Stop blaming your loses on rets and WoG

Unh not frost lol

is this dude still going

hows the 18 hundo life


OP i got some news for you, The ret talent healing hands is currently overtuned and making WOG over perform. So yes currently ret is overpowered mainly because of that and its not to say that wog should be useless and not heal for anything but mainly that it shouldnt be making ret go from 1% to 80% in a single cast. Thats a big thing people want.

Part of your success is because of the state of the class you play, Its the very start of an xpac and things are bound to be out of tune, ret just happens to be one of those specs and again its because of the talent healing hands.

lmfaoooo wym still going you can dead see he came at me first.

and better than the 1600 life :joy::joy:

Your mmr is 1600, and you havnt played any games in the past week.

Do everyone a favour and shut up. You’ll never get over 1900. WoG will get nerfed, and you’ll disappear.

Go do your homework kid

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lmfaoooo why you do this to yourself ? knowing damn well you dont have a 2k achievement and i do :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:. you like having melt downs? LMFAOOOO

Dior 10/10 troll godspeed


:joy::joy::joy: Imagine being 1800 on a ret pally in 2s and talking all that smack. LMFAO. Talk to this thread when you’re at least 2400 you badkid :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

u had a warrior spinning on your face while a ret with wings coming right at you. U also had BOTH freedom and pony available and didn’t use either to put some distance in, instead just moved back n fourth. was deff more u could do

yea let me just move away from the target im ccing.

i hoj’d him and was going to blind off. instead i die in a global.

have some awareness.

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this is the worst thread of all time

just line the wog


literally every team has a ret

Ya that’s pretty standard in the 1400s

it’s all I see from 1200-1700, based on the leaderboards, it doesn’t change when you go higher.

It does. I’ve been queueing between 2100 and 2300 and I now see a ret maybe one in 7 games give or take.

I see a LOT of RMP, Thug, and Shadowplay though

you: 10 plus years playing wow- highest rated bracket achieved- rival.

me: 2 months and a half playing wow- highest rated bracket achieved- rival

you:no elite mog

me: with elite mog

you: crying on forums

me: giving advice on how to cc chain and set up kill windows to easily counter rets.

gg no re pleb

just make flash of light powerful, at least you can kick that lmao

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Holy #$#@ I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time hahahahaa

This can’t not be a troll thread tho…? Nobody seriously believes this (OP), right?

you’ve actually lost more games than you’ve won in 2s and are 1300 in 3s with 300 games and you have the audacity to call others bad…?