Stop Calling Them "Seasons": A Plea to Blizzard

They barely used it.

I just remember it because that patch came out alongside Season 3.

Season 4, the fated season, now I’m not even sure that one had a name.

Because it was just recycling raid tiers into fated raids, there wasn’t anything actually new.

Question, what is the difference between the fall of the Lich King patch of Wrath of the Lich King and the Guardians of the dream patch of dragonflight?

They both had an arena season, they both had a raid tier, they both had narrative elements introduced and legendary axes, aside from the dragonflight patch just having more content added in general, this worry about numbered seasons taking away narrative elements is silly because we have the same narrative elements released patch by patch. The main difference is that now, they are uplifting the lowest tiers of content each season instead of only raising the ceiling for the raid content.

Idk. I’m more or less on the same page as OP, kinda mind blowing that people are angry about his suggestion. Nothing constructive, just “you’re wrong” despite the ease with which you can sift through the forums or Reddit to see what players are calling things throughout the years.

I’d borderline say OP is just right.


I just don’t personally see the negative connotation with the word “season”.

League, Diablo, WoW, pretty much any online competitive game has them.

Also, we know they’re gonna ‘wipe the slate’ every few months, so to speak. To get us to earn new stuff, etc.

I guess I really don’t see a problem with it, because it’s just words.

The game and the stuff within are really all I care about, not some patch title that may or may not exist lol.


Because there isn’t.

Okay but wow was basically always seasonal idk if it matters what it’s called.

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It’s dull.

Is it?

I like it, seasons make sense.

And every other game uses “seasons” so why not? Commonality between games, so players understand.

It was attached to their Reveal video for the season content and patch notes. Even during Wrath of the Lich King, that’s about as far as you would see it.

I think its a reflection on the current audience of the game and how far we’ve been separated from this revolutionary concept of narrative and framing within an RPG. :slight_smile:

Well, they’re seasons. Naming them something else isn’t going to change how they operate or any sort of supposed consequences.

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And would probably confuse players who are like “So is it just a season then? Because that’s what other games call them.”

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Very. Hell, if people were satisfied just seasonally rotating things around, we wouldn’t have progressed to timewalking in our M+. Diablo wouldn’t have had numerous themes for their season, and League wouldn’t be completely shaking up its own meta for its seasons.

I don’t think it’s all in a name, but I do think WoW has a propensity to be remembered by season, at least since DF’s launch, rather than by major feature or by anything flavorful. Arguably since Shadowlands.

Idk, to me it’s like complaining that the words for the stat “critical strike” is dull or something, and should be renamed to “lucky hit” instead.

I think it just creates more confusion and ultimately isn’t needed lol.

Especially if other games use the same terminologies.

It’s not a problem for the vast majority of players, the names.


Crit is a game mechanics, so the confusion thing is a sensible concern. The seasonal view of MMOs is fabricated, to begin with. It isn’t even normal for MMOs, let alone WoW. We used to view it patch to patch, as far as sterility goes. Usually people just talked about the raid that was primarily featured, as previously mentioned.

A damn bit better than “season x”

That’s cool and all, but none of those people even look at this forum, so I think this is kind of moot?

Seasons being used as a name for PVE content started with Mythic Plus when it changed from challenge mode dungeons for cosmetics to an end game pillar.

They did not stop naming patches because of seasons and they still haven’t.

Missing the point seems to be a pastime for you in this particular thread.

By that I mean, it’s not a problem I’ve ever heard of in-game lol.

Yes, the forums are a minority, but a lot of complaints here I can also see in trade chat if I pull up the game.

Stuff like M0 or delves being too difficult, which there are posts on right now.

Anyway, seasons only really started existing in PvE due to M+, they’ve always existed since arena was added in TBC, for PvP.

Seasons are pretty old, just PvE players might not realize it until Legion with M+.

They just had different tiers instead, up until that point.

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And I’m agreeing, but I don’t know why this is some reason for OP to not care about it.

It’s both an interesting discussion and entirely harmless. It’s not like OP has a pitchfork and torch out.