Stop Blaming Your Loses On Mages And Triune Ward!

been in this forum for a few days now. and its
nothing but crying.

imagine crying for a nerf because you don’t know how to dispel combust or shields :joy: :joy: :joy:


Nothing like spending 8 seconds of GCD’s dispelling while the mage and his partner do whatever they want.


And what are your partners doing??

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Sounds like a git gud issue


dad stop

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Imagine not being a mage/priest/shaman that can spam “dispel” or purge/spellsteal…dang you mean 3 whole classes in the game can have a chance at countering it? Oh wait…I forgot Demon Hunters you see tons of them right? Oh and fel hunter warlock pet but they also can’t spam dispel its a 10-15sec CD…

I guess those other 9 classes that don’t have a spammable purge/dispel should just git gud…lets not even talk about combust being entirely instant cast burst…oh just stun them on it well they’ll trinket because wtf else is a mage going to trinket? Lets not talk about aoe instant CC or spammable poly or instant cast root or a spell that can do 35% of someone’s HP or the fact if you kick any cast they still have 2 other schools to cast from (3 if you count the night fae cov ability that 90% of pvp mages run) on top of getting a 90% slow after being cc’d thanks to their night fae cov…on top of a cheat death (cauterize) on top of a 10 second immunity (iceblock) that can heal them to full HP now oh but just mass dispel it right? Well what if you’re not a warrior/priest guess he’s going to full HP huh? Those other 10 classes should just gift themselves a mass dispel…oh…then there is Alter Time that can ALSO take them from almost dead back to full health…whilst running around the whole game with 17k absorb shield that’s half of most players health pool if you’re really struggling you can pick up blast wave for a 70% slow that is equal to the strongest melee slow % in the game lol…oh and for that rare situation you really need to cast…you can always start casting and blink while casting to negate line of sight or avoid being kicked…

I guess blizzard just doesn’t give all classes that kind of tool kit paired with some of the highest burst in the game that only 3 classes can effectively dispel…except if you sheep them…or hell lets pretend they kick your sheep and you have to dragon’s breath ring of frost them…since you can cast from 3 schools…by the time they can dispel your combust(if they are one of 3 classes that can reliably do so) they are probably instead SPAMMING a defensive cooldown while scrambling desperately to line of sight the mage because the mage already has 20k+ dmg in the air…but ya dude people just don’t know how to dispel combust 4head

Ya know…just to be sure I even went and checked the spell book on my paladin, monk, warrior, rogue, druid, death knight, hunter, warlock and I for the life of me just couldn’t find that damn dispel to put on my action bars…


Probably sitting in a 8sec sheep followed by a 4sec sheep(if he trinkets the first) followed by another sheep and possibly a dragon’s breath prior to or following because that’s what good mages do before pressing combust…how many of them seconds do you and YOUR partner really need to kill someone especially if your partner is a rogue that has them stunned? Also I’m going to assume you are running klepto pvp talent so you stripped away any possible buffs they had to help them stay alive before pressing combust too right? Is it 1 partner? 2 partners?


…So your complaints are that when they use their dispellable burst you take damage, you have to think about what you kick, and not EVERY class can instantly remove their major defensive cooldown?

God forbid you have to dispel or kick a poly.


dude…troll more…stop calling it dispellable burst…THREE out of 12 classes can dispell it and one of those is a mage…what is there to kick during combust? Its literally ALL instant cast…so LEGIT NINE classes can’t dispel combust or triune…are you stupid or just can’t do maths? for that matter a rogue’s burst is dispellable and so is a warriors…you just press altar time or sheep it or nova it or dragon’s breath it into a sheep…god forbid you sheep the healer the only one on the team that CAN dispell a poly outside of shadowpriest mass dispell…just stop…seriously

Anyone who would legit try to defend fire mage in its current state sounds like nothing but a child showing his butt because people are trying to get his new toy taken away…you had nothing to say to ANY of the other things in that post…with that massive tool kit somehow your LOW CR behind manages to think thats perfectly okay…

your only rebuttal is literally nothing…you can’t dispel if your playing one of the NINE out of TWELVE read: 75% of classes can’t dispel your burst…so if you aren’t playing a “lucky 25%” you should kick poly? Like you can’t cast poly while moving? Even if you’re a complete scrub and use double shimmer to land it? Even if poly gets kicked you can’t instantly blink dragon’s breath ring of frost them to get the same CC to pop your combust? OH and since you use the line…“whats your team mate doing?” whats the mages team mate doing to help him land that poly or whats he doing while the mage is spamming out 40k+ damage of instant cast spells with his combust?

Go home Karen…you’re drunk…after you sober up change your title from “don’t blame your loses” to don’t blame your LOSSES…at least learn the singular/plural forms of a word if you’re going to have it in your headline and especially if your going to try to post about class balance/design…how does a tiny brain do that when they can’t even get their title right…


Yeah you kinda got ratio’d

Get kicks cc the person that can dispel if that’s your concern

rebuff ai and press barrier if you really need to and pop combust woah


Look bud I don’t have the time to respond to all of your rambling, but arena isn’t 1v1. There’s a high chance you’re playing with one of the dispel classes, and if not, big whoop. CC him, do something. You can’t dispel any other class’s burst like you can a mage. I’d like to see you try to dispel a boomy’s incarn convoke.

Your only argument is that you run a comp that doesn’t utilize comp diversity to have the streangth to counter the class you most hate. What kind of sense does that make?

I’d appreciate if you’d cool it on the personal attacks, I won’t do the same to you.

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Has to be a troll

All of my rambling? AH…now we are getting somewhere…so no matter what anyone says its rambling you don’t have time for yet you post on a public forum because you feel what you have to say is so important and accurate you don’t even need to argue your argument you’re just right…dang if I could be like that when I grow up…

So you can’t Klepto all of a resto druids burst healing off with one button press? Mages have the best purge in the game LOL…a GOOD mage…is most likely going to be on stun/fear/sheep DR when he pops his combust as to not get stopped and big surprise with 12 classes and only 3 that can purge your combustion you’ll be playing a lot of comps that can’t…no you can’t dispel a boomy’s incarn convoke…but you can kick convoke or in your case counterspell it from range effectively shutting down his big burst with one button press…and a lot more classes have an interrupt than a purge. That boomy also doesn’t have a 1min cooldown alter time to take him from full hp to 20% and back…he also doens’t have an iceblock to sit in and go to 100% HP he also isn’t running around the map with a 17k absord shield…I actually don’t hate mage. I play mage and I KNOW how busted it is but I’m willing to admit it and not lie to myself its balanced or try to randomly white knight it on the forums just because A. I’m having fun or B. its giving me easy wins…

I’d appreciate it if you would do the same…


This points out exactly why people lose. They waste their kick and then get free sheeped and wonder why they’re dead.

Also, I don’t know if you were aware, but polymorph can only be applied to one target at a time, so if the dispeller is not the healer we’re back to square one.

git gud monk keke

I’m quick and concise, you’re taking 12 sentences to get out one thought.

Why were you dring the mage when he wasn’t doing anything useful?

Kick the poly and combust is useless.

Do I need to explain to you that different classes are different? Mage doesn’t have undispellable poly, nor can it turn into a bear, nor can it offheal. Need I go on?

Just dispel alter. Can’t say that about bear form.

My highest lvl mage is 45.

There are plenty of times you don’t really have the option

Yeah good thing you can’t just sheep the off target then blink db ring while kill target is stunned

wow now no one can stop you

There’s actually so many different ways to cover for yourself on combusts and since you can cdr it it’s just such a silly statement to say lmao. You can just have inevitable moments where you set things up and there isn’t much anyone can do about your go

Don’t think you’ll even find any good fire mages defending it

They’re literally better than they were in BfA rofl


Pro tip, play relentless and you can’t get rung/sheeped off breath, and if you do manage to somehow you still have relentless. If you’re a human you still get trinket too. It’s honestly kind of busted.

Maybe with my advice you’ll win the AWC, msg me if you need any more help.

Good thing I haven’t even talked about defensive cooldowns yet.

I didn’t play BFA but I can’t imagine mage rn is better than triangle formation lock mage spamming bolt/gpy

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Hello Mage reroll.
