I very rarely played with anyone that was multi r1 on my mage
I just q with guildies friends or lfg
I very rarely played with anyone that was multi r1 on my mage
I just q with guildies friends or lfg
Yeah bringing up XP to win an argument is mad dumb no matter who you are. Shows that you don’t have anything else so you have to fall back on that.
Increase the CD of alter time to 2mins?
The only reason XP was ever brought up is because you act like everyone else is an idiot and fire mages aren’t insanely good or forgiving right now lmao
You also act like I have no idea how to play against them, I even play the spec too and I’ve never talked to a single good mage that thinks they’re not dumb rn
I never even said anything specific should change, just that it’s stupid to think that mages can’t cover their combusts, a combust getting purged is either massive luck or a massive mistake, especially when the biggest portion of the damage is almost immediately when you meteor then combust double fb with infernal cascade
You can get your combust purged after that but the meteor has already snapshotted
Snapshotting was removed after MoP, I guess you’re still stuck in the past.
Sure mage is strong right now, but let’s not act like nothing can be done to pull out a W.
You have no idea how meteor works lmao
Snapshot does exist for specific things (feral bleeds, meteor)
No one said that
Just that the counter play you suggested was not at all right rofl
If a mage is getting a combust purged that’s not their opponents counterplaying them
That’s the mage outplaying themselves
You only complained about CDR, so that was flip side of the coin to deal with it.
It was a comment on general gameplay strat, not how you specifically play.
Depends on the context of when that gets let through.
Only saying, there is counter play. Mages are not invincible. Otherwise we wouldn’t see arms with equal representation and shadow not far behind, nor would we see as much diversity as we do in the top 50 bracket in 3v3.
Strong yes (as are others), invincible no.
I’ve seen Dillon in the forums here for years, and even pulled for him in bfa when i saw him in the AWC’s (imo he was like the little engine that could.) I trust his judgment and analytical skills regarding balance tbh.
And this is really the issue. Fire mage is meant to be a tempo playstyle in the sense that with proper escaping, kiting, and cross cc, you can bring up your tempo (combust) faster than the opponents can recover their defensives.
But its not working properly in its current iteration, when poly auto-removes dots (thereby lowering the skill floor of the cc itself,) rogue combo points stay with the rogue instead of their target, fire mage having access to all schools of magic (and their forms of cc,) and also the combust can very easily 100-0 someone in a single go even without proper dmg help from the rogue.
When you also add in the fact that fire mage has alter time and 3 different bubbles, it becomes an elephant in the room that needs some tuning. It is very difficult to punish misplays by the mage in this super-forgiving iteration, combined with truly exceptional burst that any spec would be proud to have.
That’s really what I was getting at, sorry if it was misconstrued. Dillon has been a r1 player for like 7 years, if he has managed to also make some friends at r1 while also playing what is largely an offmeta spec for many seasons in those years, that’s good for him.
Wishing you all the best in your games.
What WOULD your proposed changes be?
No I didn’t complain I just mentioned that it’s a major factor too, you can always get the CD shorter than things like gladiator’s medallion
Infernal cascade is probably too strong
Have seen other top mages recommend triune as just one buff or just reduced absorb
I’m still not a fan of nerfs in general though, I mostly think infernal cascade is absolutely broken for frontloaded combust damage. It’s just too easy to get out fire mage damage and there isn’t actually that much you’re going to be able to do besides trade a CD
And it’ll only get even stronger once the xpac progresses
Having all of combustions power frontloaded is very difficult to deal with, and any time you see a meteor you can’t even be positive if they’ll combust it
But I thought meteor snapshotted? So shouldn’t you know immediately when meteor is used if it’s going to be combusted or not? Or are you contradicting yourself again?
It doesn’t snapshot on the cast, it’s about half a second after the meteor has been used
So you can meteor, wait half a second then combust double fb and you get the infernal cascade benefit
By the time you react the damage has already been done and you can follow up with the instant pyro, it comes out super fast
But you don’t really get to know immediately when you see the meteor
This is how you can hit people with meteor even if they blink or use mobility away, because it registers hitting before it’s actually landed
That’s pretty lame, they should change that.
Entirely unlikely they will change it whatsoever, that’s how meteor has always worked anyways
They just need to nerf infernal cascade. Combust has just become far stronger than it ever was in BfA and it was incredible then, infernal cascade just puts things over the top. Like BfA combust was scary, but now you have 25% more damage baseline because crits got buffed in PvP, rune of power got changed and is another major modifier (lining up combust with incanters was never really done and even then it doesn’t have anywhere near the uptime or high end strength of rop which gets applied on cast of combustion) and then another 20+% buff for just fireblasting twice during combustion is just absurd to the strength in that button
Really sad. It’d be cool if they’d just shorten the animation to line up with the damage.
And do what with the legendary?
literally delete it from the game ez
This guy makes these same posts. He is attention starved and wants everyone on the forums to acknowledge his existence.
Obv you have to give it to rets, so it will automatically give them magic bubble, actual bubble, and bop when they fall below 20% hp. Imo 30 sec cd on the proc.