Stop calling our characters champion


I see I’m in the minority here. People prefer simplicity, homogeneity, redundancy, and repetition. The argument that “we’d be a known commodity” at this point is a good one, therefore we’d bear an appropriate title.

But i think that benefit has ran its course so i humbly disagree.

I think your first line seems a bit silly. It’s not that it’s simple, it just makes sense, immersion. I can’t picture helping Azeroth and still be considered nothing. (Except by those who don’t know us like I mentioned earlier).

And again, there is classic now. Sure, no Panderens, but you have simple clothing, it’s hard to get gold, mounts, you don’t do raids til 60, dungeons are all that go here and kill stuff. I am pretty sure you don’t get called a hero there.

And that title is “Champion.” Unless you want to go back to being an actual class leader and get called “Grandmaster”? Because monk isn’t a title, it’s a job description. It would be like calling someone “clerk” or “barber” or “garbage man”.

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I would actually be very okay with being called garbage man/woman by every npc.

I’d rather them just not use any descriptor to talk to us. I mean “Follow me.” would be just as good as “Follow me, champion.” but it wouldn’t overuse the term (overuse being the reason I’m tired of it).

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No, my argument is you’re being nit-picky.

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Of course you would. You’re pandaren. It’s specific to the character you play.

Actually I just think it’s funny. :slight_smile:
Pandaren characters are cute as a button in my opinion!


Yeah, I was kidding.

I’ll admit, I got tired of Kul Tirans calling me “mainlander”

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The argument, if you don’t like this one thing then go play a different game is juvenile.

I think being called champion every 2 seconds ruins immersion and would prefer if we improved it by acknowledging our characters specifically and i think adding class references would be the easiest way to go about that.

Well actually, they call us hero or champion cause it saves money on recording each line for every imaginable name ever. Not even counting the werid accented characters people use, numbers and etc.

Though in all honestly, i prefer to be called adventurer cause nothing i do is special then the other people. “Oh you killed Deathwing, stopped the burning legion and The lich king? great, your the 10th gazillionth person i come across who has those accomplishments.” What makes me a champion especially? That i breathed air?

This is funny. I have heard the same exact thing on SWTOR after the last two expansions. We are called commander instead of Jedi/Sith (or whatever class you may be).

That’s why i see these arguments that it’s immersive to be called champion as trite. We’ve all done it. I’d rather at least be acknowledged with my monk kin over the whole of azeroth.

Yeah they’ll never add a full voice system that does our names. I’m hoping just our classes.

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I have no problem being called hero or champion on my Alliance, but it irks me on my horde characters most of the time.

I wish the Horde had more ranks in their lore than just Warchief. I never hear what kind of Leadership Baine or Nathanos has. So you’re either Warchief, or…not the Warchief.

I’d prefer that Horde would get a “name” for being a hero or champion that the voice actors would call out. We have words like “Lok’tar Ogar” and “Mak’gora” so why not a name for a prestigious title?

Something like, “Keel’kek”

Well that would be cool, but the problem would be if a new class comes out atfer that expansion is over, what happens? :man_shrugging:

Do Blizzard go back and add a voice line for that class (possibly screwing up the continuity of the voice acting) or do Blizzard just makes a non-descript term like “fighter” or “protector” or “healer” ahead of the time?

Highly unlikely to add more classes but that yet to be seen next expac.

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perhaps you should make a better game than WoW

Its cheaper to say champion then monk/ demonhunter / shaman etc.

Also it would mess up if they added a new class and do the voice acting. Champion is used when your name would be.

Anyways I can imagine how most voice actors would say or try to say my name given enough time.


…of the worldddddddddddddddd /sing

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Once again, the old argument, leave my community if you want to change anything.

My response, is no i don’t think i will. And no, i will never stop sharing what i think could improve my time in Azeroth.