Stop calling our characters champion

First off considering how little voice acting is in the world during questing aside, stop calling all our characters “hero” or “champion”.

I’m a monk. For extra flavor my most time spent on it is windwalker.

It’s a tiny change but one that would add immersion into the game. We are our characters.

Jaina calling me hero in casual conversation completely shuts me off, but reference my actual character, I’m more likely to listen. This is immersion, and the game could use some more of it.


We champion the causes of our respective factions. Therefore, we are indeed champions.


I’m not saying we’re not champions. I don’t understand the benefit to stating this.

It’s a call to add immersion to the game, there are times where it’s appropriate and awesome to reference the champion status. There are times when it’d more immersive to reference us by our class. Or even our spec, if it’s possible.


Yeah I wasn’t a fan of being called a troll through all of BFA.


They call us champion and hero because otherwise they’d have to pay the voice actors to record a million different variations of the same dialog.


I agree… I seethed through most of legion because of this very thing…

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I suck at math. But I’m confident 12 classes is not a million.


Dude,we pretty much earned the title as we progressed, we went from some nobody murder hobo people wouldn’t give a toss about to a hero which is ideal in the MMORPG genre. Hells,one could argue almost any genre given video game are a power fantasy and for said power fantasy to happen one simply can’t be some nobody rando especially given the tasks done have rung up and warranted great notoriety. In a power fantasy,why would you just wanna be boring ol’ joe schmoe?


If the voice calls the character “champion” or “hero” instead of something more personal, like “warrior” or Troll", then only one voice actor recording is needed to cover all characters.

You may notice many times where the quest or npc interaction text will use your character’s name but the voice just says “champion”.

It’s easy to make a text variable coding that uses the character name.
It’s not so easy to make multiple voice recordings (one for each race or class) and have the correct one selected at the time.


So your argument, like many others here, is that doing less is fine? Less depth is ok? Blizzard has done enough?

Yeah our names would be hard, but 12 classes is hardly overwhelming. Furthermore, champion is still our title, its ok to be used. But in casual conversation with Jaina or whoever sounds lackluster.

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I want a npc to say my name badly

look I’m a warlock I’m no champion, i could care less about the causes the horde and alliance want me to put on display, if the alliance told me to kill alliance members for more power aka to summon a better demon I would, if the black harvest had me do something against Azeroth I would. I’m the bad guy in my story

If it makes you feel better I think Blightcaller has started calling us Chumpions,

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12 different voice recordings, for each and every voice communication in the game??? So the “correct” one can be selected based on the class of the character interfacing with the NPC???

That’s a TON of extra recordings, which equates to a ton of extra storage space on the servers, and a ton of extra costs to pay the voice actors. Just so you can hear “Monk” instead of “champion”.


I don’t know, “Champion” sounds more respectful to me than “monk”.


Game development is a business first & Blizzard doesn’t have unlimited time or money.

When they factor in the cost of having multiple takes of dialog vs one all encompassing line of dialog, it probably makes a lot more sense for them to just have one.

You also have to factor in how many people actually care about a change like that. The majority of people probably are not bothered enough by not having personalized dialog to warrant a change like you are suggesting.

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I want the NPCs to call me “bro”


I like to headcanon that they call me “Champion” because I slayed the Lich King one too many times while wearing only my underpants, and they realize I’m an imbecile but am also bewilderingly competent at what I do. So they bestowed upon me this title, albeit grudgingly.


Says you.

My hunter has survived for so long. She deserves to be called champion and hero. I like the way it had gone. You start with classic/vanilla zones where you are just some adventurer. Slowly you become hero, than champion. It makes sense for them to actually trust you, and believe in you.

Sure the Kul’tiras have no idea who you are. The Zandalari could care less at the start. But Jaina and Lore’thmar, Tyrande and Baine, even Slylvanas all have seen you help save Azeroth every single time. (Because a bunch of elite powerful beings can’t actually do anything apparently). So they trust it to you. (Nathanos is probably the few that don’t bother, but you know he’s the leader of nothing, so he can shut his mouth).

If you don’t want that, well classic is now open. It only makes sense after every expansion for us to actually be known.

You know what I find unimmersive? Being treated like I am a poen or a grunt. At lv20 or 30, you should be called your class. At lv120, that’s when you should be called champion or hero.