Cata era, that allow the shaman to coexist without people complaining about them? Why do you say no to this? What then do you suggest that isn’t a complete rework of SoD?

What can they change with SoD shaman? Remove malestrom weapon? Reduce it’s effectiveness via damage/healing when used? Remove the mana cost reduction while using maelstrom? What about Lava Burst and flame shock? Reduce the damage to the point where shamans are now a punching bag and no longer a threat? What is the sweet spot where someone, somewhere, isn’t going to be subjected to a 3 spell crit combo from a shaman and cry nerf?

I’ve played shaman and other classes since vanilla. My experience is from both factions. Anyone blanket claiming shaman is some extraordinary specimen, even in SoD, is grossly inexperienced when it comes to playing with/against players who utilize their classes toolkits efficiently and effectively. Shaman just have an easier time executing results via their vast toolkits and are rarely punished for doing so clumsily, which most shaman seem to do. GCD and shared cool downs for things like snare or interrupt are windows of opportunities for classes but are rarely taken advantage of. A tremor totem pulses every few seconds and is destroyable, forcing the shaman to use GCD to place a new one. Too lazy to fear or sleep the shaman around this? Too bad, you don’t stand out against that warlock who casually seduces and fears a shaman effortlessly while stomping the tremor.

Paladins just lose against shaman, always have, even since vanilla. Maelstrom just streamlined the casual pacing about it. Elemental really hasn’t changed other than shortening the window of bursting the paladin down via lava burst being added to the rotation and rare (1v1) surge procs.

I mean if you wanna advocate for Paladins to have Cata WoG just remember what you asked for if we get it.

we don’t have holy power though so it needs to heal us as if we had 3 holy power.

either give paladins AoW heal or make MSW take a healing penalty for enhance and remove/reduce flame shock spread from burn for ele. that’s all shamans need for balancing changes go as far as I’m concerned.

if we got 3 holy power WoG on a 10 sec cooldown the amount of NERF PALADIN threads would be unreal. WoG healing in Cata is cracked, basically like your MSW healing wave pre blanket DR/HR but on a 10 sec cooldown, and I don’t want it because I know it’d be busted

Maybe some type of gdkp where you purchase the ability to summon the exclusive right and likeness of renting a cleric would work better